February Events
79 topics in this forum
- 43 replies
Within 350 miles of Southern California and most are within 150 miles (85%) heres a list of so far on the 2006 calendar! Devonshire Renaissance Faire Phoenix, Arizona Renaissance in the Pines Flagstaff, AZ Koroneburg Spring European Old World Festival Corona, CA Koroneburg Fall European Old World Festival Corona, CA Escondido Renaissance Faire (Spring) Escondido, CA Renaissance Pleasure Faire Irwindale, CA Heart of the Forest Renaissance Faire - Marin Novato, CA Ojai Renaissance Faire Ojai, CA San Diego Renaissance Faire San Diego, CA California City Renaissance Festival California City, California Escondido Renaissance Faire (Fall) Escond…
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 64 replies
http://www.renaissancefestival.com/viewEve...asp?eventID=150 I think I might like ta be goin ta this! Are ye goin Black Hearted Pearl?
Last reply by FairieTink, -
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Ahoy, For those interested, I believe the tickets for the Adelphi Mill Pyrate Festival in Adelphi, Maryland, have now gone on sale. The date is Feb 18th 2006. Tickets cost $25. Link to the Mill... http://www.pgparks.com/places/eleganthisto...lphi_intro.html Some of my pics from feasts past... http://www.piratebrethren.com/tavern.html
Last reply by blackjohn, -
- 17 replies
Here it is everyone and it's the real deal. Rumba Rue ***************************************************** Dear Performers, I am pleased to inform you that very shortly REC wil be officially announcing the location of our 2005 Renaissance Pleasure Faire. However, General Manager Ted Durden has authorized me to pass on the good good news to you. Our new home shall be... Santa Fe Dam Park in the city of Irwindale. I have walked the site and it offers plenty of space, trees, grass, a lake front, parking and camping. Demographic studies indicate a great audience base. It is located near the 210 and the 605 freeways. It is closer to the Los Angeles metropolitan ar…
Last reply by Pirate Petee, -
parenfaire 2005 1 2 3
by lady snow- 58 replies
for those interested: the pa renaissance faire theme this year is piratical. it involves a confrontation betweeen the irish pirate queen, grace o'malley and the privateeer, the captain sir francis drake. the scenario in detail can be found at the home site of the faire: parenfaire.com. should be a fun season! ~lady snow, friend of pyrates everywhere
Last reply by PyratePhil, -
- 7 replies
As all of our northern brethren are freezin' there backsides off, the time has come for raids in the south! While FLaRF has already opened and been sufficiently plundered on opening day, we ain't bein' satisfied yet! Myself and Shaelyn will be hopefully returning for the upcoming 3 day weekend. Also! (yes there be more)BARF opens a mere week after this weekend. That be the 26th fer clarification. If all goes well we'll be attending that as well before we set sail fer northern waters ourselves. So anyone plannin' on bein' around fer either of these two weekends comin' up?
Last reply by Kalum, -
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Heather Alexander and Uffington Horse @ Shakabrah Java, Tacoma Friday February 25, 2005 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm Get there early for a seat I'm told! Event Location: 2618 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA http://www.uffingtonhorse.com Come see Heather's band and rock to the sounds of Uffington Horse! $10.00 cover charge
Last reply by lorien_stormfeather, -
- 4 replies
The winter nears its end... it is time to revel that we shall be putting to sea in the next few months. Come join your fellow brethren in a winter gathering... and help us celebrate a Natal Day of one of our own... February 18, 2005.... Friday night at 7:30 pm at The Inn at Middletown... If there are any questions please feel free to email me at : ladykathrynlyons@aol.com see you there, Kathryn
Last reply by Kathyrn Ramsey, -
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It's that time again! Sea chanteys will be sung from 8ish 'til 10ish this Friday night in the carpenter's building next to the Wawona. They'll be hosted by Seattle chanteyman Dan Roberts and he tells me that the theme is "love", it bein' almost Valentine's Day an' all. Bring yer voices and singalong. Or lead one! We're always after new blood. There'll be munchies and beverage available for purchase, with proceeds going to the continued restoration of the Wawona. We be at the S. end of Lake Union, 1002 S. Valley Street. Email me for further info if'n ye have questions. Fair winds, Trapper
Last reply by Trapper, -
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I never saw so many pirates: even Pete Fountain's Half Fast Walking Club was pirate themed this year! First Mate Jan and I ALWAYS are. Crowds in general were very light, though: an early MG, coming a couple days after Superbowl. was the reason, I reckon. Capt. William
Last reply by capnwilliam, -
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his is your chance to make your voice heard. At 6:30, the Seattle Parks Dept is having a meeting regarding the S. Lake Union Park. For those that don't already know, this is where the schooner Wawona is docked. The Parks Department would like to have all the ships and shipwright buildings gone, in favour of a sterile, concrete park, with non-native plantings, a model boat pond, and oh yes, some signal flags to give it a maritime feel. You notice from this description that there is no place for the Wawona at this new park. The plan that the maritime heritage groups have come up with would turn the area into a 19th century living history park, with the ongoing restoration …
Last reply by Trapper, -
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Here's an interesting article on the tall ship problems for Tacoma. Guess we'd better all hold our breath... -- Hurricane It’s time to kill the Tall Ships Festival DAN VOELPEL; THE NEWS TRIBUNE Last updated: January 28th, 2005 08:50 AM Should Tacoma pull the plug on the 2005 Tall Ships Festival? Somebody needs to ask the question. Before it’s too late. Before the planned summer parade of sailing ships from around the world breaks the city’s bank account. Before Tacoma falls flat on its new civic face. Despite genuine enthusiasm and good intentions from a stalwart team of local nonprofit organizers, genuine enthusiasm and good intentions remain the event’s most sign…
Last reply by hurricane, -
- 6 replies
Who'll be there??? I know Josh will. Anyone else?
Last reply by Mad Woman Cheryl, -
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Announcing a gathering of the Pyratically Inclined Populace of Willamete Valley and places North Properly Warned Ye Be, Says I!, Join the PDX Pirates, wear yer kit, or come as ye arrr! Monday, February 7th Lucky Lab Public House -WEST 7675 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland Meet upstairs at 6:00 for no-host dinner and/or conversation. (the Lab has amazing pizza and salads). Heather Alexander , Celtic fiddler and storyteller plays 7-9. All ages, no cover. There's rumored to be birthday cake during Heather's break. No gifts please, just tip Heather. The innkeep throws us out by 10 pm, so you can be sure to get to yer hammocks by a decent hour. Lucky Lab Multnomah Villag…
Last reply by lorien_stormfeather, -
- 28 replies
Ahoy! Come one, come all! The Pyrates of the Coast will be hosting a pirate party at TNT's Tavern in West Seattle from 7 p.m. til 1 a.m, Feb. 21. The pirate band will be performing, along with the Thryce Wycked Wenches. Join in the fun - we're accepting donations of coats and blankets for the homeless. Guaranteed a great time!! The TNT is at the top of the Admiral Way exit near the intersection of California and Admiral.
Last reply by Nigel, -
- 60 replies
Me fine pirate mate, Iron Bess, invited me t'board the Disney Studios. Here be me photo-journal o'the event; although I didn't take as many pictures as I should have because I were gawkin'! Disney Studio
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
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:angry: Because of the 40-50 foot swells, as opposed to most things, Maverick's Surf Event is on for tomorrow, Feb 27! Waves from 50-100 feet can be expected off of the shoreline at Princeton -by-the-Sea....
Last reply by the Royaliste, -
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This fall, the theme for the Kansas City Renaissance Festival is PIRATES! The themes for each weekend have yet to be determined and the casting call is out. Anyone interested in participating or visiting can find the necessary information at: http://www.kcrenfest.com/ Jim Stamberger is the entertainment director and as I understand it he is difficult to work with. My own opinion (knowing the man only slightly) is that he is a director, meaning he can be difficult and doesn't always see eye to eye with the talent. My wife and I run the Sheepskin Shoppe there, so I don't have the time to be in the cast. We've done this show for ten years, so if anyone has any questions, fe…
Last reply by Sjöröveren, -
- 109 replies
Ahoy mates, The February 15th date of our Valentines sail aboard the Royaliste is drawing near. In honor of valentines past and present, we'll be blasting printed photos of ex-sweethearts out of the Royaliste's cannons. If you'd like to join in the fun, post a photo of your ex, your lawyer, your boss or anyone else you'd like to have made into cannon fodder and we'll be happy to oblige you. (please note we may be blasting groups of exes if we get a large response.) p.s. Desert Pyrate, I have yours, but I think that your photo and especially the epitaph you wrote to be read aloud are priceless- would you mind reposting them here so that the other pirates can read i…
Last reply by Desert Pyrate, -
- 10 replies
The Replica of the Nina sailed into St. Augustine today for the Menendez Birthday Festival honoring St. Augustine's founder. Read the story Replica of the Nina sails into St. Augustine
Last reply by Redvipers, -
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Not tew much goings on in this here part of world this time of the year but this may be of an interest if ye be near by. The Chicago Maritime Fest
Last reply by imadrunkenpirate, -
- 4 replies
Any pirates who are homeported or visiting New Orleans this Sunday, February 22 are invited to dock at Capt. William's and First Mate Jannet the Pyrate Queen's! There will be parades all day long: several within easy walking distance, others starting literally outside our doorstep! We will be providing food and libations. Additional contributions of same are optional, as is wearing piratical garb. Events will last all day, from around 1000 AM to 8:00 PM. Let me know if there's interest, and I'll post more details! Capt. William
Last reply by capnwilliam, -
- 2 replies
----- Original Message ----- From: CaptJack Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 10:51 AM Subject: CALLING PIRATES FOR -- INVASIONS IN FLORIDA Calling Pirates Everywhere!!! RGGGGHHHHH,,,,, fellow Pirates & Wenches : PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO ALL PIRATE NEEDING INFORMATION. WE WOULD LIKE TO START A NEWSLETTER TO KEEP ALL PIRATES/WENCHES & FAMILIES APPRISED OF OUR UPCOMING EVENTS. ANYONE INTERESTED? Please send me your e-mail address so we can add you to our newsletter list. FEB.21, 2004 CORTEZ FISHING VILLAGE -- BRADENTON, FLORIDA Annual Cortez Fishing Festival INVITATIONS ALL AROUND FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO JOIN US IN COSTUME. WE PLAN TO BE REAKING M…
Last reply by the Royaliste, -
- 44 replies
Anyone here joining up with Gaspar's Krewe this coming year??? The big day is February 7th 2004.
Last reply by Lady Elaina, -
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A Central NJ Chapter of the SCA, the Canton of Gryphonwald, will be hosting their annual event, the BLACK GRYPHON INN VIII, on February 21, 2004. Each year the event has a different theme, and this year's theme is PIRATES! You can check 'em out here: "Pirates, Plunder, and Pickles!"
Last reply by Blind Rhoid Pyle,