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2,397 topics in this forum
Where can we buy earrings in the hoop variety? Every now and again I find them while I do a rare but of shopping but they are exceptionally few and far between. I have exceptional alergenic ear lobes and while I was able to take the pain of dealing with infection after infection while that ear lobe healed, I would like the other ear lobe either pierced or maybe find a clip-on that looks cool. Anyone?
Last reply by El Pirata, -
- 12 replies
Wishin' a fine birthday ta ya both! I be afraid I 'aven't 'ad much conversin' wi' Mr. Bubbles, but I 'ope yer day is a good one. Join us in th' Cannon Room sometime. An' th' be a right saucy one. May we 'ave many more interestin'...discussions! Bring yer kitty cat an' yer whip, if'n ye want.
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 2 replies
I've had it as far west as Kansas City n' as far south as Florida. Just had a hankerin' fer it that's all Black Jack
Last reply by BLACK JACK SHALAQ, -
- 31 replies
I went a few weekends ago ter the Northern Californee Ren Faire (in Hollister's Casa de Fruita, where we almost lost a lucky penny recently...thank Neptune we didn't...)...or as I likes ter call it - Casa de Faire....There be a good deal o' pyrates there. I been goin' ter these things fer some time (since I be a little clam in tights...since me uncle be one of the older merchants at the faire...a doubloon to anyone who guesses correctly who that might be)....and I thought ter meself.... " much as ol' Redd likes ter be eatin', drinkin' an makin' there anything that I still want ter do here?" It be a tough question, an maybee I were in the wrong frame o…
Last reply by Zephyr, -
- 5 replies
I be lookin' fer a company or an individual who can custom machine metal gears and parts. I be trying to make spring loaded pistols...and I've got the wooden stocks taken care of, I just need the innards! Any help would be appreciated!
Last reply by BLACK JACK SHALAQ, -
- 73 replies
I'm raisin me glass to all ye lovely lasses an ladies!! Drink up!!! Tha more ye drink, tha more charmin I become!! Savvy? Alll ye scurvy sea dogs onboard, join me in a round fer tha ladies! Without whom life would be just an empty ship with no sail!
Last reply by BLACK JACK SHALAQ, -
- 33 replies
Yeah ! Happy Birthday El Pirata from not so sunny England, I raise me tankard t`ye `n wish ya a good day Enjoy
Last reply by captweaver65, -
The little son of a friend of mine just lost two fingertips at the first knuckle from one hand in an accident. His hand was caught in a bicycle chain. I'm sending out a little "treasure" to him from the pirates. I need quick ideas for fun things to do. I'm going to put his message in a bottle, include a little bag full of treasure coins, I'll try to locate a chest of somesort if I can find something, and the main present is a baseball cap with a skull and crossbones on it that I just got for him. I need quick ideas of extra pirate-like treasures, things like eyepatches or ??? to include. Fire away gang! I need ideas quick!!
Last reply by Thomas B., -
- 16 replies
Not sure if this's been posted elsewhere, but today's onion has an amusing editorial on parrot raising, written by one Captain Crimson Banister. Check it out here.
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench, -
- 1 reply
Was Robinson Crusoe really a bloodthirsty pirate? (What other kind is there?) Check out the Discovery Channel Sunday 10/5 for details, or check for repeats. Oh, I forgot to mention... Ahrrrrr! There, I feels better now.
Last reply by Thomas B., -
- 14 replies
So yer own Lucky Penny leaves for the almighty Land o' Disney on Friday mornin'...ready t' lock horns with the third decade of 'er life by way of going to the place that will drop her to a third of 'er age. The plan is simple. Mouse it for five days, hopefully t' see a few people along the way. ..and to ride the POTC ride once for each year of my age. Think I can pull it off? I say I can...even if I 'ave t' do it all by me onesy.
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 15 replies
Ahoy there and (berp) 'appy (berp) Berfday to ya darling Katey Congratulations me Lady (berp) O'Tierney on another year of out witting pirate fate and the alternative. I could have sworn that you not be a lass of more than 17 though. Robbing the cradle I be (berp) be, (berp) be, (berp) I were just saying to Pyrate Molly a bit ago about your Capt. Flint. What (berp) color be those eyes of yars again (berp) Anyway, fair winds to you and yours (berp), this first round be in me already so I'll buy the next.
Last reply by El Pirata, -
- 17 replies
Found this site while surfing the web. For those of you with significant others. Would make an interesting gift. For thoses lasses that don't feel free to put me name down. Scupper
Last reply by Capt Grey, -
- 10 replies
Yo ho, Yo ho! We were just informed that Matt quimet who be the Pirate in charge of the Disney cruise lines has come ashore to take the helm of the Disneyland resorts. :) I always new they needed someone with salt water in thar veins to run this thing at a profit!! (Just sharing this tid-bit)
Last reply by Capt Grey, -
Figurehead 1 2
by Redd Oktober- 45 replies
What kind of figurehead would ye put on yer pirate ship?
Last reply by Cracked Carrie, -
- 17 replies
..'Tis been an interestin' weekend indeed!...The tracks are everywhere, needn't go there again, but, after choosing to commit cybersuicide last week, an overwhelming (and heartwarmin', thanks) amount 'o chatter by friends an' management has convinced me to stay up here, posting for the Forum, and just stay outta trouble, in general. Aye've always enjoyed a bit 'o sharin' 'o things nautical, and pyratical.. So, if you want to listen, do by all means. This is what a forum should be... If you care to be disruptive, fine, I'll no longer rise to the bait, We've parlee'd on this an' the Pyrate's hangin'...Lets go about havin' fun, raisin' caine, and bein' pirates in general!...…
Last reply by Capt Scarlett, -
i'll be gone for good now
by Guest [BB] lkg- 4 replies
hmm to bad its come to this. Is there a way some one or i could delete my account cause i feel like u just take up member ship space. i have been awful busy with my clan. lol im in charge when our leader is gone im in a partnership my and a friend of mine update the web site, i have to check many pirate forums aday, and i have to help recrute ppl since im top recruter. Plus this forum is a lot more active then i thought and i just don't have the time. So this is my fair well letter/ will stateing i live all me rum to scrupper for being a good pirate friend to me. . And if our ships paths cross dont be expecting a warm welcome from this pirate and me crew. ARRRR Yo…
Last reply by Scupper, -
- 9 replies
Ahoy! lass!...Aye've found ye'ere camera!!!.....Sorry to yell at ye, but me laptop keeps crashin', and Aye thought ye'd wanna know..As with all sailing vessels, things 'disappear' in an instant, the ship heels, and things folks leave about(includin' the Cap'n, 'o course!), all go crashing somewhere..In this season 'o pyratin' alone, Aye've retrieved, liquor, food, guns, money, wallets, flintlocks, panties, jackets, cameras, glasses....The list goes on!, if'n its missin', start lookin' thru the bilges, gravity still rules, as there's no escape from the bottom 'o the hull!...............
Last reply by the Royaliste, -
- 19 replies
as much as i love the water... was curious who still...or can't seem to find their sea legs. and any advice you have about the subject. anyone care to leave their best chumming story?
Last reply by captweaver65, -
- 5 replies
One of the greated sailors of his or any era, who opened up the Spanish Main to centuries of plunder, and whose efforts earned me a day off work today! Capt. William
Last reply by Cap'n Coyote, -
- 12 replies
Hear too ya pack of heel hounds! Ya thought the post board twas' nice n' quiet while Ol' Black Jack was keeled over with the rot, did ya's? Well I'm here's ta tell ya's that yer all wrong! Black Jack is under full sail n' can't wait ta get me three sheets in da wind (if ya know what I means). This old sea dog is raisin' his leg high! So if ya feel's somethun warm n' wet runnin' down da back of yer neck......It be just lil' ol' me! :angry: Twice as ornry n' full of piss n' vinegar ! Black Jack Shalaq
Last reply by BLACK JACK SHALAQ, -
- 7 replies
Ah well now that my wedding which was Saturday is over.. and the weekend at the SCA event which is was held at is over...and the Monday taken off work to....sleep is over; I'm bbaacckk. Not that anyone knows me from Mother Mary. Must say, it was a hell of a weekend. Okay, now on to the newbie's question...stupid as it may be, I'm curious. :) Movies, media and the like all have pirates talking in the same dialect and accent. My question is, did they really talk like that? Was there actually documentation for pirates of the golden age speaking in the 'pirates dialect'?
Last reply by El Pirata, -
- 33 replies
Here be a pic o my daughter a few years ago.
Last reply by Zephyr, -
Got a website? Pub Directory
by Guest Angus MacVox- 8 replies
1) I want to make a directory of the websites of regular pub-goers only. There are several comprehensive directories, but I think it would be fun to have a directory with this theme. Criteria: 20 or more posts and a filled out profile (profile info will be included in the directory too, to make it more personable). If you want your site in this directory and fit this criteria, please post the link and details in this thread! 2) If you need webhosting, the Pub's own host INSIDER HOSTING thinks our Pyracy Pub is so damn cool they're offering all of ye 10% off their already super low prices. Just use coupon code "Pyracy" ...Insider Hosting is rock solid top notch stuff …
Last reply by Black Deacon, -
- 5 replies
Aye, and to be 34 once again...but 'tis not my day to reminisce, but yours to revel! May rich plunder, faire wenches, and flowing cups be yours, all this day! Capt. William
Last reply by Darkmalkin,