Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 3 replies
Johnny Depp was nominated this morning for a Best Actor SAG award. While the odds are high, with this and the Golden Globe nomination... might'n the lad be on the incoming tides of an Oscar nomination?? We sure hope so! But... why was the" MOVIE "gone?
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 6 replies
If sailor tails to sailor tunes, Storm and adventure, Heat and cold, If schooners, islands, and maroons And Buccaneers and buried gold, And all the romance, retold Exactly in the ancient way, Can please, as me they pleased of old, The wiser youngsters of today: -So be it, and fall on! If not, If studious youth no longer crave, His ancient appetites forgot, Kingston, or Ballantyne the Brave, Or Cooper of the wood and wave: So be it also! And may I And all my pirates share the grave Where these and their creations lie! -Robert Louis Stevenson "Treasure Island" ------------------------------------------------ Wow!…
Last reply by Capt. Morgan, -
- 5 replies
Woohoooooooo!! POTC wins its first big award, so far that I have seen. Is it up for any more???? Nominated in the Oscar race maybe??? Too bad Johnny didnt win Gabrielle
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 28 replies
I thought I'd begin this topic because I recently purchased a book simpley titled 'Pirates!' by Celia Rees. It mentions numerous pyrates such as Anne Bonny, Calico Jack and so on. So far, it is really good and I suggest it to anyone who is interested in pyrate stories. (It was, however, in the teen fiction section . . . befitting to me because I am a teen . . . but it may appeal to most adults as well!) I was also wondering if anyone else has a pyrate book/story etc that they would like to tell me or anyone else about just because I find it an interesting subject . . . obviously . . . :) Thanks for taking the time to reply!
Last reply by Capt. Morgan, -
- 73 replies
This was just posted on another site I go to. RumbaRue **Smile and Let Your Spirit Soar**
Last reply by Capt Grey, -
- 12 replies
jack sparrow a long time ago...
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench, -
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Ahoy me Darlin' Buckos! And the Happiest of All Possible New Years! We've updated and given it a good scrubbin'! As a "teaser" I've "improvised" some new words to the Disney "Pirate Song" Enjoy, Cap'n Slappy THE PIRATE SONG Music by the Disney Folks Lyrics by the Disney Folks Improvisations by Cap'n Slappy. Yo Ho Ho Ho a Pirate's Life for Me! (repeat)/ We'll scuttle and buttle and fly a space shuttle/ drink up me hearties yo ho. We're swervy with scurvy our wenches are curvy, /drink up me hearties yo ho!/ Yo ho, yo ho a pirate's life for me... We plunder and blunder - stay out of the thunder, /drink up me hearties yo ho! /We rattle and battle (s…
Last reply by Cap'n Slappy, -
- 47 replies
Anything about the new Peter Pan movie due out December 25th, 2003.... looks to be a real winner!!!!!! Peter Pan Site
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
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Was watching the Cartoon Network this morning, and the series "Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2 Century" was on... all about chasing these space pirates, with a whole lot of humorous nods to old and new pirate movies... its well worth the half hour spent watching, if you manage to catch it...
Last reply by Capt Grey, -
- 11 replies
Watched all the deleted scenes last night - WOW! They're amazing. Any minor complaints I had about the film after seeing it in the theater would have been removed had these deleted gems been included in the final cut. Not only did they further explain the deep plot, but they really fleshed out the settings of Port Royal and Tortuga and made them feel like lively, bustling ports. HOW could they not add them in the film? Oh man, and the extra stuff with Jack and Liz on the deserted isle was excellent! When she asks him about the truth of his other wild stories and past, and he shows her the scars, and says "No truth at all...." - - YIKES! Sounded to me like…
Last reply by Paisley, -
- 16 replies
Hello me piratical brethren.. What did we think of Pan? I quite liked it, certianly a marked improvement on other attempts at the story.. I thought the casting was excellent, and thought it represented the book well (although I suspect if you weren't a reader/lover of the book the movie might be a mixed bag for you).. they tried to weave the various themes of the book and I thought succeeded in the most part. The pirates were comical, the gear wasn't too scary.. all in all not a bad effort. It gave us a bit of work for our re-enactment group, premiers and all.. which was good. What did the rest of you think?
Last reply by Lady Elaina, -
- 4 replies
I don't mean to be abusing the general good nature of ye blaggards and braggarts I 'appened to 'ave been lucky enought to stumble over, and none of ye seem to resent the ransom of yer ears much, but I'm 'aving a pirate birfday party, and one element of this party is pirate movies. Now, winter on the great lake michigan being what it is, I don't expect all me guests to carouse out on the docks with a bottle o' rum. Those wif milder constitutions will probably stay inside, and so I wish to compile a great collection of movies to show, the cream of the pirate crop, so to speak, or the best pieces or pistols of the prize. Any suggestions of movies available on DVD would be…
Last reply by Nigel, -
Anyone run across an alternate universe novel, I thinks, by the above name? The most striking feature is a pyrate republic consisting of a miles-wide raft of ships, some of them hundreds of years old. Cant find the thing, nor the author. off to the tippling house Z
Last reply by Zorg, -
- 1 reply
I found these desktop themes and they are pretty cool: Cutthroat Island POTC Downloads are free and good for either IBM or Mac
Last reply by Sassy, -
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Here's a little spot for everyone to be notified about pirates in regular series shows and those Made For TV movies. For example, I flipped to a rerun of "Sabrina, The Teenage Witch" on December 29, and that episode featured pirates from the Other Realm. They were pretty fun, but the usual "all they really do is hop around in costume and say ARRGH" kind of guys. At least they were pirates. Capt. WE Roberts
Last reply by Capt. Westyn Elizabeth Roberts, -
- 2 replies
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this online game or not, but I find it very anticipating. The game hasn't been released yet, but the screenshots and list of features seems to give any pirate game a good kick in th' booty (in my opinion, it seems like a far more exellent pirate game then Puzzle Pirates).
Last reply by Blind Rhoid Pyle, -
- 15 replies
- 1k views It's so funny!
Last reply by Capt. Westyn Elizabeth Roberts, -
- 2 replies
I made a trip to my book store / music store / cafe yesterday, and found two books to spend my Christmas gift cards on... The first is called "Return to Treasure Island: the Search for Captain Kidd". The author, Barry Clifford, sponsored by the Discovery Channel, searches for the sunken pirate vessel "Adventure Galley", Captain Kidd's flagship. Interspersed through the tale of the recovery effort is a lot of good info on Caribbean pirates in general, and Capt. Kidd specifically. I'm only a few chapters into it, but its great so far... Secondly, I found a book called "The Pirate Hunter", an historical account of Capt. Kidd versus Robert Culliford, a man who caused tw…
Last reply by Capt. Morgan, -
Well, Me ship wasn't sailin to the Key's for all the fun, but at least i came into me cabin to find the Pirates of the Caribbean DVD in me box. Ha! Sadie
Last reply by RyannMacGregor, -
- 23 replies
I finally got time to settle in and watch the dvd last night with the surround sound cranked up...what a JOY!!!!! However I noticed something that I never thought of in the theater. Early on, Norrington is captain of the ship that brings Swann and his daughter to Jamaica. Yet he also seems to order the marines around like he is officially in charge of them as well. Wouldn't a detachment of marines on board a ship have their own superior officer who in turn reported to the ship captain? He even orders them around when Jack rescues Elizabeth from drowning, and commands the fort when Barbossa attacks...wouldn't these matters have been left to a military commander, not a …
Last reply by El Pirata, -
- 17 replies
The OTHER Jack, Lucky Jack Aubrey aka Russel Crowe is up for Best Actor in a Drama!! Pirates ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (OK he's not a pirate but close enough!!) :) Click to see the list of nominees for Golden Globes
Last reply by Charlotte Doyle, -
- 20 replies
Well well... looks like one of our favorite lads is being piped aboard for his efforts. Johnny Depp was nominated this morn for a Golden Globe Award for best Actor in a movie, Musical or Comedy. Huzzah!
Last reply by Nigel, -
- 13 replies
(From Joe Ditler by way of Barracuda d'Morte:) To all my "salty" looking/acting friends: My buddy Judy Bouley, the legendary casting director, is looking for pirates to appear in a new kids' movie about Sponge Bob Squarepants. Here is the information. Judy was casting director for "Master & Commander," Russell Crowe's new flick. This could be you! Send her pictures asap. (The Reverend Judy's message:) For this film, which shoots in LA in January we are searching for 'over the top' Pirates - all makes, models of ADULT pirates. They can send their fotos/info asap to: Judy Bouley, Casting c/o Sande Alessie Casting 17503 Burbank Blvd. Encino, CA 91316 no phone c…
Last reply by Lucky Penny Hawkings, -
- 15 replies
This is Black Bart's Ghost again. I am still looking for an artist who loves to draw pirates. This story is going to be a twelve issue mini-series, but I have plans for a spin off if reader response is good. It is historical fiction, and I strive to get the larger details right and put my spin on the rest. If you're interested, e-mail me
Last reply by Billie Bonnie, -
- 4 replies
I saw a short film titled "The Video Pirates" some years ago (when videotape pirating was a big issue), as a preamble to a feature movie. It was hilarious, and I am trying to remember what movie it was with. I believe it was a Python, or possibly a Terry Gilliam movie. The short was very Gilliam-esque. Has anybody else seen this, and does anyone remember what movie it was with?
Last reply by Nigel,