Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 2 replies
Me mind must be goin', and at such a young age it's tragic to be sure. I seem to be rememberin' a movie I saw a few years back. After agonizing over it fer a few days, it seems the title was Nate and Hayes or somethin like unto it. Have yeh heard of it? Pirates with better memories than mine are sayin' I've lost it, so help a girl out here. -Blackeye Susan
Last reply by Blackeye Susan, -
- 36 replies
I'm new to the board but, I was wondering if anyone has been watching the season of Survivor (I may need a life but it is entertaining to say the least) their theme this year is "pirates" the 2 teams are drake and morgan. so far the drake team are better than the morgan team. BUT am I the only one that needs to get a life and stop watching fluff tv? ERIS Blackrose
Last reply by "Mad Mab" Longfeather, -
- 35 replies
Okay, the movie "Master and Commander - The Far Side of the World*" is coming out in November. It's got big ships, big guns, some nasty privateers... any buzz? Any thoughts? I've had the book on my shelves for years but I've never gotten around to reading it. Anybody read it? *Despite the title, I understand that Gary Larson was not consulted during the production...
Last reply by Deacon Frye, -
- 32 replies
While watching POTC I thought the sword Barbossa used was either a transitional rapier or early small sword. After viewing it up close, at the El Capitan exhibit, I see it has a single edge so it can't be neither of those two kinds of blades. Does anyone of what kind of blade could be a straight, single edge blade of that period? Or does anyone think it's just a made up blade for the film? Just wondering.
Last reply by RyannMacGregor, -
- 1 reply
Wanted to send this as a Xmas gift to a Kidd fan - read a review that wasn't too favorable, but I think the person has a personal ax to grind against Barry Clifford. The discovery crew are on the defense on that review - finding buried treasure ain't all so glorious I I was wondering what you'all thought before I drop some hard won loot on this booty.
Last reply by Bilgemunky, -
- 5 replies
Just scored a new used-bookstore treasure: the elusive "Memoirs of a Buccaneer," by le Golif. Though this "memoir" is of doubtful authenticity it's a rollicking good read and not easy to find. If le Golif never existed in fact, he should have. Highly recommended.
Last reply by John Maddox Roberts, -
- 25 replies
I'm listening to the POTC score again....this thing is SO DAMN FREAKIN' GOOD. Rousing beyond belief! I'm listening to it daily now...helps get me thru those long office afternoons. Oh sure, it may look like I'm perched in front of a Mac, but my mind is a thousand miles and three hundred years away, engaged in a riotous high-seas battle!
Last reply by El Pirata, -
Verbinski Back as Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Director! Source: Variety Wednesday, October 15, 2003 Gore Verbinski has agreed to direct Pirates of the Caribbean 2, for Walt Disney Pictures and producer Jerry Bruckheimer. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl writers Terry Rossio and Ted Elliott are back on board to pen the sequel. Johnny Depp will also reprise his starring role in pic. Disney had already made sequel arrangements with key cast such as Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley, though it is uncertain which other cast members will return. No start date has been set for the follow-up to the film which has grossed $621 million worldwide.
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 10 replies
When I put the second disc of extras in my DVD player, it plays fine, no problem. But when I put the first disc in, the actual MOVIE, the movie itself looks a bit . . . well, _narrow_. The black bars at the top and bottom of the screen are very small on my television screen, but it seems to achieve this by slightly smashing the film in a bit at the sides, leaving everything looking a bit narrower than it actually should. In other words, it's like my TV or DVD player is trying to make the black bars as small as possible, and so it smushed the film in slightly to make everything "fit" on the screen. This isn't the first DVD my player (or television) has done this to -- "Sha…
Last reply by redhand, -
- 5 replies
Hey there, pyrate illustrators. I am writing a pyrate story that will be a twelve issue mini-series. I am pitching it to some large companies, so there is no pay til it gets picked up. It will be a great opportunity to get your work out there. Here's a brief description: Dead Men Tell No Tales written by Dwight L. MacPherson In 1698, Captain William Kidd captures the Armenian vessel, the Quedagh Merchant. Along with the loot, Kidd discovers an ancient map thought to date back to the 1300s. Kidd was forced to leave the Quedagh Merchant off the island of Hispanola, and was hanged from the gallows in England...never to return to discover that the ancient map would lead to …
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 7 replies
Yes, that's right. I haven't seen Pirates of the Caribbean yet. I can hardly wait to see it on December 2nd. I am in the Army and was deployed when it came out. I haven't been so excited to see a movie in years! I always rode the ride at Disney World three or four times when I lived in Florida. My parents would say "again?!" Ah well, I have heard the reviews and everyone here seems to be in love with the movie which only deepens my yearning to see this film.
Last reply by "Broadside" Long, -
- 10 replies
First, a new soda flavor I saw today (might not be new for you) GRAPE GROG! Pirate themed bottle and everything. Let me know if ya've tried it matey. Also, at their Survivor Pearl Islands shop has a COOL pirate longsleeved T. Its got a skull n crossbones with a little blurb of writing on it recognizing Survivor, but the skull dominates. Even if ya hate the show, the shirt is a treasure!!
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 9 replies
Ahoy Thar, T'is true that Hornblower be a British Navy Officer and not a good and true Brethern of the Coast, tho he would be a fine edition to any crew that sails. In december of this year not one but two brand new Hornblower movies from A&E will be coming to your local A&E station. I don't have the web address handy but if you punch in Hornblower into any search engine you should easily get to the official web site. In it you'll find trailers and other useful information on what I think are very well made and exiting tales of a most renownd sailor. Next thar be a new book by Morgan Llywelyn simply titled "GRANIA". This be the tell of the real life Gr…
Last reply by redhand, -
- 35 replies
Thought you guys might get a kick out of this one. That's me, believe it or not! My latest graphics project, titled "Il Pirata." Talk about giving oneself the extreme makeover eh?!!
Last reply by redhand, -
- 17 replies
For the Lasses who might enjoy some eyecandy... Here ya go my Ladies!!! Hook EyeCandy Album
Last reply by Lady Elaina, -
- 3 replies
Here's some new fun for you mates... Go to: www.studioawardscom and click on fils and actors and such like. Have fun!!
Last reply by Charlotte Doyle, -
- 23 replies
There is one in particular I am looking for, and I don't remember whose it was, if anybody can remember... It was basically the skull crowned in roses, (I believe the Grateful Dead appropriated it for a time, eh) I found a whole slew of really great ones! Blackbeard's devil spearing the hearts was one of my favorites! Any ideas? Pictures?
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 1 reply
We have another pirate-themed video game on the horizon - check it out at This one looks to be a third person RPG type. You'll be able to play a pirate, conquistador, voodoo dude (my word, not theirs) or a merchant. The screenshots look fun - not too realistic but not too cartoony either. Kinda remind me of Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat (but with less cleavage.) The website is dark and creepy with lots of skulls and ships - dig around and you can get a couple of music files that are quite fun. It's intended to be a semi-realistic game with lots of pirates, a smidgen of magic, and at least one charmed monkey. They also boast that their water effects…
- 2 replies
Okay, about three years ago I was in a show for the Turner South Network portraying Blackbeard the Pirate. The name of the show is Liars adn Legends. It airs off and on in Atlanta Georgia and a few other states around that region. I have contacted the production studio, but they cannot seem to locate a copy for me. If anyone out there has ever seen or heard of this show and possibly taped it or has any ideas on what I can do to aqquire a copy please let me know. I would be willing to pa for a vhs copy if someone has it on tape. It's episode 102, title is Liars and LEgends, Blackbeard adn the missisippi delta blues. I hope someone out there has either seent he show …
Last reply by captscurvyscrew, -
- 15 replies
There I was, sailing on the seas of San Diego, and none of the crew had enough energy to go and see Master and Commander after a day on the water. I'm thinking that's okay. The Pyracy Pub members will have a report on it by the time I get back. WHAT HAPPENED? I know it's not a "pirate film", but the HMS Rose is deserving of an audience upon herself. Surely, some of you have seen it. Comments?
Last reply by Mario, -
- 9 replies
Arrr! There might be better movies out there, mateys! But I must admit, Yellowbeard be one o' the better ones! -Redd ye can blame Knifehand Ken fer gettin' me started on this one!
Last reply by Zephyr, -
- 3 replies
Check out this game based on Lego ships. The links are gretty good, too. Hawkyns
Last reply by captweaver65, -
- 7 replies
I be wondering if any one has seen or played the new game "Dread Pirate" ? It be coming in a Treasure chest i see. The company that makes it is Old Century. I be wondering if it be worth the hefty price?
Last reply by Perkeo, -
- 5 replies
Me ol' lady got talked into buyin' a refurbished Xbox system. I thought she'd gone daft, when she informs me that the video game version of Pirates of the Caribbean be only released on Xbox. I begins to see the method to 'er madness. She be the big vid game player in me 'ouse, and I usually give bad advice and steer 'er wrong while she's playin. The game be loaded with beautiful graphics. Anyone else playin' this?
Last reply by Blind Rhoid Pyle, -
- 26 replies
- 2k views -- PotC Let me know if that doesn't work...
Last reply by Lady Elaina,