Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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I just got this off of the Lady Washington website: I sure as hell can't wait! For those who want a sort of preview, the 'Caribbean Cronicles' link on the Lady Washington website has the story of this grand voyage. Definitely a rough one. Coastie
Last reply by endkaos, -
- 49 replies
Can't type in instumental music but it's the them to one of my top ten favorite movies ever which is on right now....... The Magnificent Seven Can you name who played all seven heroes? What are your fave movies? Another big favite with the famous quotes.. Hello, my name is Inego Montoya, you keeled my father, prepare to die.. As you wish Life is pain, highness, anybody who says differently is selling something Can you guess the movie, I'm sure you can.
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench, -
- 15 replies
A long time ago, some mention was made to the 'Rock & Roll' magazine of pirates. In my opinion, you've just hit it. The latest update on the Lady Washington webpage mentiones the Royaliste and her recent engagement with the Lady Washington, Hawaiian Chieftain, and the Aldebaron. Great pictures Seven. Coastie
Last reply by Hellava, -
- 12 replies
Hello all, It's been a few days since I've been aboard. Been busy with puttin my pyrate themed halloween party together. But I thought I would share POTC interactive. It's a group of people who have come together to create a script for an interactive movie experience based on POTC. And since the movie is ready for it's second run, now would be a good time to experience it. Take a look.
Last reply by endkaos, -
- 6 replies
'ere be a tale by me favorite author Willam'Ope 'Odgson. Scary enuff to make even old Barquentine shiver in 'is boot. (spits and throws old leather tome on table)
Last reply by Rosalinda, -
- 2 replies
They are turning our beloved Pirates of the Caribbean into an interactive, audience participation, underground cult HIT here in Portland and few other places! DIG THIS!!!
Last reply by endkaos, -
- 122 replies
I think we all have a favorite "Bad" movie, don't we? But what makes a "Bad" movie bad? That's hard to define. Some bad movies have bad actors and acting, some have good actors and bad stories, and some movies are just bad overall. One good measure of a "Bad" movie is to look for cheesy effects and/or sets (which Frank Zappa referred to as "Cheepnis"). Here are some of my favorite "So Bad They're Good" movies: Yellowbeard - this might have been a different movie if Marty Feldman hadn't died halfway through filming. Still a lot of fun. As the tagline says "A rollicking yarn for the young in the head." Godzilla Movies - except for the first one in Japanese. The rest are …
Last reply by Capt Grey, -
- 3 replies
Got a question...and since I'm new here, I don't know if this has been touched on forgive me if it has... Is anyone familiar with the REAL Black Pearl?? She's a brigantine that sails out of Connecticut... {although I'm not sure what she's doing now as her web site is not accessible at present...} Anyway - the Pearl was owned by Barclay H. Warburton III, founder of ASTA, the American Sail Training Association. Here's a brief quote from the ASTA site: "The American Sail Training Association (ASTA) was founded in 1973 by the late Barclay Warburton, owner of the brigantine Black Pearl, as an affiliate of the Sail Training A…
Last reply by TalesOfTheSevenSeas, -
- 28 replies
I was wondering if anyone else has noticed that Johnny Depp's picture is reversed in the official movie posters? The pistol he holds has pan and frizzen on the left side of the barrel instead of the right side! Perhaps a customized gun? Also, just after the "Interceptor" explodes in the movie, Will climbs aboard the "Pearl", grabs a gun and audibly cocks it. In the next shot, however, the guns cock is back in the "safety" position. How come?
Last reply by Lady Seahawke, -
- 16 replies
Avast me hearties! One o'me shipmates told me ter steer into this here cyberport fer some unique jack o'lantern designs - includin' Captain Jack Sparrow! Look fer yerself: I be makin' the Jolly Roger meself.
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench, -
- 9 replies
Hello All!!! I just thought I would drop some news and review on the computer game "Port Royale" put out by Ascaron. Let me begin by saying that this is a highly involved game, and you are going to need a few (if not several) hours to play. The depth and scope of this game is tremendous. Make sure you do the in game tutorial before you sink your teeth into this will make your Port Royale experience more understandable and enjoyable. Port Royale is similar to Pirates! In many respects, but there are more options available to you in Port Royale, for example, you can focus exclusively on trade if you wish, building an financial empire that can include fleets …
Last reply by El Pirata, -
- 9 replies
Anyone know where I can get free pirate-y screensavers for the 'puter?
Last reply by captweaver65, -
- 11 replies
I was wonderin' iffen any of yas played the 'ol Gamemasters game "Broadsides and Boarding Parties?" I first saw B&B (the game, not the booze) when I was a young man, and thought it looked like a lot of fun. I wish I'd bought it then. Later I found the other Gamemasters Games (Axis & Allies, Shogun, Fortress America, etc.) and found 'em right fun to be playin'. Unfortunately, B&B was discontinued. I had to raid eBay to get me hands on a copy of the game. Seems like a lot of other swabs be wantin' this game too, as it fetches quite an admirable sum. Even games with missin' pieces are highly prized. The game is a lot of fun to play, but me, bein' a blind pirate…
Last reply by Submarine Privateer, -
- 5 replies
Ahoy- I have heard tale of a great plunder'n game called CutThroats...I downloaded the demo, played it, loved it, want more of it....only problem is nobody sells it around here. Asked the localgamestores and the like,they sed they never heard of it and can't get it. I checked, and yes, I can get it there for $40, but the game came out in 2000, and it's the same price as it was then... Anyone know where I might find a cheaper copy? I'd be much obliged! Artemis
Last reply by Submarine Privateer, -
- 12 replies
Does anyone have a clue as to where I can get a hold of a copy of the PoTC Ride soundtrack. A friend of mine had one, and it had a copy of the audio from the entire ride. I would love ter sink me hook inter such a find.
Last reply by Capt Grey, -
- 9 replies
I have just completed my novel, The Cutlass' Daughters, 350 pages of pirates, blood, sails, cutlasses, gunpowder, sea spray, and all the grand things about the 18th century Spanish Main. I have submitted the first three chapters and a synopsis to Forge, the mainstream fiction division of Tor/St. Martin's Press. Having no illusions about the acceptance rate of beginning novelists, I realize there's a good chance I will end up submitting this book several dozen times. I would love it if anyone can suggest any agents who might be interested in piratical historical fiction, or any other publishers who have published good books of this genre.
Last reply by Blind Rhoid Pyle, -
- 36 replies
Who be the 10 best wenches of all time? Famous wenches of course.
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench, -
- 55 replies
First off let me state again how AMAZING this film is, what a landmark achievement it is, and how proud as hell I am of the cast and crew. I tip me hat to ya! So I'm sitting here in the office, mulling over the movie, replaying it in my head, yearning to see it again asap. Maybe it's just me, maybe I missed some key dialogue...I dunno. Check these out: What happened to the defeated pirate crew once the curse was lifted? I assume they were hung, but it's not shown. What happened to the treasure Jack made off with from the cave? One minute he's rowing back to the Dauntless with Will and Liz, draped in gold. Next scene he's on the gallows. Did he give it to Will so he…
Last reply by Black Deacon, -
- 66 replies
If you were making a pirate film, what would your film be like? What kind of music would you use? Would it be a swashbuckling romance, a light-hearted comedy or a high seas drama? Who would your leading man and leading lady be? What would the plot be?
Last reply by Mr.Bubbles, -
- 22 replies
Yarrrr! 'Ello All! Anyone else here have time for the playing of roles? Naw! Not that crappy, D&D stuff.... Real games with heroes, villans, and scoundrels just like the loving pictures and the books ust ta talks about. 7th Sea! Anyone play?
Last reply by El Pirata, -
- 5 replies
Check the posting in the Pirates in Paradise board for the announcement. Disney and Pirates in Paradise will be hosting the DVD release party, Dec. 2 in Key West....
Last reply by El Pirata, -
- 16 replies
Depp Chosen As Oscar Favorite September 23, 2003 Actor Johnny Depp has been pinpointed as the favorite to win the best actor Academy Award for his efforts in hit movie Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. Depp put on an acclaimed comedic performance for his role as drunken pirate Jack Sparrow, and now critics have labelled him as the favorite for the coveted prize - with film studio Disney already preparing an Oscar campaign to support him. An executive says, "He created something dynamic and original, and every single review raved about him." If Depp does take home the prize in February, he'll prove to be an unusual choice as the trophy traditiona…
Last reply by Cracked Carrie, -
- 11 replies
Have ye been hearing the buzz from th' boys at CrossGen comics about their new comic "El Cazador"? Pirates! Aye! Not like their typical Crossgen stuff, it tries to be historical and not some fantasy world. Th' stuff I've seen on it is beautiful!
Last reply by Cap'n Coyote, -
- 16 replies
Well crewe... we all know that Pirates is a grand film that's been out fer about 3 months now.... but now, it's NO LONGER IN THE TOP 10. Shame on all of ye! Ye scurellous scalliwags! Ye Shameful Salamanders! It's currently #17 for top grossin' movie of all time in th' USA however. An that's a good thing... but it needs to get a tad higher! A lot more higher! I know that it's still in theatres laddies and lassies! I saw it fer the 10th time last night, and then I saw that delightful feller who fights like a Rock. Anyways, gets backs ta werk ya Venomous villains! Go see th' movie again! Right now!
Last reply by Bloody Charity Kidd, -
- 99 replies
A hearty warning here -- if ya haven't seen "Pirates of the Caribbean" ya might not want to be reading this here. I thought it would be fun for those who've seen the movie, to discuss how they liked it, what they liked about it, without having to worry about spoiling the story for anyone. Now -- my question is: Does anyone understand about Capt. Jack Sparrow's "compass that doesn't point north?" So what's special about it? I'm wondering if it just points the way to Isla de Muerta. If so, how? Where'd he get it? I'm also wondering if this indicates a possible "prequel" to explain maybe how he found Isla de Muerta in the first place? For my review of the movie, acc…
Last reply by Bloody Charity Kidd,