April Events
121 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
With all the problems with Southwest and now American Airlines, be sure you give yourself lots of extra time to get to PyrateCon. . . mabye even DAYS instead of hours. I be driving the Pyrates Way Pilot down to New Orleans and if ye be driving, this doesn't effect ye. . .but if yer flying. . . keep a weather eye out, mates!
Last reply by Graydog, -
- 4 replies
Heads up me hearties… Who say’s that Pirates have hard hearts? One of our own from PRP that works tirelessly for the charities our group supports, has gone under the needles for CHOC, "Children’s Hospital of Orange County" and made the events part of his life forever. Two years ago, after the passing of a 5 year old for which we had done a Make A Wish event, our PRP “Jack” made it a yearly venture to gather up Actors from POTC and PRP Pirates alike and head back to CHOC for an Annual fundraiser in the memory of little Jonnie, our smallest "Capt'n Jack" and a memory we all cherish . The Event has grown bigger every year. Below be the Tattoo he’s been emblazoned w…
Last reply by mcdrago, -
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If you haven't been to this event, you should! Felicita Park is beautiful and a perfect setting for a great time. I am not selling this time, but hanging with my counterparts at Pirates of Treasure Cove. I will only be there the first weekend. Hopefully I'll be seeing some of you there! Rumba
Last reply by MadL, -
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Terry Linehan (pronounced "lend-a-hand") was contracted by the state to document this event & produced a video shown on NC-PBS. He has also posted segments of this video on You-Tube. For those who attended, you may enjoy his work. Best regards to ye all. http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user...linehan1956&p=v
Last reply by Captain Jim-sib, -
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(Disclaimer. This is not exactly on topic, and the mods can move it to elsewhere if they so please, but I thought I'd give everyone a heads up just in case they'd be interested in seeing something different.) This coming weekend, at the Lock House Museum in Havre de Grace, Maryland, my friends will be holding a reenactment of the Battle of Clontarf. I may be mistaken, but I believe groups from England will be there, and also the Longship Company, with their replica viking longship. If you are in the area, drop in. It'll probably be pretty cool. I may be there taking pictures. I won't be reenacting, since I have other duties during the day and/or weekend. There's a leng…
Last reply by blackjohn, -
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Announcing the Third Annual Boarding Actions: California Worskshop- BACA 2008! The HMCA will be holding this popular workshop in early maritime weaponry the weekend of April 5th and 6th, 2008. The class, hosted by DEMAS, the Davenriche European Martial Arts School, has been a favourite of authors, history students and piratical re-enactors for years and has included such weapons as cutlass, boarding axe, knife, sabre, pike, and officer's sword. This year we are excited to continue these classes and anounce the addition of belaying pin, boarding knife, slungshot and a class on how to defend against multiple opponents to the format. The cost for the 2-day seminar will be …
Last reply by Monterey Jack, -
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Greetings All! I don't know if you have heard about this or not but, I wanted to share. On April 26 & 27, 2008 the 1st Annual Joplin Keltoi Renaissance Faire opens up at Oronogo, Mo (outside of Joplin, Mo). The gentleman who owns it is looking for vendors and performers for the faire. He asked me to contact any vendors and performers that I knew of and have them in turn contact him to discuss availability and booking fees. He and his wife, Lane, are truly wonderful people and the site is absolutely beautiful - a good mixture of trees (old and new growth) and open areas. The owners name is Bruce Morgan and he can be reached via e-mail at: bruce…
Last reply by Captain Emerald Shaunassey, -
- 11 replies
Man San Diego always has great happenings...LA is so dead! Wish I could go to this party. I just happened to stumble across it. Party info
Last reply by Cap'n Sage, -
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Forgive me, since I'm not the organizer of the event, I'm just the messenger just trying to pass the word. Here's the link to the schedule of events. You can backlink from the site to get the overall gist of the event. http://www.piratewalk.com/piratefestschedule.htm I happen to stumble across the site when I was trying to get info about the White Horse Tavern http://www.whitehorsetavern.com, the oldest pub in the United States, started by a son of a famous pirate. Newport's a great town if you are a pirate at heart. Don't forget the Tall Ships event at the end of June. In either case, this is as close to the real deal as you can get.
Last reply by Cheeky Actress, -
- 1 reply
Hear Ye deckhands: Newport Tall Ships, here's your chance to see and experience the real deal, I'm sure Mr. Royaliste will be appreciative since the Royaliste, amongst other top-sail ships will also be making a showing. Live/learn experience. http://www.tallshipsrhodeisland.org/ And for all ye history buffs, especially those well-read, you will be thrrilled to know that if you have read "The Pirate Hunter: The True Story of Captain Kidd", the book tells of dozens of pirates being hung at Gravelly point, under the authority of Lord Bellomont & Captain Solgard, which is now the Rhode Island State Pier, which this event is generally held from year-to-year, you will …
Last reply by Calypso, -
PIRATECON 2007 Pirates, Buccaneers, and Privateers Conference April 20-22, 2007 Holiday Inn Superdome New Orleans, La. Don yer best buccaneer garb and join yer scurvy brothers and sisters for the first all-pirate conference in historic New Orleans, Louisiana. Here is a partial list of activities for the weekend-- Celebrity guests--including 'Ol Chumbucket and Mad Sally of "Talk Like A Pirate Day" and "Wife Swap" fame in a rollicking lesson on how to bring pirattitude to your everyday life. Buccaneer's Masquerade Ball--crowning the celebrity Pirate King and Queen and their 2007 court Concerts featuring pirate bands--including the Jolly Garogers!!! Booty…
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
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Last reply by Captain Jack Snake, -
- 23 replies
...anyone go last weekend? Rumba you going to be there with your group...gonna try to find ya this year ifn yea are! Faire Schedule of Entertainment I am so glad they are having the belly dancers back! Okay who is going?
Last reply by Asukaru, -
- 58 replies
Hide the Rum….Here come the Pirates!! The Third Annual Baltimore Pyrate Invasion will be on April 28, 2007. This year we won’t just be a band of plunderin’ pyrates running amok at night, we will be raiding the streets of Fells Point during the sunlight hours, as well! This year the fyne folks from the Fells Point Development Committee and our friends at Clipper City Brewing Company have banded together and joined our crew to plan an all-day event: A family-friendly Privateer Day during the daylight hours, and a Pyrate Invasion (grog crawl) in the evening for those rogues and wenches over the age of 21. If any of ye peddlers would be wantin’ to vend your wares on Bro…
Last reply by callenish gunner, -
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Market Fair, April 26 - 29, 2007 http://www.friendsoffortfrederick.org/MarketFair.aspx List of sutlers attending in 2006 http://www.friendsoffortfrederick.org/arch...utlers2006.aspx
Last reply by MajorChaos, -
- 7 replies
Oi folks! Some of the Archangel crew are going to the Macktown gathering in Rockton Illinois. Gotta go now... but wanted to drop a quick mention in case anyone can go!!! Got buttons to sew and arm holes to finish!!! Need Sleep!!! Take care
Last reply by Cheeky Actress, -
- 6 replies
Greetins, Well the Grindlebone Theatre has finally, FINALLY gotten up the gumption ta plunk down cash, buy land, and set up our community and event site. One o the things we've got a mind to do is a yearly pyrate festival. (also a renfaire, a burn, and a few other assorted events, but I digress). Afore we get to the buyin and building phase, and hopefully to AVOID the tearing down and sellin phase, I'd love ta hear what you'd like to see in an event site/campground for a Pyratical festival. What have ya seen that worked lovely in the way of stages, vendor stalls, privys. . . .what has ya seen that was a total disaster. So doz me a favor, mates. Wander over ta www.gr…
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
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Iron Jack, Patrick Hand and I spent the weekend at the Mt. Ranch Muzzleloaders Rendezvous in Railroad Flat, California (which is in the mountains northeast of the Stockton area.) We decided to try our hand at creating a primitive camp and representing pirates at this event. Patt has been trying to get other folks to join him at these events for awhile so we took him up on this one. We got there Friday morning and were met at the gate by a man with a dead coyote on his head. He gave us the rules and told us where everything was, in particular the primitive camp area. At this event, you have the option of camping in the "tin tipi" area or the primitive area, but in the…
Last reply by Bully MacGraw, -
- 2 replies
Aye, mates! Pirates for Sail (aka the Crew of the Drunken Ferret) has the cure for what ails ye as we leave the winter and colder latitudes behind. If ye be cruisin' the waters of the Chesapeake, ye'll be wantin' t' chart a course fer the Inner Harbor. Saturday April 28, there be three public pirate sails outta Fells P'int during the day in conjunction with the Fells P'int Privateer Day/Baltimore Pyrate Invasion. Damn me eyes ye'll be a lubber if'n ye don't check out The Brigands 'n' Pirates for Sail peformin' on stage throughout the day, 'n' Pirates for Sail performin' aboard the Clipper City. That evenin', in conjunction with the Pyrate Invasion Pub Crawl, there be a…
Last reply by Gute Morgan, -
- 15 replies
For those of you in Southern California..... Port of the Black Sail is trying to put together a pirate ball at a place in L.A. So far the Key Club is the top contender. BUT we need to see what kind of interest there is out there for an event like this. So we have a MySpace group to join if you would like. My Webpage Otherwise than that you can send me a message here or at TheBlackSail at yahoo dot com. Hope to see you all there! -Tabithaanne
Last reply by TabithaAnne, -
- 23 replies
The time has finally come! Our long-awaited Renaissance Pleasure Faire in Irwindale, CA is just around the corner. Our Friends of Faire group has a few members here on the Pub, and we will be responsible for the Faire English Weather this year. Do stop by the FOF garden and you may be sprinkled with a bit of the wet weather yourself! Or, perhaps, it may be just a sprinkling of rose petals to adorn thee and welcome in the new spring season! Remember, the Biggins will also be hosting a "guild yard" this year and everyone is welcome to participate in our period games or the "ask Pappy" hour each day. 'Looking forward to seeing everyone in the area at least once!…
Last reply by Crimson Carl, -
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This Tuesday, at Pier 6 in Baltimore, from 10-noon, my pirates and I will be in the employ of the Mouse, performing dastardly deeds of piracy in front of cheering throngs of school kids as part of a promo for PotCII. If you happen to be in the neighborhood, drop by and say Avast.
Last reply by Mad Woman Cheryl, -
- 3 replies
Third Annual Pirate Party Friday, April 28th, 2006 Hosted by a bunch o' scalliwags & rogues from the Notorious Seahorse group at IMAC* We'll be carousing from right after the Reception until the tide goes out. Pirate Attired required.** Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare 5440 North River Road Rosemont, Illinois 60018 847 671 6350 Stop by the Seahorse.org* booth for the room number, or look for the sign o' the Igh For more information, email greenighs at tmail dot com, or check this thread on Thursday. *IMAC & Seahorse.org are not responsible for the ensuing mayhem & debauchery. **Igh patches & bandanas supplied for a reasonable donation. Yaaarrr.
Last reply by greenighs, -
Well, because of time money etc, I will get to RPFS once this year. Whoever can,I'd enjoy your compsny this weekend on the 29th. Mostly Ill be at the Rogue's reef stage with the boggards, though in the AM I plan on messing around with my Favorite whore Scarlett Muffinbum.
Last reply by Biker, -
Just curious, anyone going? Hawkyns? Dorian? Kass? Anyone?
Last reply by blackjohn,