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Solicitin Yr Festival Advice


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Well the Grindlebone Theatre has finally, FINALLY gotten up the gumption ta plunk down cash, buy land, and set up our community and event site. One o the things we've got a mind to do is a yearly pyrate festival. (also a renfaire, a burn, and a few other assorted events, but I digress).

Afore we get to the buyin and building phase, and hopefully to AVOID the tearing down and sellin phase, I'd love ta hear what you'd like to see in an event site/campground for a Pyratical festival. What have ya seen that worked lovely in the way of stages, vendor stalls, privys. . . .what has ya seen that was a total disaster.

So doz me a favor, mates. Wander over ta www.grindlebone.org, get some sense of what kinda weirdos yr dealin with, then come back here and post yr. preferences, what would you like to see us do to make this the best site for pyratical events.....well....anywheres.

Mungo :lol:

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A really good stage is one done around a ship, it's a good attraction for the stage acts.

And if you want to continue the 'pirate theme', build a stage that looks like an old Inn/bar.

Which could also compliment any food vendors in the same local.

Some really good faires (to go to if you haven't been), to see some good stages are Arizona in Feb. and March, Las Vegas in October, and I'm not sure if the Northern California Renaissance Pleasure Faire in the Gilroy area still has the great ship stage they had in Novato years ago. Perhaps someone who has been there could answer that one for you. That one I believe is still held in Sept.

I'm sure others who live in the mid-west, back east might be able to turn you onto some events where there are good stage sets, vendors of goods and foods.

Here in S. Calif. we recently got some food vendors who come from Oregon who make wonderful crepes. Something nice and different. I've also seen

chunks of frozen chocolate covered cheese cake served on a stick- yummy.

Here we have the 'stock' food vendors that travel to all the local faires, there's the ol' turkey leg, fish and chips and other things fried, bangers, Cornish pasties, American 'Chinese' food offering chicken or beef on sticks, egg rolls, rice etc.

Along with a lemonade and ice cream booths that pretty much rounds out what we see here.

I hope I've been of some help to you.

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I thank ye, Rumba Rue, and yes that is of help.

Awright lads, dont let the lady hang out here all by her lonesome, put yr oar in as well.

What sucked at the last festival you attended? What did ye love.?

:D I know I know, beer and wenches, but what else.??


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Keep the entrance fees reasonable. Possibly offer a discount season pass as in, 1 weekend -$10 , six weekends- $30. PLANT SHADE TREES!!!

Make sure yer paid entertainment isn't repeatin' itself on half a dozen stages simultaineously. People wants ta see variety, not multiple versions 'o Drunken Sailor. PLANT SHADE TREES!!!

How 'bout a couple 'o weekends stayin' open till bout 10:00pm. If the moonlight be too bright the bellydancin' people can be hidin' under the PLANTED SHADE TREES!!! :D

PIRATES!  Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.

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Keep the entrance fees reasonable. Possibly offer a discount season pass as in, 1 weekend -$10 , six weekends- $30. PLANT SHADE TREES!!!

Make sure yer paid entertainment isn't repeatin' itself on half a dozen stages simultaineously. People wants ta see variety, not multiple versions 'o Drunken Sailor. PLANT SHADE TREES!!!

How 'bout a couple 'o weekends stayin' open till bout 10:00pm. If the moonlight be too bright the bellydancin' people can be hidin' under the PLANTED SHADE TREES!!! B)

I was also thinkin that plantin some shade trees might be a good idea, what think ye? :ph34r:

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Well the Grindlebone Theatre has finally, FINALLY gotten up the gumption ta plunk down cash, buy land, and set up our community and event site. One o the things we've got a mind to do is a yearly pyrate festival. (also a renfaire, a burn, and a few other assorted events, but I digress).

Afore we get to the buyin and building phase, and hopefully to AVOID the tearing down and sellin phase, I'd love ta hear what you'd like to see in an event site/campground for a Pyratical festival. What have ya seen that worked lovely in the way of stages, vendor stalls, privys. . . .what has ya seen that was a total disaster.

So doz me a favor, mates. Wander over ta www.grindlebone.org, get some sense of what kinda weirdos yr dealin with, then come back here and post yr. preferences, what would you like to see us do to make this the best site for pyratical events.....well....anywheres.

Mungo :D

There is a decent ship stage at the St. Louis Faire, but it is way at the back of the site, down in a dell that seems to scare people off - like they couldn't make it back up the hill or something.

There ARE shade trees for the audience.

They are also doing a nice fall Pirate Festival using the same grounds, but costuming everyone up in Golden Age of Pirates garb and doing a fun scenario of "Pirates vs. Military."

Dean Calin

(Cap'n Jake)

Bounding Main


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PUT THE PRIVY'S WHERE THERE IS PLENTY OF DRAINAGE, SHADE AND LESS DUST AND DIRT....(whew...I hate stepping in wet when you gots to go to the potty!)

Plant shade trees...keeping in mind when they loose their leaves or needles.

Before the shade trees are big enough..you may want to invest on some large canvas's that can make for shady awning areas.

Old caravan tents? Gypsy caravan's? Ale stands with an act or comedy(hardly see that anymore!)

Colors don't forget the color's! I am always attracted to the bold striking colors at faire. I used to see more windsocks and flags with colorful streamers at old faire.

If you have an area with a great breeze and trees is a good spot for massage and oils and the like...used to be like that in Witche's corner at old faire.

Yes the bellydancers would def be where the tents are! (Ching ca ching..snaps zills)

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx


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