Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 17 replies
Ahoy Me Buckos and Buckettes! International Talk Like a Pirate Day is just around the corner and already our official website - - has taken over a million and a half hits this month! If ye have a party or event scheduled for International Talk Like a Pirate Day weekend (Sept. 17-19) drop our web wench, Jezebel, a line and let her know! She will post it and hopefully ye can recruit folks in yer area to come and share the luv! And be nice to Jezebel - or she may have to pummel ye with her fists and forehead. Aye, she's a delicate flower. Drink up me hearties! Yo Ho! Cap'n Slappy
Last reply by Cap'n Slappy, -
- 8 replies
I just read that a 3 DVd set of POTC is do out in November! I don't see too many differences between the 2 DVD set and this "new one" this is a 3 Piece set) Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl (Special Edition) will be released by Buena Vista on November 2nd. It will feature Dolby 5.1 and anamorphic video and will retail for $29.98. The extras where given as including: 19 Deleted & Alternate Scenes Blooper Reel Multiple Audio Commentaries: Gore Verbinski and Johnny Depp; Jerry Bruckheimer; Keira Knightley and Jack Davenport; Writers Ted Elliot & Terry Rossio and Stuart Beattie and Jay Wolpert "An E…
Last reply by BoneHunterLane, -
- 11 replies
ARRR!!! What be the name of the pirate movie that Sloth and Chunk are watching on TV during the film "The Goonies"? I always wanted to know, but I never bothered to find out. It's an old black and white film, and there's a guy swinging from the mast. It inspires them to chant "Hey you guys!" Is it even a pirate film?
Last reply by Mr_Scabbs, -
- 5 replies
An independent film by a local writer, director, actor done guerilla style will air OCT 30th at 1130 pm on the local state channel CPTV. The film is called Kidd's Gold - The legend of Belltown. captain Kidd, Evil tiny, Blade, Curly and myself star in the first 15 minutes as pirates burying our treasue n a secret chamber. It is discovered later by 4 intrepid college types who must face the spirit of old Capt Kidd to win the booty. Scupper
Last reply by Hrothgar Addams, -
- 4 replies
It's not exactly about pirates per se, but it does include many of our sea-faring phrases. The mid-1980s BBC series "Blackadder" starring Rowen Atkinson (Mr. Bean) has a wonderful episode about explorers, specifically Sir Walter Raleigh. In the episode called "Potato", Edmund Blackadder proposes to sail around the Cape of Good Hope in a ship manned bye Redbeard Rum, a leg-less captain with no sense of direction. I heartily recommend it, me hearties! :angry:
Last reply by Red Maria, -
- 3 replies
Anyony else who's bothering to watch any Olympic coverage notice that NBC has very frequently used the POTC score in it's various athlete bios and montages? Kinda cool....
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench, -
- 45 replies
Ahoy Iron Bess, I'd be beholdin' to ye if you could answer a question for me regarding POTC...perhaps it be a weird question. **Turns off the pirate speak for a moment** It seems that Disney releases a loads of official merchandise for their family friendly movies and such. But something dawned on me when I took my wee lass of a niece to the mall last week. We popped into the Disney store and it hit me...I don't remember seeing any official merchandise in stores at all, and come to think about it, none on Ebay either. However, there are TONS of what I am sure are illegal pirated items there as we speak...clocks, t-shirts, calendars, computer printed "photos" that a…
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
this is a stupid question i'm sure, but what exactly do you do with movie props anyway? I've been looking at these type of items an they seem to be generally greatly overpriced and made of inferior materials. example would be the pirate coin from potc. Would'nt something orginial or a good copy of something be as good? example would'nt you rather have a real period sword over a rubber prop sword? or is a fake prop onion bottle more desirable over a true 18 century onion bottle? Something intangable about them? thanks in advance
Last reply by hurricane, -
- 30 replies
Just caught a portion of "Swashbuckler" on a cable channel. Had to be "one of the worst pirate movies I've ever seen"! The 1976 film stars James Earl Jones, Robert Shaw ("Jaws"), Peter Boyle as the evile gov'nuh, Beau Bridges (wearing what type uniform I have no clue), Genevieve Bujold, and Avery Schreiber. No doubt destined to be a classic, this film should be continuously shown (along with European Command AFN-TV commercials) to break the will of captured terrorists. Yours, &c. Mike
Last reply by John_Young, -
- 34 replies
Ahoy! I imagine this has been asked before, but lets do it again... What's your favorite pirate book? Blackjohn
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I just wanted to announce that I have written two out of three Scottish historical fiction novels with a female pirate captain as the main character (Ocean Eyes and Man of God). Captain Angelique is very rough-and-tumble, as I didn't believe any woman pirate would be sexy and wear lip gloss. I did not write these books to be romance novels; they are swashbuckling stories like the Three Musketeers. The third book, Order of the Cross, will be available within a few months and I will be at the Key West Pirates in Paradise Festival for a booksigning this year. I am also interested in starting a topic of discussion about Scottish fiction as it relates to pirates,…
Last reply by breacanfeile, -
- 33 replies
I can't for the life of me remember who asked but... I know I said I'd ask the writers about where the name Barbossa came from. This email came from Terry today. Hope it helps!! <omited> <omited> Barboss'a name had, oddly, many influences. You might think it began with the Barbarrosa Brothers but at the time we were (or at least I was) only vaugely familiar with that reference. I would have probably associated the word more with the old Willie Nelson film. I think it started with the notion of the Barbary Coast or the Barbard Coast Pirate. Thr Barbary Coast Pirates were located in North Africa. I believe, though the reference is maybe more common to th…
Last reply by Charity, -
- 4 replies
Only one online comic I follow, but there's a pirate sighting in there too. Linky Better post your sightings as well. Can't be that there's nobody here that reads online comics, and can't be that that's the only one with pirates.
Last reply by Charity, -
- 2 replies
Windwaker is a fun little addition to the Zelda saga. Though, most people don't like it because of the cell shading. I love it. And what's best of all... most of the time your in a talking ship! And pirates help out along the way. These pirates are funny too.
Last reply by Lady Sakura, -
- 0 replies
I subscribe to a monthy gaming magazine, and this month it gave me the head-up about a new pirate-themed game coming out called Galleon: Islands of Mystery. It focuses on a young pirate named Rhama Sabrier, and his quest to recover a magical herb. The writers promise that the game has interesting combat play to give the game a new kind of edge, especially for a pirate-themed game. Reviews say that the game's best aspect are the story and characters. The story isn't anything new, but the character interactions are entertaining and well written with good voice acting (something not found often in games, I'll tell you that!). they also say a bit about the tricky gameplay. …
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench, -
- 6 replies
I know I have not been in the Pub lately but wasn't sure if any of you had seen the Terri Clark video for "Girls Lie Too"?? The reason I am asking, is they have a gentleman dressed as Capt. Jack Sparrow in it for the lady star to fantasize about. It is pretty funny. Just thought I'd ask.
Last reply by Captain Morgana Bloodheart, -
- 6 replies
I watched "Christoher Columbus, secrets from the Grave" on the Discovery Channel the other evening!! Very Interesting! Lots of piraty-ness to keep all of ye grinin'! A group of scientists have strong evidence that Chris Columbus was not Italian and NOT from Italy, but he was most likely a Pirate/Corsair from Spain! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, 5 8:00 PM Columbus: Secrets from the Grave Discovery Channel Thursday, 5 11:00 PM Columbus: Secrets from the Grave Discovery Channel Saturday, 7 12:00 PM Columbus: Secrets from the Grave Discovery Channel Check your local listings for times!!! M. Bloodheart
Last reply by kass, -
- 4 replies
I were lookin' at the liddle insert wot came in the POTC soundtrack, an' I noticed something. All the musicians in the orchestra had pirate names followin' their reg'lar names. I thinks me fav'rites were Ahoy Matey O' Grady, Landlubber Jackson, Keelhaul Brooks, an' Tortuga Wench Gallagher. Just thought ye'd get a kick outta that
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 45 replies
Ahoy mates, last night I was informed that on the history channel there was a show about Captain Kidd. While I was watching, I saw some of me local mates. Me gunner captain Hawkyns, FMOS Captain Kidd and of course the very handsome Scubber. Nice job everyone LadyCristean
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 5 replies
A friend of mine brought this to light. I checked it out. Though it rather interesting. Not sure if someone had posted this before. But the same type of card game that made PokeMon & YuGiOh popular, is now of pirates! Pirates of the Spanish Main Enjoy all! & take what'cha can!
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench, -
- 5 replies
I love doing these LOL, i ever got a bit of a "piraty look" (i often have as i wear the triangle head thingies often, don't know the name LOL, and i LOVE earrings in all sizes and colors). Doesn't look at that bad to be cursed...
Last reply by Christine, -
- 14 replies
Finally, got me own pix back, so here they are: Kenny, Elvis Storm Trooper and me Toby as Jack and me for the showing of Pirates Friday night me, guyfriend as Uncle Davver and my friend Emily as we got our caricature portrait done Toby stopped by and hung out with Uncle Davver and us ghouls-lol! The finished caricature portrait of Uncle Davver and his 5 ghouls me with Puss in Boots, such a great and adorable costume! Had another caricature portrait made vertically. The first one was horziontal. My guyfriend has a wall in his house that has all our caricature portraits on there. One space left that is vertical. So, on Sunday we had the guy at the Ca…
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench, -
- 14 replies
Hi all, i finally managed to make a pic that's readable, of Geoffrey's letter, as some people said they couldn't read it :) I also have a pic of me and my POTC coin and the coin closeup. I look awful *blush*, 'cause i didn't know how to look and i'm not as pretty as most of the women here.. but i so happy with the coin, i had to show it off Me with the coin:
Last reply by Charity, -
- 6 replies
Did ye see this? I saw KW Pirate on a new show called Help Wanted!!! There were some other pirates but I didn't know who they Anyway.......CONGRATS KW!!!! Ye be famous now!!!
Last reply by Nigel, -
- 14 replies
That's right. As some of ye might know, Redd be a concept artist at a video game company called Backbone Entertainment. I created a character that is being much talked about of late - Death Jr.! So far, the game is the only original title being released on SONY's new game platform - the portable PSP. Just do a Google search on Death Jr. and PSP, and you'll probably find info on it. The joke around the office is that I'm Death Sr. Anyhow....they're planning (now keep in's still in development hell...which means it may never see the light of day) to make a movie based on the game! Already! Well...they put an article out in the June 14-20 issue of Variety Magazi…
Last reply by Zorg,