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  1. I want one too! Still would rather have the real (Johnny) Captain Jack Sparrow.
  2. Aye ladies, Nothing more dangerous than a woman pirate with PMS, holding a pistol and a sword. Goddess help any man who upsets them off. LMAO
  3. Let me again apologize again, as in previous post, I did not want to play the game and stated so more than once. It got out of hand and now I have lost a very good friend. If this how the role playing goes on this pub. It is nothing I want to be a part of......... Remember this Merry wanted to play this game, she won, but I lost awhole lot more. Now need for any to leave the pub for I will never log on again. Never mess with a strong group of friends and lovers, who aren't big on playing games
  4. MerryDeath, If this is true lass, and this is really not a game anymore... We should chat more privately and not on this list..... I must apologize to everyone, I really did think that it was just a game. !!! GAME OVER !!!!
  5. Christine, You are also correct about karma......if it should not be me, then I will stand aside ........maybe not........ Doesn't anyone wonder what happened for me to have these strong feelings for him.....?????
  6. Sheila, You are correct. This is not the place.... By the way...... I love your signature line.
  7. not a coward lass.... I have very deep feelings for Scupper. Just because me eye likes to wonders a bit, doesn't mean I am giving up the fight. My heart too is connected to his. Just waiting to see what Scupper decides. I don't want to play this game
  8. I like Scupper to much to play this game. So I will stand aside. (grabbing me tankard and catching the eye of the new handsome gunner walking across the deck.....)
  9. Again, it was your idea to play a game.(recall the private email you send me) My post was almost two weeks ago. I refuse to play games inregard to one who lives in my heart. Further words are pointless.
  10. Let me set the record straight. About two weeks I received a private email from Merrydeath wanting to play this game with "Scupper" thing. I told her I would pass on this game, and thought I let it go on the list also. I was under the impression it was just a game.
  11. I was under the impression it was. Sorry if I offended or hurt any feelings.
  12. Well missy I have one word for ye "pirate". And ye can't be stealin someone who does not want to be stolen.
  13. Aye lass, he be one with the gentle touch alright. But, I meant a private floggin in the Captain's quaters alone. Sorry lass as far the hard chocolate shell, it be all gone and it was yummy. So put down yer sword, grab yer tankard and have some of this gunners punch. It will set ye on yer bum and ye never remember the chocolate shell...
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