Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 5 replies
Apparently a television series called "BONES" will have a Wednesday April 5th episode about pirate treasure. 8pm on FOX here in New York........ Have never seen the series but, will definitely check it out....... ~Foxmorton
Last reply by Mimi Foxmorton, -
- 9 replies
I am brand new to the forum. I work for and I am trying to get marketing ideas from members. We have created the ships (not from kits) and they will be ready by end of April if not a little sooner. Just looking for ideas.
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
- 0 replies
There is a Special tonight about a battle...I didn't see if it was the battle at Trafalgar or not. Is it The Deep See Detective Series... It is on at 10:00 pm EST.
Last reply by crimson corsair, -
- 63 replies
Blackbeard You won't want to miss this. this looks flippin badass.
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 1 reply
I was wanderin how ye lads and lasses liked the national Geographic documentary onBlackbeard which came on recently this month. quite honestly i was surprised by a few things that i never thought would be told on that film ! that so called cabin boy who they called Frenchie who was really a lass, 2. about the reason why Blackbeard took on a royal navy ship from Boston now I knew that he knew Black Sam Bellamy wince both of those rogues were under the mentorship of Ben hornigold 3 they listed Yellow fever as the reason for blockading Charlestown S C for that box of medecine worth six hundred dollars in todays money and lastly 4. About that firl who became his 14th w…
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 1 reply
The new book "The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" by Bobby Henderson was released today (3/28). At it's core it is about intelligent design, however, he uses lots of pirates in his own creation theory about FSM. For instance, the reason pirates are not as warming. The book offers explanations on why men have nipples (why, pirates used them as portable weather stations). This is a silly read on a serious debate. Mags
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone! Julie and I are proud to announce that Monster Hobbies has re-opened in High River! We have changed our location from the hard to find 107 2a Ave Sw to a new, easier to find spot at 127 3rd Ave Sw. Simply turn right at the Fas-gas as you come through downtown via the old #2 Highway and continue on until you reach the end of 3rd Ave. Our new store is located beside Great Garb Clothing and has street front parking. This location is 3 times the size of our old store. This allows us to finally have simular items in the same location, such as the model cars which can now be displayed beside the Hotwheels and 1/18th scale Diecasts. There is enough space to…
Last reply by Mad Cap Romanian, -
- 2 replies
Calypso Soft Drinks are launching two new no-added-sugar juice drinks ahead of this summer’s screening of the second Walt Disney Pictures film in the Pirates of the Caribbean series – Dead Man’s Chest. The Caribbean Curse and Bootstrap Blackcurrant drinks each contain 10 per cent juice and come in cluster packs of four 250ml bottles with sports cap. The packaging features the film’s vicious skull and crossbones logo along with a close-up of Johnny Depp as one of the swashbuckling pirates, and is designed to appeal to boys and girls in the 6-11 age group which forms the heartland of Calypso’s market. Waitrose will be among the first to sell the new drinks, which go on sa…
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 49 replies
Imagine my surprise at the market today -- POTC cereal (chocolate "pearls" with assorted marshmallow plunder) and POTC fruit-flavored snacks (100% DV vitamin C). Eat up, me hearties, YO HO!! Cheers, CT Ben
Last reply by Zath Chauvert, -
- 2 replies
I know that no official DVD of the Heston Treasure Island has ever been released but does anyone here know where I might be able to find an unofficial copy? I saw the movie a decade or so ago and remember it as being absolutely great but I've not been able to find it since.
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 0 replies
Herewith you're all invited to join us on our pirates live roleplaying game "Seven Seas I-The Council Of The Captains". It will be held from 25th -27th August 2006 in Verden/ Germany (near Bremen/Hannover). All ye' pirates living or staying in Germany that time are kindly invited to join the game. For more information please give me a mail or, if you understand German, visit my website at The Pirates Of The Seven Seas Keep your powder dry, Jack
Last reply by CaptainJackRussell, -
- 7 replies
This one is Marie-Antoinette, starring Kristen Dunst. It is based on Antonia Fraser's biography (if you haven't read any of her works, you might do so. This movie is to be released in the Fall of this year. It actually looks pretty damn good. Here is the site where you can see the trailer:
Last reply by Capt. Lazarus Gage, -
- 2 replies
Clean men leave no smells?
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 4 replies
I've been talking with a friend of mine recently, and we came up with a crazy idea... We're going to try and make a serious film, using our rather meager resources, and make it not be obviously low-budget. The kid's a technical genius, and after discussing it a while we've decided that it is in fact quite possible to pull off with a few certain techniques, and some of the equipment and acquaintances (and their equipment) that we have at our disposal. So far we've done a bit of work into the plot now that it's been deemed possible, and we've decided it'll be in a renaissance-type setting, in a somewhat fantasy land due to the fact that filming based in Iowa without optio…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 19 replies
There's been references to him in various posts over the years, but I'm trying to get a head count of sorts. But there's got to be more than a few fans of POB around here. Anyone else read all 20 (or 20.5, for completists) novels in the Aubrey/Maturin series? I'm on my second trip through, currently just starting "Treason's Harbor" And for you unfortunate folks who have never heard of Patrick O'Brian, he is best known for the film "Master and Commander" which was based on his 10th book in the series, "The Far Side of the World." His writing style is often compared to Jane Austen. He creates a very complete sense of life aboard a Royal Navy ship during the Napoleon…
Last reply by PyrateLass, -
- 64 replies
(Waving) Hi all... been gone a few weeks. Just to keep those of you who live for going out to the park in the loop, the POTC ride will be closing this March and reopen towards the end of June. Yes, I know what all the upgrades and new installs are and no, I can't tell you. Yet. For you purests who love the ride as it is you better go now or forever hold your peace. Ya gotta wonder what Walt thinks.
Last reply by Christine, -
- 1 reply
My friend Sea Wolf got this email yesterday, and it sounds like it would be fun to check it out: On April 1st the production crew for the movie "Remember my Isa" will be at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival to film three scenes for their movie. Anyone who would like to be an extra in the movie can be a part of it by coming to the festival site at 9:00 am in garb. When you arrive, just ask for Paul Orr (assistant director in charge of extras) or for Keri Jenkings (director). If you would like more information about the movie or the crew creating it, please visit Here is a quote from their website dealing with the scenes that will be shot at LRF:…
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 22 replies
I was just thinking about Danger Island today, and wondered if any of you piratey sorts remembered this one-season kiddie show. It aired on the Banana Splits show waaaaay back in '68/69...when I was just a weeeee lass, and it's probably the reason I've always had a fascination with pirates... Danger Island Dang - wish I could watch it again, for old times' sake... das
Last reply by jim hawkins, -
- 2 replies
had an assignment to write The sea swells and my feet are firm upon the deck With wind and spray blowing in my face The well worn line running out through my roughened hands The sheets bellying out, full of the awesome power of the heavens This day begins as have so many others With the body straining to meet the sea The bosun whistles to have hands aloft Unfurl the topsail and set the trigallions, we need speed to reach the lanes My mates are sensing the days peril ahead We all silently pray that our prey comes gently Six bells and there be no hail from aloft Our hands are busy with the preparations for action When at eight bells less a quarter we hear a …
Last reply by The Doctor, -
- 0 replies
Sea Wolf and I toured the ship when she was in port last year, and it was fascinating! I would highly recommend checking it out!
Last reply by Bosun Carmina, -
- 3 replies
And check what else they have since this is only one of several listing. Have fun kids!
Last reply by Bloody_Mary_Bonney, -
- 3 replies
Hey gang - TCM must be in Pirate mode this weekend! ***See my thread below about the airing of Blackbeard the Pirate on Sunday morning.*** TONIGHT at 2:00 AM they are showing The Spanish Main...a VERY enjoyable Technicolor pirate flick. If you like Maureen O'Hara in the Black Swan, you'll love her in this one too! Here is a link to the info: TCM: The Spanish Main Once again, break out the TIVO, DVR, VCR, etc...and enjoy! What a perfect way to cap off St. Paddy's, with copious Guinness and a classic pirate flick! EDIT:: I forgot that TCM's schedule isn't "real world". When they say 2:00am on the 18th, they mean Saturday night, even though it's technically the 19th a…
Last reply by callenish gunner, -
- 1 reply
Good news! Turner Classic Movies will be airing Robert Newton's "Blackbeard the Pirate" next Sunday morning, 3/19. Early, at 6am. So set those VCRs, DVRs, Tivos and whathaveyou. Btw, wanna watch the trailer? Check it out - HERE at the bottom of the page. If you haven't seen this flick, don't miss's a great chance to see Robert Newton doing a raunchier, more adult version of his Long John Silver.
Last reply by Pirate Petee, -
- 7 replies
Has anyone read Fell Cargo, by Dan Abnett yet? It's part of the Warhammer series and is supposedly about people fighting a bunch of zombie pirates. I'm tempted to pick it up, but I've never read any of the other novels in the series, so I don't want to pay good money for something that that's not going to make any sense to someone who isn't already familiar with the Warhammer universe. Can anyone give a recommendation either for or against it?
Last reply by Zephaniah W Nash, -
- 64 replies
I really admire some of the members signature "graphics" here at the pub. Somebody has put some serious time into them... so I thought I would have a little contest. I will take nominations this week for the top signature graphics, and then post a poll next week. The biggest vote getter will get a prize from my treasure chest. I am not sure what yet, but it could be anything from a T-shirt, a set of original buttons, a book, fabric for a costume etc..... On second thought, I will say that the dead line for "entries" is 20 February. That will give some folks that have been meaning to get a signature graphic together a chance (and maybe some motivation?. Good luck …
Last reply by JoshuaRed,