October Events
149 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
I'd like to invite you all to the 2006 Hornblower Convention in Williamsburg, October 12-15. I am saving my doubloons for the trip from Florida. There will be a website up by the end of the month......I'll post a link as soon as it comes on line. Yours in Pyracy King's Pyrate
Last reply by callenish gunner, -
- 2 replies
I've heard that the Las Vegas Faire- Age of Chivalry-- has moved form the first weekend in October to the second in 2006. Have they officially moved this to October 13-15 for 2006??? I thought it was always the first weekend... No dates or contact info on their web site: http://www.lvrenfair.com/
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 39 replies
you know californians that northerns great faire ends this weeksend and thar be a pirate event (sort of) I hears where in Fremont on Satursday there be a street thing where the scurge of the seven seas (jes kidding) the tales of the seven seas is pilaging the street in front of a retail shop called the Sea Wolfe Trading Company anys ways I haven't heard back from claire but think a bunch of us southerners should drive up friday night all share a hotel room and slumber party go to the gig in fremont then back to hollister for closing day at Northern and home late sunday night and just plan on being effed on Monday what say then ye scalliwags? in the infamous words of Blut…
Last reply by Rummy3, -
- 239 replies
so whose going this year. last year i saw diego and rummy rumba rue saw christine for a moment. i want to meet more of you interesting characters dang it so whose going to be in escondido this year round.
Last reply by Diego Santana de la Vega, -
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Although this 'ere be meh first post, I thought it necess'ry as this 'ere faire be right 'round the bend. For those of yeh, like mehself that hail from the New England area, Kingston NH be the home of a first ever NH Ren Faire and Samhain celebration. It be only one weekend, the 29th and 30th of October. Not sure 'ow many mates 'ere are from this area, but Id love to see a good turnout so we can 'ave more of em 'ere. I shall record more of mehself at a later time, Until then, Sincerest Regards, Capt. Maavus T. Meritt
Last reply by Capt. Maavus T. Meritt, -
- 16 replies
Arrrr, me mizzus Experience Gibbs an' I be settin' sail fer Age of Chivalry in Lost Wages next weekend. We're plannin' on gettin' there Friday ta' purchase some wares fer me get-up, and maybe checkin' in on Saturday as well. Any PP activities planned by any o' ye scurvy lot?
Last reply by Rummy3, -
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Anyone going to md ren fair oct 16 if so maybe we can set up a meeting place and time one eye snake
Last reply by one eye snake, -
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Found a message in me bottle. (better than that cig butt I found there once, nothing like finding one o' them when you take a swig) Thought I would share. Pirate Party
Last reply by Rogue Mermaid, -
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Ahoy there me lads and lasses! It be that time of year again and I was just wonderin' which of you fine folk might be wanderin' to the Texas Renaissance Festival? I ask 'cause me and me friends'll be there on the weekend of October 22-23. If'n ye be payin' attention then ye know that this particular weekend be their "Roman Bachannal." Well, if ye show yer mugs that weekend, look for this old seadog dressed as a Cilician pirate! Which brings me to a question - any suggestions on how to dress as such? Me plans so far are to wear a tunic with a broad belt, a shoet sword (mine is a cross between a gladius and a hoplite's sword), some cross-tied mocassin boots, and a lon…
Last reply by Blackbead, -
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Just back from faire lovelies. What did I miss?? My pockets are full an I'm feelin a might generous harties. "A fresh round fer all ye currs, arrrrrrr!" Festing with t gypsies I was. Fine lot they are, passin the pipe, keepin me cup topped an a merry hornpipe er two. A lass could get used t likes o gypsies. An t lad I calls me own lit t camp o gypsies a blaze with his fire play. It was a hell of a time I tells ye. Worth a round or two fer t tellin..... "Another round on me fer all me mates!" "Here's t festin an wakin face down on deserted patch o land! YO HO!!"
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 1 reply
See the Middle Ages come to life at the annual Medieval Faire, Saturday, October 8 and Sunday, October 9, 2005 from 11 am - 4 pm on the grounds of Marietta House Museum in Glenn Dale, Maryland. Admission is $5/adults, $2/ages 4-18, free/ages 3 and under. Meet Saxons, Normans, Vikings and re-enactors from other living history camps from the 11th - 15th centuries. Enjoy music, crafts, demonstrations, games and entertainment. Battle reenactments will be held throughout the day. Period merchants and artisans will be on site. This is family fun for all ages. No pets please. Marietta House Museum is located at 5626 Bell Station Road, Glenn Dale, Maryland off of Route 193 an…
Last reply by blackjohn, -
- 11 replies
For those of you in the mid-Atlantic region, the grand muster is coming up. Great living history for those of you interested in the 17th century. Pretty hard core authentic, and the added attraction of the Dove, moored at the site. The Militia is Coming! Before the states were united and before the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines were organized, Maryland’s colonists had to fend for themselves. Lord Baltimore instructed able-bodied male colonists to be armed and prepared to defend the colony against pirates, Virginians, and others intent on plundering. The colonists would periodically travel from far-flung plantations to practice their soldiers’ skills together. Pe…
Last reply by blackjohn, -
- 8 replies
There are 2 POTC interactives now set. One for Cleveland, Ohio on Oct. 22 and one in Mount Vernon, Washington. All the ticket, time and info is listed at interactives
Last reply by tishsparrow, -
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Please note, I am not in any way associated with the Whitehaven Sea Festival, this link is posted for information purposes only. Whitehaven (UK) Sea Festival Shares if the link dont work try pasting into your browser: http://www.whitehaven-news.co.uk/business/...c=326&id=288811 Whitehaven is also looking to get a fleet (3) tall ships permantlty berthed at the harbour we have here. TTFN Thorn
Last reply by hurricane, -
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Ahoy me hearties! I be Captain Morgan o the Dead Pirates inviting ye ta Hallowcon October 28-30 in Chattanooga Tenn.My crew be in charge of the con-suite bar and will be running our last Wet-n-Wild Wench contest. There be cash prizes for the top four wenches and t-shirts for all contestants.There will be a kids pirate costume contest,Slave auction,pirate films all weekend,free food and drinks and pirate fun fer all! I hope to see ye all there as this is one party were the rum is never gone!
Last reply by Durty Mick Moon, -
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The Sarasota Medieval Fair is returning!! Saturday and Sunday, October 15th and 16th. For more information go to www,sarasotamedievalfair.com Elizabeth is queen...I know...that's Renaissance...but that's the way it is... If you're in the Tampa Bay Area, come on out and support a new olde fair. Maggie
Last reply by Maggie, -
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Ahoy and Avast!...If'n ya 'ave a lot 'o spunk, this event's pretty much 'no holds barred', as anyone wot kin rent a bandana becomes a 'pirate for the weekend'!!!...We'll be repellin' boarders for sure! :) October 1-2 Wet 'n Wild on Catalina
Last reply by the Royaliste, -
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Not a Ren Faire, but the crew of the Stranglehold will be at the Mira Mesa Street Fair, anyone that would like to come vist us, please feel free to do so, the fair will be open from 10am to 4:30pm, for more info go to http://www.miramesatowncouncil.org/mira_me...street_fair.htm Enjoy.
Last reply by Capt Grey, -
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I guess this is the first annual Prado Pirate Days, its at the end of October. Its local "Chino" to us southern Cal Pirates. Anyone else heard of this? Its called chain shot produtions who is setting it up. They are taking proposals from vendors and guilds. 1-323-630-7466
Last reply by Diego Santana de la Vega, -
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..... *pirate invastion and plunder party *thieves market and feast* *pirates parade* *treasure hunt with cash prizes* *children's activities* *costume bash.....and more!!! sponsers: captain morgan, budweiser, adventure radio group, comcast and beachside colony. website: www.tybeeopiratefest.com phone number: 1-800-868-2322.
Last reply by lady renee, -
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Do any more of you reprobate denizens of this board attend Fantasy Fest in Key West? It's the wild Halloween celebration sponsored by Captain Morgan Rum. Gwen and I went last year and will be going agin this. Sort of like Mardi Gras, but not so classy and refined. We were in the parade last year and saw quite a few sights as we flung beads right and left. Hawkyns
Last reply by Hawkyns, -
- 3 replies
Tybee Island is having their first Pirate Fest this year in October. Tybee Island is 20 minutes from Savannah, GAPirate Fest link and is basically the only beach around since Savannah is not on the coast, rather an inland river. It's out my backdoor, so I'll be there. Anyone else considering traveling to Savannah?
Last reply by Slopmaker Cripps, -
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Just wanted to let people know that ifin ye start plannin early The Weekend of October 7th 8th and 9th is a huge party in the desert! http://www.lvrenfair.com/
Last reply by Diego Santana de la Vega, -
- 9 replies
Just curious to know if there are any other pirates in the great lone star state. The only events I know of that might attract such scurvy dogs would be the Scarborough Fair (alas, already past) or the big Texas Rennesance Festival (not untill October). Anyone know if there any other pirate events in these parts?I know we have a local SCA, but I don't know if there are any pirates in the group...
Last reply by Black Syren, -
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Greetings and well met.... It is happening....a dream that started many years ago and now has come to the light...Four Kingdoms Ren Festival in Milan, IL on Colombus day weekend(Oct. 7,8,9) is happening.... This is the child of two men..one a Lord in the Adrian empire and one a lowly Pyrate(hehe..thats me!). At the moment we have Jousters..The New Riders of the Golden Age full contact jousting, Human powered rides for the kiddies...storytellers, magicians, music tentativly set for Seelie Court, Three Pints gone, The Thryce Wycked Wenches(my girls...hehe) and others(none are contracted yet but expect to be soon)...there will be a shanty singing contest...several c…
Last reply by darkRose,