Stand around the water cask, introduce yourself & get the scuttlebutt.
2,398 topics in this forum
- 58 replies
These online name generators have always seemed a bit random to me. I was wandering if there was a formula for finding your pirate name, in the same way that there is a formula for finding your pornstar name. first pets name + mothers maiden name = your pornstar name (Bud Fox in my case ) or the formula for finding your romance writer name. Second name + the street where you live = romance authers name (Richard Greenstead) Please bear in mind that this is a work in progress, but here is a first attempt at a pirate name formula. Here it goes. Colour of your car/vehicle(or your front door if you do not drive) + The part of your body that most recently needed medica…
Last reply by Bloody Joshua, -
- 56 replies
Long John Silver had his parrot, "Captain Flint", Captain Barbossa had his monkey, "Jack." What's yer preferred pet?
Last reply by lady snow, -
- 20 replies
Any cannon at all! Big field or deck pieces, as part of a crew? Smaller personal pieces? How many actually shoot projectiles? Mate Jan and I shoot cannon (powder only) : six pounder field piece at the Chalmette Battlefield. I just a few days ago got a 1" bore, 1/4 scale model naval piece. I have to finish drilling out the vent hole before it's firable. Would be interested in hearing from any of ye "big boom" lads and lassies! What sort of piece(s) do ye fire? What size? Iron or bronze? Projectile or just powder? Etc.! Capt. William
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 24 replies
alright, here be THE big gargantuan earth-shatterin' Announcement o' meybe the year (!) or at least in the last few minutes......Mister Durty Mick Moon 'as now been deemed qualified fer the rank o' "Plunderer" n' he expects his 'rounds o' drinks from all ye soon as he's got a terrible thirst n' feels like plunderin' so keep yer daughters inside n' lock up yer pets....(?) 'n I feel like dancin' wi' the lasses, so come 'ere, who's first...whar's that McBayne beauty?....
Last reply by Scarlet McBayne, -
Many Greetings! 1 2
by Asukaru- 31 replies
'Allo there, me lords and lasses! Forgive me my weak Pirat-ese, I be very much a work in progress! Now what would you have me say? Me life story? Tisn't much. I'm a wench at Knott's Scary Farm's Halloween Haunt - I found this haven last October when I was looking for items to educate me fellow pirates with. Me faire experience is limited, but I'm lookin' ta learn, and lookin' forward to the new faire season to polish me persona. An' my servin' skills. I'll make the best effort not to spill as I buy and serve ya all a round!
Last reply by Asukaru, -
Pirate in Training 1 2 3 4 7
by Barbados Sam- 162 replies
I just joined a pirate group and I'm doing my first Faire next weekend. Are there any websites, books, etc. that teach you some basic phrases so that I can talk like a pirate? Cheers, Barbados Sam
Last reply by Dread Mach Brannigan, -
Happy Hour
by Pew- 12 replies
This season 'ere I be needin' ta take me a second job, so I'll be 'elping Ray out ere in the pub when I'm not over at the Tsunami Kate 'elpin out Mr Red Wake. So belly up, grab ye a pint, and tell me wot be on yer 'oliday list this season?
Last reply by Scarlet McBayne, -
- 29 replies
Aye, What place is this I’ve stumbled upon? I been wanderin’ a vast wasteland of cyberspace, always with an eye out for a nice comfy tavern with friendly folk and the sweet scent of draught Guinness in the air. Have ye all room for one more? As I lurked a bit in the shadows I sees there’s others of me same ilk so let’s me step into the dim light and show me self. As I talk I must buy rounds for all ye. Line em up Mister Ray if you please. And when your glass is empty I’ll buy another as we know one’s not enough and there’s tales to tell. I goes by the moniker of Mick Moon and I be new in these parts so be patient with an ol’ pyrate workin’ on his wobbly sea legs. Ye can s…
Last reply by Diego Santana de la Vega, -
- 30 replies
We've all been through this silliness, so give it up! What absolutely assinine situation have you dealt with whan encountering the public? I've had more than one woman ask me if I was too hot in me garb, since the dew point up here in Minnesota can be ridiculous. Here be me answers... - "Too hot? I was hoping for 'incredibly sexy', but I'll take 'hot' on a a bad day!" - "It gets even hotter when I'm out of this garb. Care to go back to the car park for a bit of a cuddle?" - I look off into the sky, opposite the Sun, and declare "Aye, but it's better than the possible alternative, eh? Wait a moment... where's my banana?! Help! Guards!! Banana thief!!!"
Last reply by Fox, -
Who do ye think be the best looking Pyrate/Wench? By best meaning anything frem garb to just plain looks, even in history. There be no voting fer ye self or yea walk the plank scurvvy
Last reply by Diego Santana de la Vega, -
- 22 replies
Are you part of a ship's crew or guild? Or are ye a rogue pyrate freelancin'? Tell us about your group. Fer example, I see William Red Wake, Petee, Diego an' Rummy are part of the Watch Dog, but I don't know anything about the Watch Dog. Do you do faires together as a group? Just curious about your affiliations if any, and to see how many guilds or crews are represented here at the pub. An just ta' loosin' things up, drinks are on me My ship, the HMS Stranglehold is represented here in the pub by Killian, Gigi, Blaze, Ves Gillooly an' meself. We participate in Ren Faires in So Cal, but mostly the Escondido Faire and are available fer hire at private events as we…
Last reply by hurricane, -
"Ren" Faires 1 2 3
by JoshuaRed- 63 replies
Still tryin' to figure out just how and when cocked hats became associated with the Renaissance....not that anything at a Ren Faire bears any resemblance to the Renaissance anyway. That's kinda like dressing up as a cowboy except wearing bell-bottom jeans.
Last reply by Sir Eric, -
- 34 replies
Late in the day, and I realize how many serious posts I've either started or contributed to; so.....on to the fun stuff.... What pirate or buccaneer do you identify with the most and why? Mine would be Calico Jack. A lot of show, a lot of need for adventure and sometimes trying too hard to be THE pirate. He wasn't great, but he had a certain attraction about him that earned him a lot of attention and a faire bit of respect...up til the end, that is. He was a survivor, if not a great fighter or great pirate...but he did his best and had fun doing it.
Last reply by Rummy3, -
- 15 replies
OMG- this is a total riot! Barbies of the Carribean I almost peed my pants laughing so hard!
Last reply by Silent, -
- 3 replies
Avast, mates, visit me new website dedicated to the "King of Pirates"- Blackbeard 'imself. Blackbeard's Realm 'Tis a work in progress, to be certain. If ye' have any Blackbeard topics you'd like to see added, drop me a line. Feel free to add me humble site to yer links, if ye' like. Fair Winds, Captain Sage
Last reply by Jonathan Hawks, -
- 29 replies
Aye! anyone of ye make good sigs? I be wonderin if ye could make Finn one! If so here be some stuff me would want on it! Ship battle in the background or sumthin like that Words sayin Pirates dont give up! They Fuck Shit up! So ya like a sig with a ship battle and stuff..
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 42 replies
Just had a question about the storing of accoutrements... What is the proper way to hold various items like pipe and tinder box, coins, combs, things of that sort. I have a primitive leather pouch with a deer antler button that a friend made for me, would that work? could pockets be sewn into your slops?
Last reply by Pirate Petee, -
- 33 replies
Ye needs a fittin exclamation when makin a raid, boardin a prize or emptyin a tankard, but there are so many choices! What say ye?
Last reply by Tall Paul, -
- 34 replies
Just curious. Imho, people haven't changed too much in 300 years.
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 109 replies
Ahoy!! I be new to this here port. I'fn ya have a place for a bottle o rum, I be stayin. I be Jonathan Hawks. Captain Hawks o the Sea Tyrant. I be glad ta parlay wit all ya other sea dogs.
Last reply by Scarlet McBayne, -
- 12 replies
Ojai Pics A pirates life for me.
Last reply by Bloody_Mary_Bonney, -
- 23 replies
Kass raised a question about interacting with the public in another thread. I was wondering, what do you, fellow pirates, do to either entertain the public or to educate them?
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 99 replies
Hello the List! Over the last few months, having attending various pirate-related events and small gatherings, I've oft heard folk say they are looking for pirate groups to join, but want to avoid the "Hollywood" pirate image. This most recently came from a younger couple who denounced the Hollywood image, yet sported fantasy doublets and bodices, big black hats with huge plumes, the most sparkling swords and knives you ever saw, and had names based on fantasy characterization. The man looked like the Captain Hook after a visit to Fredericks for Men and the woman like a piratically possessed Lara Croft. If they wanted historical, wouldn't they have been a lot plainer in…
Last reply by HarborMaster, -
- 165 replies
As I was lying in bed the other night, deathly ill, I started thinking how funny it could be if I started this here list and see what everyone could come up with. So I'll start it off, and everyone else add anything that pops into their heads. You might be a pirate if . . . ~You go into a bar and try to order Grog ~Anytime someone speaks negativly about pirates, you look at them in all seriousness and respond "You say 'Pirate' like it's a BAD thing!" ~You think Hamlet is Shakespeare's greatest work, not for the depth of Character, but because pirates rescue the hero -Well, that's all I can remeber for now. They seemed funnier the other night. Maybe I was delerious …
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 22 replies
So I’ve been building a cannon and the barrel is completed. Well yesterday them ammo came in the mail. I should have waited until the carriage was built, but I couldn’t resist a test fire. I wasn’t sure how loud it would be or if it would actually work for that matter, or if it did work, would I blow myself up. I’ve been blown up before and I have to say I didn’t really like it all that much and wouldn’t recommend it, trust me its not as cool as it looks. But that’s a different story. So I really didn’t want it to happen again and I wasn’t really sure about this thing considering I got the plans of the internet. Well, I got it all set up to fire and when I lit it. KABOOM!…
Last reply by Pirate Petee,