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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. Sabastian found Elliott and Devon standing with a gathering of men and wagons. There was a tension in the air, nervous eyes cutting to the expanses of unbroken sea and sky as the wind contiued to build. The majority of those present had migrated to island spit long afore siblings three and their whispers regarding impending storm told tales of tempests past; comparisons voiced with uncertainty to what might lay ahead. Gitan Dauphin listened to the wordings of those around him, carefully judging the pros and cons, the risks to all involved, then came to finite decision. He looked to the large sea vessel in question, sparsly decerned in early hour light but for the greedy lash of lightning tongue licking heavens above. Sitting proud astride mount, his visage reflected so many nobles before just before orders were given to charge the field of battle; jaw hard set, eyes searching mutable Square. "Non, mes amies...." Whisperings hushed, Gathering focus falling to rider. Sabastian looked away from water's chop to return their attentiveness, " Look to you and your own, this proposition involves a price of risk I am not willing to pay. Merci for your service, but your families are of more import. See to their safety and find shelter inland." Words of grateful partings were given in turn, and those that had gathered broke ground to varying direction as startled covey taking flight away from danger's hail. Noir rolled bit at tongue's whim, dancing in place, resisting instinct's call with ears laid back. Dark eyes returned to sea vessel center as Burke, standing near at hand, was addressed. "Please have those of our number aid the folk here. There are many women and children to look after and I wish this area cleared with all urgency." Burke gave nod of ascent, but paused in departure, "And you?" Focus unwavering from ship pitch and roll, the end of docking was indicated, " I will see if I can communicate to them their need to flee from here, as well..." Noir was spurred to negotiate track leading to wooden surface. At manmade extention, mount turned away from intended path, having no want to cross the breach. Soft word of encouragement were spoken to soothe and negotiate desire; proud neck stroked. Hesitantly, Noir gave in, the strike of hoof tread on wooden surface all but lost as the wind gained another degree of strength.
  2. Outrun... The word rattled around her mind like frightened bird looking to escape. Her eyes grew wide, her voice just above whisper, "We are not going inland?"
  3. "Oui, I trust that we shall and I know where we are to go. This is not the first time a storm of this possibilty has attacked, and it is far from being the last..." Her words died off as a pale took residence upon toffee features and she whispered with underlying dread, "Your ship...."
  4. Aurore gave small nod of acknowledgement, then stepped forward to vanquish the space between. No notice was granted to the acrid smell of cloth absorb, nor the tarnish of soot and ash. Gentle caress was laid on scarred cheek, tender kiss bestowed on desired lips, then she backed away.
  5. Reluctantly, four poster fortitude was given up and she shuddered involuntarily to the wind's howl. A glance was cast around chamber's parameter with hinted sadness, finally resting upon Sterling's face. "Oui, Sucre'..." From large armoir, clothing was retrieved and adorned. Hearth fire was extinguished and the small oil lamp on bedstead, soon after.
  6. Aurore overheard the conversation and watched after as husband departed the chamber. Sitting up, legs were drawn to chest, olive sights looked into low hearth flame as it danced and flickered with own agenda. Encircling knees in arm embrace, chin was rested atop and hearing focused on the wind's traverse outdoors. A resigned sigh was issued to the current situation now faced, the sacrifice to be issued. But such things lingered not long in the corridors of her mind, for greater concern lay with the where and well being of those held dear.
  7. "Aye...The lads be gathering plankin' from the livery. Tis a chaise stored there as well, I'll be tendin' to it now, sir." Stephen gave a humble nod then retreated quickly the way he had come.
  8. A really big blow....**ahem** Er...nevermind.
  9. **Note: No poultry or bovine were harmed in the rendering of this storm.
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