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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux
Aurore looked up quickly the tome of posey resting in her lap, it had proved failed distraction in the passing hours. Deserting the high backed support of hearthside chair, the deep olive eyes travelled over him, settling on his face half lit, half shadowed in Master Chamber dim. A deep breath was taken in, savoring the intoxicating scent of patchoulli mixed with the pungent dominence of Port fire residue. Tenative step was taken forward, a smile of relieved nature crossing her aquiline features.
^One of these, if you please Oo la la <Debating what to cook for dinner V Who is your favorite author?
Young girl beamed allowing Sterling into the small but nicely appointed foyer already bathed in the warm glow of oil illumination. She turned slightly pointing to the beginnings of stairway leading to upper floor. Carnation blush of cheek increased as she said in secretive low tone, "Chambre trois..."
"Patience, monsieur...I hope you are not in such a rush with all practices of life. It would be something of a sin." Stirrup was gained and seating soon after. Noir danced sideways, the light chorus of bells giving accompniment to motion.
Sabastian laughed, a pleasant sound that was as robust as his native philosophies. "Very well, there are horses waiting near. I will be envious of you this night, ami. While you are tucked away safe and sound...more than likely being serviced as Le Roi du Monde, I will be in the night air conducting business. Such a sorid affair, so unjust that I should be denied the soft comforts of femme compa...." He paused mid word with sudden chuckle of private amusement. Moving across the small room, door was held slighty ajar and request for mounts made.
Sabastian gaged Brother-In-Law's hesitation of words, but allowed the incident to slide by as if unoticed. Sterling's jab hurried forth a mock expression of indignation, "Monsieur! You wound me to mine very core. You would prefer the company of my sister to myself!? Mon Dieu!!!" He stood then, chortling to the scene then recomposing, fixed the other with familliar smirk, "Well then...It seems as all is in safe keeping here in town. I shall escort you to the place where those keys have sway before the night is upon us.....And I have an appointment to keep this eve, as well."
Sabastian's brow furrowed slightly to the reaction, "Something is wrong?...Aurore said from the beginnings that you were in need of those, but you do not seem pleased with their presence..."
"De rien, ami..." A small shrug was given. Second document was pushed closer to Sterling. "My sister asked that this be obtained for your benefit and it has finally come into my hands. It had been her desire to give it to you after the ceremony, but things did not work out as planned. She will be understanding in my intercede of such." Sabastian leaned backwards to chair support, " I do believe that Modyford's signiture and stamp are enough to give that validity."
Sabastian chuckled, "I would not be one brave enough to try." He leaned forward, index finger indicating the document that lay closest to where the keys had. "The keys go with this deed. A small piece of land and the house that sits upon it. I had aquired it with certain intentions and I think in some ways those intentions will be filled by proxy."
Sabastian lead downward to landing below, then onward into a small room. The furnishings were sparse and utilitarian, but the surround far more lit than what was to be witnessed elsewhere in the structure's command. Seating himself at large and somewhat battered table, Sabastian indicated a chair to Sterling. Reaching for a leather satchel that dominated the surface afore him, Beggar Prince cast a enigmatic glance to companion then withdrew contents to the glow of tallow render. A set of keys were laid aside with wax sealed parchment, to be joined by another parchment sealed in same manner with differing sigil. Rom eyed Sterling, secretive smile hinting at the corners of his mouth as the objects were push towards the other.
Sabastian held a hand up, cautioning against Sterling coming forward. Regaining full heigth, lazy streach of fluid motion gave emission of small poppings then roof edge was left. "We are fortunate, none of ours have been touched...Though I fear some that have dealing with us have not fared quite as well." Quick survey was given to the still linger of fire's belch polluting the heavens with a tsk. Sabastian indicated doorway maw, "Perhaps we should retire below, there are things which I must hand over to your possession."
Stairway sprawled upward, intermittantly stayed in course by two landings playing keeper to hooded lamps. At the top, hidden from clear sight, lay doorway to the plateau of roof kingdom, here Jason went ahead to offer better showing of its' existance.Early evening's muted light dropped down inclince sluggishly and Jason waved Sterling forward. At roof's edge, Sabastian crouched on the balls of his feet; postured as those beings ever watchfull from Notre Dame's ornate vistas.
Jason lead a crooked path through the byways and alleys until Old Church was sighted. Turning down bordering lane, he glanced briefly overshoulder to ensure of Sterling's follow. At lane end, guide moved to the shadow of large facade, rapping once. A momment passed then door was answered with slight crack then allowed full gape. Devon moved to door framing, surveying Sterling's appearence with a chuckle then allowed access to dark interior, "Bastian is on'na roof. Jason, be a good lad an' show 'im the way. Watch yer step now, boyos." Entrance was resecured and what illumination could be spared from early evening dim dissipated as if unwelcome to storehouse borders.
Jason backed a step instinctivly with Sterling's sudden approach, nodding his head in negation of query. A quick glance was throw about the near surround as he settled back at rest. "No Sir....I was sent to bring you where Sabastian and some of the others are. My Mistress has been sent further up the coastline to safer ground." Young lad shuffled his feet uncomfortably.
Jason wove amidst the slowing whirl of chaos in search of Sterling. The masses shifted just enough for fleet glimpse, calling for change of navigation techniques. He hovered just beyond where Andrew stood, relaying comment, waiting for notice and avoiding too possible jostle of passers-by.
Cat Daddy
The 60's
Art of War
Must be some Irish mingling in that English bloodline after all.
Your Seduction Style: The Coquette You are a pro at playing the age old game of hard to get. Your flirting style runs hot and cold, giving just enough to keep them chasing you. Independent and self-sufficient, you don't need any one person to make you compelte. And that independence is exactly what makes people pursue you.
Port Royal lay draped in soot strewn aura, the air thick with spent lumber burn; a dark mantle festering in acrid roll shifting at wind whims. On the main road leading in or out of Hell's reign on Earth, five riders kept their ground in the shelter of flora overhang of palm ceiling. In silence, the possible mennace was calculated by one as balance of four waited ever patient to leader's want. Dirk Sallenger had been fated messenger, having been within Port encompassment when the first shouts rang urgency to citizens in warning. Quick time was made to encampment and Gitan Roi was found with even greater haste. Mounts were roused and saddled; a choriography of practiced skill become second nature to those conditioned to the ways of sudden flight. Ahead, rider was spied intent on destination, not slowing until coming within identification range. Newest arrival drew near under the watchful scrutiny of Baro Rom. "Sabastian?" "A' the warehouse." "Is there threat?" "No....The wind has shifted, the fire started near the Fish Market. It seems be comin' under control." Andre' kept his peace, deep in thoughts rarely given voice. Dark sights panned the tainted skies ahead, "Very well, I should like to see for myself."