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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux
H.G. Wells
vin beaucoup!!! secretive
Ignorance is bliss....
They rode in silence, the air tainted with carnage not overfar away placing Sabastian's thoughts in many directions. Gaining the lower end of Queen's street, they wove through the masses then criss-crossed byways to achieve the warehouse's proximity. Nearing the juncture where alley spilled onto High Street, mounts were reined in briefly to allow survey of surround. The wind wavered in its' course and turned away from harbour coursing to bear more Northerly. As Sabastian concentrated on options that might need adhering to, Burke chortled to himself. The lilting roll brought other out of musings, "What?" "Tis not'in'..." "Enlighten me, s'il vous plait." The dark eyes scrutinzed the Irishman's secretive mirth evident on tanned features. "Me an' Sean had a wager abou' the lass..." "A wager? " "Aye...Jus' fer amusement, mind." Sabastian twisted in the saddle to allow fuller view, " Amusement..." "Aye." Gitan Dauphin rolled his eyes heavenward, "And what, exactly, was entailed in said wager?" "Tis a bit o' silliness, Bastian." "Oui...I am sure it is, but I could use a bit of silliness right now." Devon sighed, "Twas a wager on'na lass' charms....wether she be pleasin' to the eye or no'" Sabastian laughed, "And who won?" "Meself." A smile spread wide over Devon's expression. "And what was your thinking on such?" "Oh now...we both be agreein' tha' the lass would be worth a tumble." "Truly." "Aye...Bu' I be tinkin' tha' a feller might be havin' his hands full at the inclinations o' such. I don' tink tha' one would be like a gentle wee lamb." Sabastian returned forward in the saddle, gaze falling on the noble stance of the Old Church across the way and the graveyard bordering it. "I do believe you might be quite correct in that assumption, ami." he commented underbreath.
"Tres vien, ma cher Petit...." he regained full heigth on quay support. "I must say that your invitation is of tempting nature...But I must decline...sadly." Sabastian moved away, regaining former seat astride noir's back, "Follow the coast, as I instructed last eve and one will be waiting to signal cove's existance. Nine of the clock, Mademoiselle..." He bowed slightly from lofty perch then turned mount away, holding position momentarily to cast a glance over shoulder. "Ah Petit....I must tell you. When you are in a mood such as current, you are most beautiful to gaze upon. Au revoire, Capitaine." The noir was spured to launch in direction first followed, Burke pausing long enough to give Ransom one more visual survey before following suit.
Sabastian chuckled at Ransom's burst of defiant airs as he dismounted smoothly and handed reins to Burke. Walking to pier edge, he ignored the suspicious glares of her companions, squatting leisurely at pier edge to fix her with mischievous grin. Waving away her statements, dark eyes settled on her own, "Mademoiselle, you wound me with such comment. I see no others here about that have any time to concern themselves with your secrets. I do believe they are more worried of surviving this inferno in our midst...Of course, if errant ember should grace your decks, I doubt any of us shall worry of your secrets." A glance was cast over shoulder to Devon then back, "And I assure you that Monsieur Burke's attention in this matter, is simply a variation and reflection of mine own." With fluid movement, Sabastian dropped to seated position, legs dangling off wooden edge, "Merci beaucoup, Petit...Your compliment is graciously appreciated." He winked at her, shifting his head to slight angle and pursing his lips in mock contemplation. "You wish for me to guide you, Cherie? You wish for me to place my life into your care? Of that I cannot necessarily grant you accord...You may pitch me over the rail just for the sheer delight of it." The grin spread in good natured taunt.
**yawn** Nice effort, though I must confess, your retort lacks a certain...shall we say...finesse? It shall take more than that to taunt uproar from me, monsieur. I refuse to cross verbal blades with those of lower skill level. Far too much like shooting fish in a barrel...There is no honour in it, nor effort required. By the bye, just who is this "Shirley" that you speak of, mon chien mal?
Watching after Sterling's departure, Sabastian's mind raced with the situation at hand and the repricutions that could ocure with rapidity at a momment's whim. Remaining calm, he judged proximities and the wind's current course while band of thieves stood in close attentive wait. There was no doubt in his mind that the acrid stench of flame appetite would waft further inland and even if such never made the old Maroon encampment, word would relay that direction and Andre' would surely make presence known. Another round of mental cogs slipped into place. The Rookery would be out of harm's way, though he would send a faction of those hovering near to ensure that fact. Beggar Prince judged the wind once more, the warehouse bordered water and could be defended with that advantage if need be. Moving to the shelter of Church step's, sidelong glance was given to sibling and Christophe before fixing attention on those who stayed placement in anticipation of stragagies revealed. Quickly, instructions were relayed and the whole split into thirds, vanishing into the mob ebb and flow. Drawing Aurore protectively near, he observed equine river and carriage move away from current placement, toward the safe route offered beyond Queen Street. A select number where brought to Church front lead by Sean Roberts, who spoke soothing words to twitching ears that swiviled in accompniment to nervous dance of hoof. Turning slightly, Sabastian spyed Isabella standing in high arch entrance, expression drawn with barely concealed fear that reflected heavier in the liquid depth's of her eyes. Leaving Aurore in Christophe's keeping, he approached Venitian Dove taking her hands in his own, "Chere, I wish that you would go with Christophe and Aurore to safer ground. Your well being concerns me greatly and I know you will be out of harm's way by doing so." Bella nodded agreement, her small hands gripping his own tightly as she lead to where the horses strained teather anchors. The cumbersome bulk of female attire lent greatened aggrivation to gaining mount seating, both woman astride Aurore's Barb who nickered displeasure with current burden. Assured that balance was aquired, Sabastian gained Noire perch quickly followed in suit by the rest of entourage. The wind shifted, turning steadfast coursing towards harbour placement and a sudden revelation screamed to the forefront of Beggar Prince's mental fortitudes. In rapid fire succession, he told courtiers his desires. Sean would attend Christophe and the ladies....Burke would accompany himself to the wharf. One divided to two, both fighting for headway in the confussion. As waterside destination drew nearer, the Noir was goaded to faster pace, Sabastian's eyes scanning the vessels present with growing concern as ember and ash began its' reign in vacinity. Just ahead, his attention finited upon a small gathering of three at water's edge, the Noir was spurred to faster pace then reined hard in to skidding clatter of hoof begging purchase to terra below. Two of three were dismissed from centered scrutiny, "Mademoiselle, I do hope that you possess enough common sense and forethought to move that floating powder keg away from these shores...." Devon Burke raised a brow as recognition of the young woman being addressed came to bare.
Sigh.... Last time I checked, this country still touted a certain "Bill of Rights".
**sigh** Better make it two cases....LOL! Er....and none of that Colonies version of cognac. Straight from the Motherland or not at all.
Pardon, Madame? I never gave offer of instruction, you seem quite confident in your boastings...Though it seems such skill was not as refined as the touting so loudly proclaimed....Was it now?
Oh Johnny...are we going to play that game you like so much?! Remember, I need not have to move to put a smile on that face of yours! Are you taking notes, Aurore? I need not take notes, Madame....Let's not forget who is French here, perhaps you should be taking notes from me.
Ball?! What Ball?! ....And you will be in the Actress' company?! Mon Dieu!! Ransom! Make that brandy a double, s'il vous plait.
De rien, mon cher Sucre'.
Fine...Go run off with Cheeky for a long weekend. I trust you....It's she I worry about.
Aurore glanced to him, trying to offer comforting smile and gave nod of understanding. In all the confusion, Christophe had left archway vigil, stepping to the side just enough to allow Transgressor to vacate the vacinity, then moving forward the church's legnth. He paused, four pew rows afore the steps leading up to alter's reign, giving Sterling a reproachful look before moving on to where Sabastian stood in silence, wolfish features returning to neutral bearing.
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