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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. Christophe returned to the fold, a flask was making round robin as Sabastian held court. The Frenchman drew near, taking seat upon fallen palm trunk as passed flask was accepted. Draught was taken then handed off. "Merde', Bastain...What did you say to la femme?" "Comment?" "Do not tell me you are blind." "Aveugle? Non. Was this not a negotiation of business?" "Oui...But, in mine experience, la femme was rankled on some level." "C'est ridicule, ami." "Non...Then you do not see what I see." Sabastian eyed Christophe with a hint of puzzlement, then captured flask from its' circular flight.
  2. "A Monsieur Elliott Benington is who will issue you permit to dock. Word shall be sent ahead to ensure no issues to arise." The slate sights evaluated her stance briefly before he reached into the deep recess of left coat pocket. The jingle of coin was heard within the confines of smallish velvet pouch brought into the night's air. "This is a show of good faith, I trust it is not ill placed."
  3. Christophe's features were set in portait of stoicism though the glint of slate sights observered the other closely. "Oui, Madame. We shall take into possession the entire cache, but not at this time...nor this location." He paused as the shadow of black equine passed close to tree line then dissapeared from peripheral view. "Monsieur desires that you transport it from here to Kingston and moor there."
  4. He stared hard at her for a momment, "Perhaps it has been rather enlightening." His eyes shifted to launch progress, " I must beg your leave briefly. Pardon, Mademoiselle." Noir was negotiated to where the watercraft would once again meet terra. As it was pulled forward to sand clutch, mount was deserted for short walk up shoreline in Christophe's company. Nothing was said until some distance was gained. "Your opinions?" Sabastian queried in hushed tone. "The powder is of fine quality, all that I inspected was dry and untainted. The hold is full, that I know and in the dim I was unable to gain a clear count of kegs." "Mousquet?" Sabastian prodded. "Oui. Unused and bearing the St. Etienne mark, numbering twenty crates, all told." Beggar Prince rubbed chin thoughtfully then nodded with a pleased reaction slying angled features, "Tres bien, merci beaucoup." "Kingstown?" "Oui...I think that best. The mousquet we can take now...But the powder is another thing entirely. You will be so kind as to inform Mademoiselle of my conditions, s'il vous plait."
  5. "Then I would say he is more than a fool for injustices towards his own. Never second guess, I may be many things...Possibly including what your acuisation states, but, I am not a cheat. Further, when we are in accord and all falls to rest, nary a word shall be spoken of this night in connection with yourself. I shall leave you to pursue those things that you harbour deep inside and are afear of facing." Sabastian's center of attention turned towards where she remained, dark eyes intent under obsurities lent by night and battered brim. "We are all granted one life, Mademoiselle. We can choose to helm our courses....Or fall prey to the things which knaw at our souls while we try to out manuver them. I know my place in the world....But, can you say the same?"
  6. The Noir was goaded closer to where Ransom stood, "I am agreeing to the conditions of which you have asked. What is to be judged is the worth and that shall soon be revealed. I have not commited to exact incriments, but I will not cheat you the value, either. I would not have you think I am what your father told you of."
  7. Sabastian offered courtly bow," As you wish, Capitaine. What you request seems of no greatened burden for me to fullfill. The bargin is struck, now we have but to set the parameters of said payments." Returning to waiting mount, he regained former seating, worn chapeau was replaced as crown and focus trained on sea vessel riding anchor.
  8. Sabastian watched after slightly bemused to her reaction, but remained where he stood. "Mademoiselle, it is your choice to make. Either can be obtained, I am sure." Shaking his head, Sabastian crossed the expanse of sand to where Ransom had taken post. Nearing, he allowed a four pace seperation as a proper placement and regarded her steely continence. Again he addressed her in soothing tone, "It is hard to speak, in a manner that would not raise the dead, if you are so far away. "
  9. Sabastian drew back, returning to full heigth, "Perhaps, but I cannot speak for the ways of the Gadje." Momentarily, his attention focused to the vessel moored in near distance then returned to her, "What manner of trade would you prefer, Mademoiselle?"
  10. "I have never done well with heeding the advice of mine elders...." he leaned into where the delicate curve of her earlobe was almost exposed. "And judging from what finds us here...you do not either."
  11. One brow raised slightly, "Indeed...And thus far, what is your opinion, Petit? Am I what your Father warned you against?" Sabastian trapped her eyes with his own, mischievous smile tugging the corners of his mouth.
  12. "We regard children to be a precious gift of the future, but have no craving to add from without those which are not our own. Violer unne femme? Mademoiselle, why would one be interested in taking what should be given freely? Such would lack passion and sensual qualities, rather a waste of time and energy." He laughed quietly to the thought. "And I would never release an ailing animal into the keeping of another of which I have no aquaint. It seems to me that in the long run, it would be the horse and not the buyer that would suffer greater injustice." He leaned in a fraction, leveling eye to eye, "And does the daughter of said man, hold the same opinions?"
  13. He stepped close, leaning in slightly as voice dropped to silkened tincture, "So my stature is elevated, non?" Moving around to stand just behind Ransom's left shoulder, Sabastian continued, "Come now, Petit...I cannot be raised too high in your evaluations. Did your dear parents never tell to not trust folk of my ilk?"
  14. "I gave no such order, there was no need...Capitaine. I am certain that you are not as pure as driven snow in regard to actions of violence. I am further certain, that the cargo on your vessel was not just handed over as a gracious gift."
  15. Sabastian's jawline tightened at her verbose and deep breath was taken to pace his thinking. "Tres vien, Petit...But it is truly a pity that a mouth, shaped by lips of such sensual nature, should spout anything of ill wording or mannerisms."
  16. Dark eyes scrutinized her sincerity closely for a beat of time then looked away to where Childermass stood silently, "Merci, Seth...But it appears la fille cares not for your company. Return to the others, S'il vous plait." Christophe went to where the launch awaited, giving Ransom a quick sidelong glance as she was passed. The small craft was pushed back into natural element, and turned to regain bearing for larger kindred. Sabastian removed chapeau, hanging it loosely on 'buss stock then leaned on Noir's side, "There is no need to discuss the matter further and you owe me no sympathies, Mademoiselle."
  17. "You will stay here with me. Monsuier Lambert will go with your man aboard to inspect what is on the Block. With his safe return here ashore...we will discuss price. This or nothing, Mademoiselle." Sabastian returned to equine proximity and waited her decision.
  18. Sabastian slipped from mount support, landing softly and closing the distance betwixt. Pistol was pushed away as if waving off a knat and he eyed her closely, nary half a pace laying as boundry. "We are not here to discuss matters of the past, Mademoiselle. If you wish to deal, then say so...If not, I shall kindly bid you adieu."
  19. His eyes narrowed a fraction to the information she gave forth, Sabastian's tone gained icy manner, " And the individual, that you so boldy saved, murdered my Lover; laid threat to my sister and others of close relations. Be not so quick to place judgements until you know all that is involved. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth....Is that not what your Good Book states?"
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