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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. **blink blink....tucks away "blue ribbon"** Oui, Amour
  2. Next round is on Le Cour....from Private Stock, of course. Welcome to The Port, Monsieur.
  3. And headaches....lots of those. The money can be grand, but the clients can be a right pain in the arse. ( Which is why I gave it up years ago.)
  4. Silly Ransom....Check Dan's latest composition. Tis a masterful work.
  5. I echo le Capitaine's sentiments. Very well done, Sir! Prime, indeed. Loss of ship? Pish, posh....anything can be had in the Port....Just a matter of talking to the right / wrong people.
  6. Been there...done that.
  7. A wonderful section of apple smoked Provolone cheese
  8. row (archaic usage, as in disturbance)
  9. Around Somerset, I believe
  10. Not so fast....all that is needed is an edit on their part. You should not have to give up intentions that you had at their doings. You are far from being in the wrong. I have left a comunique for them...it is just a matter of Liam signing on to receive it. Patience, my friend
  11. LOL!!! Bad Cheeks....
  12. Merde'!! I want a divorce!!
  13. I have no idea how I happened to miss this situation when it occured and therfore do offer deepest apologies to you Monsieur Ried. As was said above, transgressions of this nature are far from acceptable. Please allow me to offer some assistance and possibly make amends for what should not of transpired in the first place. By no means shall I allow this to go unnoted again. Feel welcome to PM me with any queries. Je suis a' votre disposition, Monsieur.
  14. LOL!!! This is quite possibly true, my ex-fiance's father was a Proctologist. **shudder** But, I would say the field that rivals in tales would be Psychologist. I have a friend with a Masters in the field and the tales she could tell.
  15. LOL!! How interesting...My last stint in Higher Academics was as a Mortuary Science Major. Best clients in the world...well behaved; they don't argue and when you tell them to stay someplace they do....at least if nobody moves them.
  16. She watched after, wiping condesation from carriage glass and trying to make sense of shapes on water's surface. Vehicle was felt to shift as Stephen left driver's perch to tend nervous horse, a solitary vigillant where once there were two..
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