Very interesting. The chapeau is a replica, and given consideration what one can pay for a proper hat, it is not a bad price. Although, there is no mention of fabric used for construction, outside of the pompon, which is said to be of wool render.
The sword, on the other hand, is up for debate. Seller offers no certificate of authenticity and the photos do not allow me to inspect the blade properly. It is similar in design to the French officer's epee / straight sword used for dressage in the Napoleonic Era in regard to general design, though there are differences in guard wrought, and grip. There is a variance in legnth, as well. (Of note, there were many variations offered during the Napoleonic Era and this could very well be the case here. I am curious as to where exactly this blade supposedly falls in timeline.)
I have seen very good replicas....I own a very good replica, so I will say niether yea nor nay by what is presented. Outside of circa offering, he gives no designation
Out of curiosity, perhaps I shall E-Mail our Belgian friend and enquire further.