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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. Thank you for the heads up. I love Mortenson's work, and that combined with this film being a period piece, just makes it all more tempting.
  2. A.U.R.O.R.E.: Angel Undertaking Rapturous Orgasms and Rousing Embraces D.E.V.A.R.E.A.U.X.: Dreamy Exciting Vixen Administering Rapturous Embraces and Arousing, Unrestrained Xperiences It's a French thing....
  3. Diced chicken and rice with an enchilada sauce, smothered in colby and monterey jack cheeses.
  4. Very interesting. The chapeau is a replica, and given consideration what one can pay for a proper hat, it is not a bad price. Although, there is no mention of fabric used for construction, outside of the pompon, which is said to be of wool render. The sword, on the other hand, is up for debate. Seller offers no certificate of authenticity and the photos do not allow me to inspect the blade properly. It is similar in design to the French officer's epee / straight sword used for dressage in the Napoleonic Era in regard to general design, though there are differences in guard wrought, and grip. There is a variance in legnth, as well. (Of note, there were many variations offered during the Napoleonic Era and this could very well be the case here. I am curious as to where exactly this blade supposedly falls in timeline.) I have seen very good replicas....I own a very good replica, so I will say niether yea nor nay by what is presented. Outside of circa offering, he gives no designation Out of curiosity, perhaps I shall E-Mail our Belgian friend and enquire further.
  5. liaisons dangereuses
  6. Bless you dearest Jack! Our warmest wishes to yourself and Janelle for the Holiday. This time of year always makes me think of home and well wishes from the Twin Cities brings home a bit closer. May those that are travelling have safe journeys and may we all be blessed with memories of fond recollection on the morrow's existance. Happy Thanksgiving from the Lone Star State.
  7. I rather enjoyed "The Sweet Trade" by Elizabeth Garrett. Not a bad first effort, there are bits that have to be slightly ignored, but over all enjoyable. I wish I could recommend more, but I tend to lean towards O'Brian after that, which is not piracy. ( A wealth of knowledge in nautical means, but well beyond GAoP circa.)
  8. LOL!!!! ( I refuse to translate all that above....Merde, zut.) As to the Avatar.... It represents a line from a very old rhyme which began in old Europe and in original form refered to magpies. It is theorized that with the steady migration to the Colonies, that its' form was altered to crows. The rhyme/poem is rather obscure in origins, though most agree that it lies in England and was used as a form of fortune telling; ie. the number of birds counted dictated future events. ( Counting rhymes in general are believed to be thus. ) The number being "two" is noted as representing joy / mirth. There are many variations of the counting rhyme in question; some lines numbering seven others to higher numbers.
  9. You sly Foxe, you.
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