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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. Christophe had noticed Old Tucker and unknown rider as the carriage had neared the Port's outer edge. Sending vehicle onward around dirt road bend, the Frenchman had drawn Bay to halt. The sound of following hoofbeat neared steadfast as blunderbuss was released from secure hibernation and brought to bear with practiced aim; the elegant cock drawn back.
  2. Childermass hesitated again, turning to deftly catch spent weapon. A wry chuckle rolled low from his depths, "No, child...He is not a feast yet...But, he will be soon enough." He raised his head just enough for morning sun to stroke scarred features and offered her a knowing wink. For good measure, limp burden was slammed betwixt supporting shoulder and near structure wall. Seth's departing words played the air with frigid cadance.... "An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth, child.."
  3. Clearing the crowd's strangle, the carriage gained open passage and more speed with whip singing overhead. There was no question involving choice of safe haven and the carriage rocked slightly as it veered around hay cart near Birdwell Prison. Within fragile case of blackened passenger compartment, Aurore cradled Sterling's body against her own in effort to cushion against rough traverse. Cloth had been torn away from burgandy dress and used to help staunch the flow of lifeblood. She was unable to discern words uttered before he passed out, but trivialities of such nature held no bearing in her current state. Softly, she whispered words of encouragement while caressing Sterling's pale cheek. Jason watched on, not daring to give verbose or show fear in Mistress's presence. Silently, the young lad called incantation of prayer as pain tinged cherubesque expression. The carriage lurched again as new heading was made.Somewhere in the confussion of sounds, Aurore faintly heard Christophe call instructions to Delaney and Delaney's muffeled reply.
  4. Childermass paused, loosening hold of limp burden and allowing ungentle drop to ground's keeping. Reptilian glare centered on disrupting party; head cocked slightly to the left with measuring air. "It's best if ye move along on your way and forget what you have seen..." He straightened lank frame to full heigth, giving no regard to pistol's train. "This..." punctuating the word with abrupt kick to inate form, "...belongs to those which ye want no crossin' with." Reaching down to Killingsworth's unconscious being, Childermass acted as though the other had already departed his company. Turning towards the side street's seaward direction, he resumed course of intended destination then hesitated long enough to fix her with over shoulder glance, "Feast for carrion crows, child...A feast for crows."
  5. Spent powder hung the air with acrid scent, presence enshrouding its conjurer like soot aura. Childermass had observed action from waiting post, the interloper's audacity of bold intention noted. It was the loud bark of pistol that had drawn Seth's focus from tranquil water view and the events that followed forced leave of Church wall. Keeping transgresser in sight, he deftly navigated the mob then paused at arm's legnth as the other joined the gawk of onlookers. Childermass was not familliar with who the man was afore him, and at this point, it did not matter. The simple act of fireing upon carriage proxy was enough for him to intercede. What snowballed in cap and ball wake played to his senses as if half viewed for the only thing that carried any weight at the momment was his intended mark. Christophe had dismounted swiftly, landing with soft footed grace upon High Street surface. The slate hued sights carefully inspected Sterling's condition while Delaney loaded Jason into the carriage. Aurore's scream pierced the thrum which had reached higher degree of aggitation. Without further thought, he and Delaney quickly moved Sterling from the stone surface support to the safety of carriage interior. The door was secured and Driver's seat regained, the crack of whip split the air followed by gruff threats and the Grays bullied their way into human stream. As Frenchman aquired Bay seating, he cast a quick survey to the surround and noticed Childermass amongst the many. There was no time to pause for question, main concerns lay within the vehicle forcing its' way upstream. But as the Bay was goaded forward, peripheral view caught the closing movement betwixt semi-brethren and unknown other. " 'Ave a taste for coward's way, eh pidgeon?" The words were delivered in icey tone to Killingsworth's ear just before the heavy blow landed taking away conscious awareness.
  6. Seth Childermass' lank form wove the human tide, coming to rest in morning shade cast by The Old Church's western wall. The hour was far earlier than could be called habit, but adaptability in times of need was not a foreign concept. How many times had cannon fire rousted him from barely captured sleep in how many lands...It was a subject he had long given up tracking. He had passed Christophe and the carriage to obtain the area now occupied; casually trading secretive glances. The throng of humanity seemed to choke most available space, news traveled fast in harbour town. Childermass gazed towards the break of land and sea from the umbra of wool brim. There in near distance was the appointed spot and there all would be clarified in full. Someone had overstepped the bounds; someone was going to learn that there existed unvoiced and unwritten laws never ment for challenge.
  7. Aurore's expression pinched briefly with concern as Sorrel left four hoof placement for two, but smile soon returned. Christophe gave nothing more than curt nod of acknowlegement and eased the Bay sideways to accommodate Sterling's proximity to the carriage. They had not been parted from each other's company overlong in the scheme of time's movement, but for her it had seemed an eternity without end. Working hard to bury what she felt inwardly, Aurore concentrated on showing proper composure to the outside world. As Old Tucker aligned with the carriage, she resisted reaching out to brush Sterling's near hand resting on thigh. Aurore had no previous knowledge of the emotions that whirled her being, but she was becoming accustomed and aclimated little by little. Though the thought occured to her; that if he were to dissapear tomorrow, the world would no longer hold the same meaning as it had before.
  8. The conversations without were as one massed and blended thrum. Aurore was becoming restless with so much humanity in the surround and pushed aside curtain blockage to view the masses. Her eyes immediatly fell on Christophe and the Bay, diligently acting as buffer to the hoards. When he did not change his center of attention for the passing of minutes, she leaned outward carriage window to glean what kept his focus so rapt. It was then that Aurore saw Sterling and Jason pressing through the human seas and regardless to the heaviness of her heart; a smile spread across aquiline features at the sight.
  9. The side street leading off High Street to the grave yard was congested, as well as the one on the opposit side. In the midst of the gathered sat the carriage, pulled to one side of main thorough fare and awaiting main percession. Christophe remained mounted, keeping attention sharp to the milling chaos. Atop mount's vantage, approach from further up caught his focus. Old Tucker was recognized, but his keeper was afoot. Christophe turned the Bay around to better see what he thought was glimpsed. Unwilling to leave the carriage, he kept post and deliberated whether he should let passengers know of Sterling's impending arrival.
  10. Jason froze stock still at the request. The options whirled in his mind and finally settled on proper course. The fact that it was an event taking place in public eye did not sacrifice secrets...The fact that Aurore had been willing to part with the medallion said much more. "Aye, sir. I can...You may use my horse an' I can lead on foot. Tis not far from here."
  11. Jason resisted hasty retreat with Sterling's sudden movement. He took no offense to the other's abrupt actions, simply answered what had been asked of him. "Aye, sir...I have been here a bit; they should be near or in the Port by now. Goin' to say God's speed to a friend on the last journey. Mistress Devareaux is fine as much as I could be tellin', sir." He shifted nervously in his footing then came to rest.
  12. Jason watched the interchange occuring in the midst, minding his tongue well as was expected of him. Pale eyes followed the Captain to cushioned support and with cautious step, he left heathside post to come nearer. "Mine Mistress sent me with these and I was tol' not to give them to anyone but yerself, sir." The bundle was laid on bed alter; then the medallion withdrawn and held forward, next came the sealed communique'. Jason moved back a pace, "Mistress Devareaux tol' me to wait if you had any questions or reply. She and the others should be in the Port by now."
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