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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. ( Yes it is...I have a spool or two laying about here.) floss
  2. Aurore offers vissage of faux sleeping cat as the chaos ripens. Now and again, a coup d'oiel is cast about the Common with no comment issued. Another sampling of port aquired and being the last within vessel's confine, she steps away from Sterling's side with delicate brow raised in query to proclamations made and remarks offered in answer. Moving further away, she slides up behind Capitaine Striker and clears her throat, making presence known. "Capitaine, I am unbeknownst as to what private quarrell you have decided to incline yourself with in regard to Monsieur Killingsworth. Nevertheless, it seems that you are quite unaware of the fact that said Monsieur is in all truth, a property...per se of my family. That being noted, it is of mine advice to you, that he is left to his own means until his personal crimes against me and my own are judged." The dark expressive eyes cast warning to Reginald, " As you were, monsieur...And do be a proper gentleman, non?"
  3. At her summons, Christophe returned to the upper floor. Nothing was presumed afore hand, but then he rarely made idle assumptions. Coming to final bedchamber, he made his presence known then waited admittance. Aurore stepped into the hallway, pulling heavy oak to then quietly relayed Sterling's desire for audience. The Frenchman kept a vissage of aloof demeanor though his inner thinkings ticked strategicly forward. She parted his company with cautioning glance, continuing to lower floor. The Frenchman kept place at door's side briefly, then entered chamber encompassement. Standing silently just inside the threshold, his cool gaze fell on Sterling.
  4. LOL!!! Bravo, Monsieur Tar!! Do carry on.
  5. "If that is your heart's desire then I shall do as you ask." Aurore stood and looked down upon him as if uncertain as to leaving his proximity for amount of time. A light rap drew her eyes away from his to the door as a muffled voice called quietly from without. Hinged blockade was brought to revealing Megan and serving tray. Aurore spoke words of kindness to young girl and relieved her of silver burden. The tray was set near canopy upright and pungent brew poured into delicate cup. Aurore regained seating near his side, setting liquid vessel on table surface to cool. "This mixture has been passed down generations uncounted..." His steady gaze stopped her explination's coursing and for a fleet of momment, she thought that nothing in the world did she cherish more than his nearness.
  6. Aurore leaned carefully, as not to rouse any further pain, and obtained a daint kerchief from bedside table drawer. Sterling's words echoed in the corridors of her mind and she made effort to keep their effects from showing on the forefront. Laying embroidered cloth near, she searched his expression as if trying to unlock some hidden secret. "Please try to relax. Megan is preparing some tea that will help you sleep." Once again she leaned close, whispering confession to his hearing, "I will not lose you to this...I cannot, for I do not think that I could bear the grief."
  7. Her brow knit with the evidence of his pain and one finger was placed to his lips in act of silencing. "Jason will be fine, mon sucre' and I wish for you not to worry any further." she answered softly. "Please just rest and mend." Removing silencer, his near cheek was caressed gently, "I will stay near and will contiue to do so until you have recovered fully."
  8. Aurore watched after Reiley's departure, young Davis in tow then caught the eye of Megan who hovered near kitchen entrance. A thoughtfull smile apeared on Mistress's expression as she waved the girl close and inquired on preperations requested earlier. Megan replied, nervously eyeing Sterling before going outside to relay needs for meal preperations. Moving to Sterling's side, Aurore looked down upon palid features with concern then informed the men standing near to carefully take him upstairs. Gently lifted with steady support, he was taken up stair incline with Christophe in lead. As first chamber of familiar memory was neared, the Frenchman reached to brass knob, but was stopped in intention by the voicing of one word.... "Non." The slate tinctured sights narrowed a fraction as he glanced to where she followed. The other men gave no indication to what private musings might take place in mental process, simply stayed their position. "Monsieur Reiley will be using that room. Take Capitaine Sterling to my own." Christophe almost gave the impression of possible protest, but moved away from heavy door to continue hallway's legnth. Furthest doorway aquired, she stood to the side and looked after Sterling's careful deposit on deep sink support. The other men left to attend other biddings leaving Christophe behind in doorway's framing. Aurore kept neutral in her offered expression, "See to Monsieur Reiley and young Davis' comfort, s'il vous plait. Ask the others that I wish for as much quiet as possible. Merci." Christophe lingered a few momments, then drew the door to closure. Aurore approached lover's form, sitting carefully on bed's edge. "I am so sorry" she whispered, a stray lock of tow hue was brushed from his damp forehead. Leaning forward, her lips found his own briefly; dark, expressive eyes searched the plains of his face.
  9. Relief flooded her expression at Reiley's words and she moved forward to grace his cheek with light brush of lips in gratitude. Stepping a pace back, Aurore eyed him mommentarily before speaking softly. " I wish to offer you lodging here for the duration, if you are willing to accept. My indebtedness towards you can not be portrayed with the idle attempt of words, monsieur."
  10. "If that is your judgement, then it is well enough for me." she replies in low tone.
  11. Pausing mid sampling of port offering, Aurore keeps attention trained on Killingsworth. Their eyes meet briefly as she moves a bit deeper into Sterling's embrace. Finishing original action of elixir sip, her sights travel to where Tess stands soon dismissing any acknowledgment of either. Across the Common, she notices Doctor Reiley plying the smooth of Irish flatterys to young nubile and smiles amusedly to the display.
  12. Aurore listened carefully to what the Good Doctor requested and saw to all being obtained. The kitchen area lay in shambles, its surfaces taken up with what normally occupied the heavy wooden table at it's center. Several lamps now hung suspended above on hooks usually supporting the cumbersome weight of cooking pots; tallow's glow further chased away shadows into deep corners and recesses. Her expression was set in steeled poise, though Aurore's eyes spoke high treason to the faux display. Glancing to window's offering of outside view, she watched as Delaney and one of the others hoisted large cauldron to crossing iron hooks; the pyre seduced to life far before its' usual time of duty. Christophe gave nod of acknowledgement to Reiley, laying firm hold to Sterling in effort to disueade movement. As surgeon applied craft, two other men joined in pinning efforts and Aurore stood clear to await further instructions or needs. a thousand times over, she wished their situation were reversed; that it had been she to have taken ball invasion instead of he. And as Sterling's face contorted to the probings, Aurore felt such overwhelming emotion as to shake her to soul's very core. With careful effort to stand clear of proceedings, she reached forward to give fleeting caress to lover's sweat drenched brow. A touch as brief and gentle as a butterfly's lite and lift before retreating two paces; her eyes focusing on Medicine Man with silent plea for success and resolve.
  13. Twillight of the Gods
  14. Stepping quietly within the shadowed rear entrance, Aurore surveys the Common room and those therin. Seeing who she seeks, gains Captain Sterling's side and watches the new arrival with veiled suspicion. "Bon soir, Mademoiselle...and welcome."
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