Tropical time passage moved with sluggish momentum, in lower lattitudes an hour could seem an eternity and even more so if one's situation were in dire straights. Golden orb trekked upward with no concern for the mere workings of mortal existances and endings below.
Sabastian sat cross legged on dirt sand mixture, morning light dappling his form through the sway of fonds above. Beyond the fires that burned in dark tinctured sights, his expression remained emotionless and near statuesque. No other wording had escaped his mouth since initial forboding phrase.
The one sided stand off had continued in this manner for the passing of two hour; antagonist and protagonist watching each other in silence while members of the Beggar's Ball drifted to peripheral placement waiting hungrily like pack of hounds awaiting release. A half hour more passed when Sabastian offered some break of unmoving posture with smallish incline of chin. Childermass moved forward two paces from small fire tending, then held position with minute hand gesture given by lotus poised Prince.
A tinge of twisted amusement flickered in dark sights as Sabastian stood with fluid motion and approached Killingsworth. Malice smile greeted English guest followed by words of vendetta driven undertones.
"I could end it now...end it quickly." he hypothosized outloud to bound listener. "But I think you do not deserve such extentions of courtesy any more than it would be extended to myself if I were in London at your whim."
He leaned in closer to meet Killingsworth eye to battered eye then gave low laugh while resuming former proximity. "Non...I cannot see where any mercy would be delivered unto me by your hand for your kind views mine as a lower class than even that of a tavern girl. Life is soooo very cheap in the hands of your kind, is it not?"
Dauphin Gitan turned back to the other as if in taunt and hopeless dare, " I could release you...Give you time to seek shelter than hunt you down; stalk you like I am sure you have done to so many others..."
Smile widened as he turned back to face the Englishman bound by Fate's heavy chain, "Non...Even that is too honourable end for you. But, I am going to offer you a chance....An act of mercy towards my fellow man? You may be the judge of that in the long or short run...."
Sabastian recentered attention to Childermass and motioned beckoning to belay former wish. From fire's keeping, a shaft of steel was retrieved by leather clad hand. A look of pleasant satisfaction crossed scarred facial features as the metamorphesis of black to glowing red was surveyed. The brand had been retrieved from cottage livery shed and brought into the Port for this specific purpose.
Thick riding gloves were removed from bright hued sash and slowly drawn into place as Childermass approached. Sabastian's eyes traveled the pale plains of Killingsworth's exposed flesh; flesh not conditioned to tropical climes. Taking proffered brand, Beggar Prince moved closer to the condemned, allowing brand's heat to tease pallid hide.
"One for sorrow..."
The brand was thrust against chest bare and allowed to rest as the stench of natural guise searing rose to scent the air. No effort was made of broil withdrawl as torturous scream broke English lung and throat, disturbing local avians from unseen roosts. Sabastian back paced, returning iron to original bearer; eyeing flesh rendered sigil of blackbird flight.
Turning away from Killingsworth's limp posture, Sabastian spoke just above normal vocalization tone, "This is your tithe and sentance, monsieur...If you survive, if you are unfortunate enough to be found and thereby released...The memory of your transgressions shall always come fresh to mind with the mark you will always bear...."
Entourage had begun departure, Franklin hovering on the fringe as Sabastian hesitated to give one last acknowledgment. Reaching into simple pouch at waist suspension, a coin was withdrawn and tossed to Killingsworth's feet.
" And if you should not be so misfortunate in being found, here is the fare required of Charon when you reach rightful destination."
Thieve's gathering left the area, dissipating as phantoms into shadow and green to regain waiting sand wedged launch.