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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. Christophe shook his head with disbelief, "You are a fool or completely blind, Capitaine. Perhaps it is not your fault but the nature of your 'omeland....Is it not obvious to you for I am not unawares of how she views you....Merde'" The Frenchman leaned against doorframe eyeing Sterling bemused. "I 'ave yet to puzzle the whys and wherefores....I pulled you from the street where you had fallen because of Aurore. I cannot deny 'er 'appiness for my own selfish wants...." Christophe grew silent as if lost in private musings then spoke in resigned tone, "I shall send a rider out to where she has gone. What Aurore does upon return is not of my control."
  2. The Frenchman's vissage of stoicism remained unruffled except for minute narrowing of eye. Moving closer to Sterling's bedside, Christophe righted toppled table then turned to center cool tinctured sights upon harried other. "Amour, Capitaine? Bold proclamations to lay out for all to 'ear..." he replied while sitting down upon high back chair's support. Leaning back, one ankle was brought to opposit knee and balanced there, " I must inquire of you, monsuier...Do you think her to be as defenseless as polished surface may lead you believe. That I would be foolish enough to risk 'er well being if I did not know where she was going?" Christophe chuckled wryly. "You 'ave no idea what we are. What she and 'er siblings are...Per'aps you should inquire of Doctuer Reiley as to what he thinks, non? I assure you, Aurore is far from the fragile creature she may appear. Now...I suggest that you calm your manner. If you think it necessary that I chase 'er down, then I may do so...But I know that she will return soon enough." Regaining his feet, the Frenchman moved back towards the door, "Bonne chance, Capitaine....You are Gadje, just as I am and she 'as always seemed oblivious to my attention...Although it seems you 'ave managed to gain favor with Sabastian."
  3. In morning's greyish hours, side door of end structure was opened to salt tinged breeze. Bobbing near on fluid whims, nondescript launch awaited passengers from within, a wait that was not overlong. Moored comfortably further out, mid sized fishing vessel rode anchorage; its' service a continuation of what smaller craft would begin. The rustle of iron chain abrassion to self and planking underfoot sang song of damnation and condemned souls as one of party's number was rough handled towards structure opening. No mercy was given in regard to sight being hampered by hood crowning; any stumble was furthered by hard shove and harsher words. Childermass did not so much ease Killingsworth into sweep driven concave, but delivered one of countless directional blows resulting in quick drop just within transome vacinity. The passage of launch to fisher, then fisher on to outlaying barrier islands was swiftly managed as if racing to beat the sun. Destination seen off larboard bow, Fisher's anchor was once again released at capstan's command. Offloaded once again into smaller craft relay, any protest was ignored by hooded guest. Sweeps dipped and pulled semi-resistant element in steadfast cadance as isle was neared. With shallows under keel, oars were released from duties and transgressor was relieved of seating on curved bottom to be forced overside into salt lap. Hauled once again to his feet and pushed forward to white sand surface, half hearted protest was issued and belayed. Forward into the darkened surround of vegitation fallen Aristo was herded until after unknown amount of time occured, movement was ceased. Tall palm was chosen as cross to bear, shackles secured over tight forcing bare flesh to endure semi-abrassive circumfrance. Then, and only then was the hood removed. Sabastian's expression was neutral but for the deep hatred that swam his eyes. Childermass issued one departing blow to bound man before joining Beggar Prince and the four other's in his company. From hidden heights, avian native jeered shrilly breaking morning still and moments passed without numbering before Sabastian chose to speak. When he did, it was with low and icy tone as if the man chained afore him was the embodiment of every transgression suffered over four and twenty years passing. "You chose poorly..."
  4. Christophe had noted the direction of Aurore's departure and had briefly contemplated following then decided against it. There was no danger in the direction she had chosen and it would not have been the first time particular bearing had been set. Muffeled clamor brought his attention to the cottage, pausing his action of hand pump water draw. Unsure of what could stir such ruckus and verbose of foul qualities, the Frenchman deserted intentions of rinsing off and returned through main entrance. Standing foyer's surround, he watched as youngest guest hurried upwards with heated basin. Following in young boy's wake, stairs were traversed to upper floor trail; voices echoing back to his ears at varying degrees of mood and volume. Exhaling with something kindred to exasperation, he continued toward last chamber to investigate goings on. Far door opened, producing young Davis haloed in dim lumination of door's maw. Christophe paused progression as the boy neared asking pardon before inquiring as Reiley had requested. With messege delivered, the Frenchman instructed that Davis should visit the kitchen and procure sampling of morning's break of fast. Davis smiled readily to the offering and moved on in controlled hurry to obtain what scented the air with inviting aroma. Light knock of courtesy was issued as Christophe entered bed chamber; a nod of acknowledgement given to Reiley, " Doctuer, when you 'ave finished with demands placed 'ere..." his eyes drifted to Sterling briefly. "I am sure that you will find sate of appetite below quite pleasurable. We do not live in over indulgence, but simple fare when properly 'andled is very contenting." Moving closer to foot board rise, the Frenchman eyed Sterling with aloof manner, " As to your request delivered by young monsuier...Mademoiselle is away at present. What is it that you wish?"
  5. What confusion that had harried Aurore's senses in the kitchen earlier multiplied trifold. She left the cottage's normal feel of security, crossing around to paddock's standing border. Amonst the equine brethren in various states of repose, stood one of ever favor. Softly she whistled for Barb's attention and was answered by nickering response. Over the wooden cross beams she climbed and made for outbuilding of tack holdings. Simple bridle was procured then applied to Spanish mount waiting with curiosity. Muscled back aquired, Barb was made to circle Paddock's encompassement with urged speed then turned to straight heading, clearing highest rung. Dust rose as hoof strike assulted terra firm, followed by harmonic rhythem leaving cottage proximity for fields beyond folliage barrier.
  6. Aurore lingered like a shadow cast by tallow flame, her expression disclosing what confussion lay deep within. Half hearted step was made towards him to be paused in progress. Turning, the ornate door knob was grasped then rotated. One hesitant glance was given before she stepped through threshold's framing, closing what was opened behind.
  7. Roll me over in the clover.....**cough** er....**blush**
  8. Aurore paused step on stairwell landing tenatively as frozen doe with the roar from hall's end. Moving forward once again, her pace quickened which caused near collision with Doctor Reiley as he emergered from wooden portal. He gave her an odd expression that was a mixture of many things compiled into one. Aurore briefly laid a hand on near arm before continuing past and closing the door carefully held place by portal companionship. Dark eyes tried to read Sterling's own and she wavered betwixt approach and retreat by what was viewed there...
  9. The faint convayance of voices in arears drew Christophe's focus to the yard behind. Aurore's thoughts wandering, it was not until Frenchman's movement that she took any notice of company in near proximity. A smile began to trace her expression, but was halted abruptly at what transpired next. Rising quickly from cool earth seating she stepped around Christophe and crossed green breadth with haste. Aurore's mind raced with possiblities in regard to Sterling's discomfort and it made no matter to her that Medicine Man was present. Guilt plagued her heart that she should have never left his side; that she should have remained vigilant and remained near.
  10. She had woken with restlessness as dawn colored the heavens with lavender hues. Fearing she would disturb his rest, Aurore had carefully removed herself from four posted shrine and adorned toffee flesh in simple cotton. Securing heavy door quietly, unclad feet padded legnth of hall and downward to kitchen's comfort. Perching atop sturdy table that not too long in the past had served medical wants, she considered the whirlwind of events leading to this momment. Aurore's usual keel of clarity had listed slightly and she found herself longing for Sabastian's company. It was overwhelming in some senses, like trying to tread water in tempest struck seas. Overhead, she heard the echo of upper floor doorway swing and assumed one of two guests had risen. The resound of adult footstep wafted downward in passage to hall's far end followed by hailing rap on furthest chamber door. Aurore cocked her head in attentive manner to Doctor Reiley's early morning visitation. Knowing that Sterling would be attended for some amount of time, she left heavy oak perch to gain the freshening air without. The stillness of cottage proxy was tranquility portrait, the air tinged with the remains of fire from hours before. Few were about in these rising hours of new day and those that were offered silent salutation as she passed. Smallish burble of stream played to her ears and redirected her course to gain its' side. Settling on bank's incline, one bare foot dangled in stream's whim as dark eyes closed to further appreciate the trill of local avian. Little by little, the tension haunting delicate smooth of muscle gave into the serenade of fresh water travel, but it was short lived at best. The end over end intent of smallish stone striking liquid surface brought her eyes wide with full attention. Across the short distance on opposit bank, Christophe leaned on near trunk support. They looked at each other without the disturbance of words briefly before he closed the distance of water barrier and sat next to her. They remained that way, side by side with nary a word as Dawn retreated the field; giving way to Sun chariot's steadfast arrival.
  11. Ummmm...Better living through chemistry?
  12. Giggling... Yes, made with lamb, but deer will do just as nicely, too. Venison.....*drool*
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