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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. Jambalaya this night. A fine salute to my wayward cousins in the South.
  2. I think it a wise proposition....Now you will excuse my wilst I go shackle mine Muse in the celler for being so prolific. On second thought...Now where did I leave that 64 caliber cavalry pistol..... Even for the basics, it will take me a bit of time to round up all the troupes..Nevertheless, such could be done. Mon Dieu! I am counting twelve in my stable, just off the top of my head.....Quick, I need a double cognac!!!
  3. Cocking a brow and pausing mid sip... "Odd you say, Madame? Non..It is just the French Way."
  4. God I miss home!!! Here the leaves just turn brown and fall off, for the most part. I do love food from home, best thing I learned down here was how to sling some Cajun / Creole. Talk about something to keep you warm in the Cold Months. Shepard's Pie...I do adore a good S.P.
  5. It's good to be The Captain.
  6. Noting his ruddy hue, smiles secretively and procures another sampling of claret with a satisfied nod.
  7. "Ah...but if one is chained correctly....hmmm," Sterling pauses, blinking. "That didn't sound right... um..." She leans close to his hearing, " But, Sucre'....I do not recall any protests last eve."
  8. "Non Monsieur Tar, I dare beg to differ. Life is a banquet and if Capitaine Sterling desires his freedom from my attentiveness...Then freedom is what he will be granted. Never judge loyalty as a sign of weakness."
  9. Bratwurst, kraut and new potatoes in this neck of the woods.
  10. Raising a brow minutely, "But, sucre'....It is only your happiness that I desire. If you see that my ways are not enough to keep you sated..."
  11. Scrutinizes Sterling's demeanor momentarily then orders a goblet of claret. "Interesting backpeddle, cher."
  12. Christophe resecured night before's seating at fire's edge. The lute of aged body leaned near, ready at hand for call of duty; nevertheless holding sweet tongue as other brethren did in proximity. The endless game of shadow and firelight played over the defined planes of cheek and jawling to reflect liquid surface of slate hue sights. Sights that ignored upper story of cottage existance as the trained upward to pregnant moon wallowing in night heavens. The Frenchman's attention remained there for sometime as though silently courting enchanting orb of coquette manner. A small shift of shadowplay near far outbuilding broke rapt enamourment, causing narrow of eye. With nonchalant rising, he streached with feline grace then moved towards opposit cottage side. Rounding rear corner, Christophe paused at barrel blockade and focused intently where anomily had occured. Equine cousins stood paddock encompasement in various posturing; no hint of alarm given to instinct of prey animal. Easing to the treeline, Paris Thief applied skills of trade to gain outbuilding blockade and paused again as if tasting the air. As he moved forward to rear legnth of wooden uprights, silkened purr of Jamaican patois called with Siren's lure and brought a hint of smile to swarthy features. Papillon slinked around palm circumfrence into better view as he turned slightly to give sidelong glance. Mocha skinned nymph reached one hand forward with invitation; an invitaion that he would not deny. She looked to him for a momment in consideration before disturbing the night's silence. "Time to move on now, boy. Dey heart you cherish be in annuder's keepin..." Delicate fingers lightly traced the exposed flesh of his back, " Time to go down to dey stream an wash away dey worries of yer soul, body an mind...."
  13. "Ah, no matter, for most men prefer the cooing of an Irish dove, t' the squawkin' of a French hen, anyway." Shoots a warning look to Sterling then focuses on Jacky with a secretive smile. "Monsuier Tarr..." tsking with smallish head shake of negation. "You make such bold statements in comparisons, non? For any man who knows the true French Kiss versus The Colonies version, would go far to dispute your wordings." Aurore's smile gains feral hint as she moves to a near bar stool and takes a seat. "But, who am I to taunt you with verbose shaded with carnal fulfillments and eluding...." She continues while extending a hand towards Sterling.
  14. My deepest sympathies to you, sir. The loss of such noble compainonship is a wretching of the soul. That his angst was short lived is but a small reprieve to his absence. May he now dwell peacefully within the comradery of all the greatest four legged brethren that paved the road afore him.
  15. All oil fed flame had been doused save for lone sentry dilligently remaining at post upon bedside surface. Breeze making noble efforts thru velvet drape blockade, had risen with the moon and with it, the chamber gained more comforting temperature. Doctor Rieley paid visitation earlier, after appetite sate of dinner offerings. His overall impression of current circumstance seemed of positive manner; the three conversing briefly before he begged leave. Aurore stirred from latest catnap, attention drawn imediately to Sterling's sleeping form. Once again, a stray lock of tow hue was brushed away from brow and placed into check. She watched over him, the soft rise an fall of his chest; the peaceful expression that lay over his features in quiet repose. Glancing away to windows' presence, her eye was captured by phantom qualities on reflective panes. The varying dance of bonfire existance teased glazier surface, but seemed struck dumb this night; normality of musical call and revelries in absence. He moved slightly; a minute change of sleep laden position which drew her attentive center. A sigh-like exhalation escaped battered torso, but gave no further disruption to the calm silence laying over the room like heavy quilt. Carefully shifting, Aurore laid hint of lip christening upon his own, then closed dark tinctured sights; lulled to sleep by the steady rythem of his breathing and night symphonies by nocturnal fauna.
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