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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux
creme de la creme
The building was last in the line on small lane overlooking the Old Church's yard of eternal rest. Its' overall appearance was unobtrusive as those that nieghbored it across cobbled thruway and sharing the same side. Two stories, all told, its deed had been obtained three years previous, joining in the assets held by Le Cour and serving in kind. Water border to far side gave certain advantages to needs and pourpose readily put to service on various levels. Sabastian sat on upended crate rubbing his temples in unconscious effort to drive away the ache plaguing cranial site. Still clad in funeral finery, he glanced tenatively to heavily barred door then away to where Seth sat. Childermass casually packed pipe's clay bowl while perched on matching crate furnishing, and paused in actions as if sensing the other's eyes. "Twas the easiest Mark ever captured an' to think that two birds became one...," Childermass chuckled to himself in mild amusement while lighting tobbacco sacrifice. The air was instantly invaded by pungent scent. " A bird in hand..." he continued offhandedly. Sabastian gave small nod in numbed acknowledgment, glancing to the roughly disgarded possessions of the one secured behind closed door. Events and exhaustion were taking toll, thinking clearly had become a luxury and not a right. The sound of lock disengagement and hinge protest cut the silence and both men looked to stairwell landing. A reverse of sound reverberated upward to focused hearing, followed by footfall. Neither companion worried about new arrival, if owner of footfall had gained access then it was by right and consent. Franklin's wide shouldered frame appeared on landing's surface, then moved to Beggar Prince's proximity with a side glance to scarred Old Tom shrouded in blueish smoke haze. Keeping his tone low, he addressed Sabastian; keeping mindful of he that was just beyond heavy door confinement. "Thomas an' a couple o' the others are stayin' wit' the aul Dame as ye asked. I'm thinking tha' wot needs be done here will keep to the morrow. Me an' Seth can tend to wot needs tendin', some o' the others are down stairs an' ye should go on an' get some sleep, eh?" Sabastian considered Franklin's words of wisdom, knowing inwardly that they rang true. He stood slowly, "Very well...And what of the other situation?" "I got word from Robert tha' best as can be hoped for are the newest tidings." The large man would say no more in light of who was present in non-guilded confinement. Without further display of question or opinion's, Sabastian moved to stairwell. Nothing more need be said, his trust of Franklin and Chidermass' judgement gave him no reason for concern. Being assured that all else was seen to, Sabastian felt some of the tension leave his being. He would attend older brother in the morning. Andre' had been contacted with the ealier happenings of the day and in turn, had given reply that staying in the Port overnight had been his intention. Word was being sent to the cottage to ease any further duress from Aurore's thoughts and now all Sabastian wished for was sleep. He bade current company good night, going below to waiting mount. Gaining stirrup and seating, acknowledgment was given to those standing post in structure's dark entrance as the Noir was turned for desired destination. Soon he would retrace his steps to Venice Belle's worn bed and soft comforter; carnal frolics would not play ticking stage. Isabella would usher him in with open arms and though she would meld to his form in warm embrace for the night's duration; nothing more would be asked or given.
Paris in the Spring
Outside the pub, Sterling stops and turns to see Aurore following. He quickly closes the distance between them. His left arm useless, he runs his right hand along her cheek then leans down to kiss her. Parting slowly from his kiss, Aurore searches his expression in the darkness of tropical night and queries softly, "Rentrer a' la mansion, cher?"
mon amour; ma vie
struck dumb
Confused by all that has arisen, Aurore casts a suspicious glance to St. Claire then follows quickly behind Sterling into the night air. "Arretez, s'il vous plait! Je ne comprends..."
Suddenly Aurore felt a tinge of shame. In the events that had charged the course of morning's existance and the aftermath that had followed in turn, she had been absent of Molly's finale departure into ground embrace. The dark eyes cast a disturbed reflection as Aurore thought on the matter further. "Non...He has not returned or sent message. Perhaps he is with Molly's sister and grand-maman..." Sampling a small draught from crystal concave, she considered asking Christophe to send someone to the Shea domocile.
silly rabbit
Tricks (Spades)
Startled by his sudden grasp and choice of words, her eyes narrow. "Pardon? What are you speaking of and do unhand me."
Concern fleeted Aurore's expression as she drew back. Being carefull as to not disturb bed surface beyond necessary, she reached for waiting goblet. "Would you care to partake? Perhaps it will help or do you wish for me to find Monsiuer Reiley?"
Aurore turns slighty to survey indicated table and expells a sigh of resignation. "Oui, mon Sucre'...As you wish."
Aurore looked at his face with uncertainty and with his request, hesitated in brief to search his expression further. Whatever haunted him was not to be so easily deciphered and giving in, Aurore leaned forward once more to fullfill desire.
Glancing towards Sterling at his words, " Non...Pour quoi?" As Killingsworth draws near with sweeping bow and invitation of hearthside placement, she eyes him wary. "Merci, non merci monsieur. Your offer is kind, but do you not think that it would be cavorting with the enemy?"
A minute furrow appeared on her brow at his summons then turn away. "Comment? Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" she questioned with concern.
Keeping the interlude within peripheral vission, Aurore orders another cognac.
His caress brought a trace of smile to her lips as she looked away from volume. Aurore set it aside then carefully scooted down from pillow support to lay at his side face to face. "Non..no apologies," she said softly. "I am unsure of the time, I seem to have lost track though the skies are darkening." Leaning forward, she placed a brief kiss on his brow, " Time is of no great import now, just rest."
"Qu'avez-moi? Rien..."
As Soliel moved from East to more Westerly placement, Aurore lit small lamps around the chamber to aid in chasing shadows. Propped comfortably next to Sterling, she quietly read aloud short tales of popular author. A small stirring of breeze bore pungent scent of tropical flora thru windows braced open in cooling effort. He dozed off and on as she spoke softly the words from leather bound volume. She had not questioned the conversation taken place ealier betwixt he and Christophe. If its' subject was ment for her knowledge, Aurore presumed she would hear of it eventually. Crystal goblet of dark wine content was sampled then replaced upon near bedside table. Drawing her knees up, the book was supported to oil luminous reveal. She snuck an affectionate sidelong glace to him fleetingly, then continued the telling of written tale chosen.
door stop
Moving to the bar's far end with a sideglance to Sterling, barkeep's attention is flagged, "Pardon Monsieur...Apportez-moi une cognac, s'il vous plait."