Sterling's Private Quarters were spacious in their own right, but far too confining in her current state of mind. After pacing its' meager legnth and eyeing the hanging cot numerous times, its' pendulum sway confused in passage, Aurore focused on the doorway leading to Great Cabin beyond.
Thief's focus fell to the large sea chest encumbering mass space at far wall. Moving closer to its' proximity, large lock was inspected, then concealed shank produced. With deft application, hasp was released and interior viewed. First withdrawn was the soft texture of worn linen shirt. Next, a pair of Husband's britches far to large for petit frame, but taken nevertheless.
Meagan watched after without comment as soaked lengths of cloak and dress were disgarded for what was found. Waistline sinched with make shift adornment of cloak saccrifice, chest was investigated again. Another shirt was produced and given to small charge; its' cuffs rolled back and tails knotted to accommodate the girl's tiny stature.
Resucuring the iron guardian, Aurore stepped to the larger surround of formal room. Bare feet padded softly on wooden planking as parameter was investigated. Nearing latched sternchaser port, she paused to manipulate and crack open wooden shutter. There without, in the building wrath of Tropical whim, a smalling craft containing two men did well to battle futile passage. Lightning tongue licked the heaven's with serpentine manner, splitting the dim with blinding lumination.
Drawing nearer to narrowed view, dark olive sights focused intently on war of Nature against Man on shifting field.