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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. This was my last one.... La Charge by Mike Churms This is what I am using currently... Tournee Du Chat Noir by Charles Verneau (Doing screenshots has never been my forte' and these images are easy to reproduce. )
  2. Shall we just do this an easier way and call it noonish to twoish? Rather a middle ground? If there needs be a linear tracking of time, then perhaps this will suit. The problem I have seen in the past with time constraint with this many writers, is if someone falls out of the loop for a bit then they are forced to perform acrobatic feats to reset. The only thing that can be done to rectify said situation is the write in retro if the situation was of import. Beyond such, the only advice I can relay is to keep careful track of what your cohorts are writting to gage time. It is possible to set time constraints on scheduel...But I think you will all find it to be more of a hinderance than an aid. I am flexible, it matters not overmuch to me what is decided.
  3. Call it a done deal....Margaritaville and the first round is on me!! B)PM me with the skinney on Middlefaire, I am most curious.
  4. Around that time going by my recolection of events...but I was wrong....once.....
  5. Sterling's Private Quarters were spacious in their own right, but far too confining in her current state of mind. After pacing its' meager legnth and eyeing the hanging cot numerous times, its' pendulum sway confused in passage, Aurore focused on the doorway leading to Great Cabin beyond. Thief's focus fell to the large sea chest encumbering mass space at far wall. Moving closer to its' proximity, large lock was inspected, then concealed shank produced. With deft application, hasp was released and interior viewed. First withdrawn was the soft texture of worn linen shirt. Next, a pair of Husband's britches far to large for petit frame, but taken nevertheless. Meagan watched after without comment as soaked lengths of cloak and dress were disgarded for what was found. Waistline sinched with make shift adornment of cloak saccrifice, chest was investigated again. Another shirt was produced and given to small charge; its' cuffs rolled back and tails knotted to accommodate the girl's tiny stature. Resucuring the iron guardian, Aurore stepped to the larger surround of formal room. Bare feet padded softly on wooden planking as parameter was investigated. Nearing latched sternchaser port, she paused to manipulate and crack open wooden shutter. There without, in the building wrath of Tropical whim, a smalling craft containing two men did well to battle futile passage. Lightning tongue licked the heaven's with serpentine manner, splitting the dim with blinding lumination. Drawing nearer to narrowed view, dark olive sights focused intently on war of Nature against Man on shifting field.
  6. Then it will be company well met, Monsieur Blackbead. It has been a year ago last September in Muenster since I had the pleasure of your aquaints. We can catch back up on our conversations regarding Cavalry!!
  7. Being a transplant to the Texas region and having been so for some time, I hate to be the messenger of bad tidings. There are just a couple of festivals in Texas and those are down on the Coast. For the most part, the only game in town, per se, is Civil War....Alamo....Things of such nature. You have to travel to get the good stuff, namely East Coast.
  8. I could very well be incorrect in this, nevertheless... To my knowledge, if this is the establishment in Savannah which has tunnels discovered in semi-recent past that catacomb reputedly as far as the river; then it would be Smugglers, not pirates, involved. (Unless said individuals were River Pirates, which did exist.) Structure is 1700's? I have not seen it, myself in person, but am aquainted with one that brought back images from a trip to said locals which offered view of subterra tunnel entrance unearthed by pure stroke of luck. Am I correct in the placing of said establishment?
  9. This sounds absolutely grand!!! Deffinately making note of it and the fact that proceeds go to such well worth charities just furthers my interests! I think I could do with a trip to The Big Easy.
  10. "Papa Ratsy" = Paparazzi.....
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