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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. Stephen dropped his eyes, "Beggin' yer pardon, sir. But tis a storm be buildin' offshore an' it may be best to go further inland. I have been one to see such afore an' I don' think it wise to be hangin' here 'bouts."
  2. Stephen Abernathy was from a long line of seamen, but had chosen different vocation. Regardless, with the heritage that ran six generations to his, the Sea and its' temperment where things that sang to some buried portion of his soul. Something in the air had stirred his unconscious mind, bringing him from slumber to sudden wakefullness. On some instinctual draw, he had stepped into the wee hours of the new coming day and scented the atmosphere. Six generations sang his blood, warning of what was to come with clarion volume. Now standing afore Master Chamber, a knock to raise the dead was applied to rouse those within.
  3. Elliott watched as the large sea-goer negotiated nearer from the warmth of simple home. Turning away from the view of angry skies on the horizon, he fixed Devon with an aprehensive look, "Tis of no good what I see in'na distance..." Burke replaced the other at window's view and gave low whistle. The sea's wrath was not an unfamilliar thing being from the shores of County Cork; nevertheless, what happened in these tropical climes struck more fear into his heart than anything from Irish Sea. "Then we best be movin' fast, eh boyo?" Elliott noted the false tone of assuredness in Irish brogue then nodded as he reached for overcoat on nearby peg.
  4. Aurore's brow furrowed minutely, eyes filled with sympathy, "Perhaps it would be best if you lie back down...." He words cut short at the first sound of wind shift and buffet against house sides. The main door below was heard to open, followed by muffled conversation that smacked of urgency. The sound of determined footfall played the stairway then onward the hallway's course.
  5. Une peu....Last time you went out and about you managed to get hung three times...Remember? **cringe**
  6. But Hawaii means braving The Horn!!!! Actually, just going closer to South America places one in the Hurry-Cane Holes. No need to dare the Horn.
  7. Is it Hurry-Cane season?!
  8. There is an option on the Photobuckets site which allows privacy. If option is selected, then only those that have the passcodes can access your "account".
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