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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux
" Manouche*, Mademoiselle.....Je suis Manouche." He glanced to the drawn weapon and gaged her body language carefully. Knee pressure moved mount to act as blockade to aim. " That Englishman is under my employ and as to all this speak of branding you with avion markings....I see no raison as to why such knowledge should be at your beck and call. Now be a gentle soul and place that pistol back in its' resting place." *Manouche is a Romani tribe of France.
Crossing back through the brush, Beggar Prince worked had at stifling amusement as the others looked on expectantly. A beconing motion was delivered to Childermass and Christophe to follow and former ground was regained. Leaning down from saddle's support, Sabastian eyed Ransom in the dim light of moon above, "Here Mademoiselle, I have found for you a Frenchman and an Anglais one...." Straightning in stature, he chuckled lightly.
Sabastian urged mount closer and looked down upon where she stood, "Mademoiselle, if it is a Frenchman that you wish to deal with, than I shall have one sent forth to adhere to your wants...." A smirk graced his face as Noir was turned to retrace course.
The echo of launch being released from davit hold resounded liquid surface, adding an interuption of unatural means to the tranquillity of seclusion. Sabastian remained mounted, reaching back subtly to a binding arears of his seating. Familliar smooth of blunderbuss stock was felt and buckle released. Noir was goaded further down landfall; dancing sideways in saline foam before straighting course. The hulk of floating powder keg rivaled the hiegths of magestic palms and Sabastian shuddered inwardly as phantoms of the Crossing came to the forefront then were forced into dismissal. Reining mount in, he waited as shadow amongst shadows, eyes keenly trained on launch progress beside swollen sides of larger vessel.
Blink of tallow eye danced the night air like lone firefly in stationary flight. A grin of sly renderings trekked over Beggar Prince's expression. "Shall I go forward?" Frenchman queried. "Non, you and the others hang back...I shall attend. Do have Seth stand at ready." Christophe eyed Sabastian with a hint of puzzlement then agreed. Noir tread through the heavy curtain of brush, stopping where terra and water met in eternal struggle for territory. One fore hoof pawed the easy give of wet sand, sending harness bells to serenade any that would lend ear.
The delicate chime of Noir's tack played the still as mount was urged to the shoreline. Oil lamp was brought to life and handed to Loup Angelic, glow daring to caress youthful features, bringing form half-cast to those that waited like courtiers in hallowed royal halls. Christophe goaded Bay to align next to blackened kindred, speaking in whispered tone inquery. "We wait for mademoiselle to show her hand first, mon ami..." came hushed reply.
The elegant flow of velvets had been replaced with adornments of more practical nature, though the smokey scent of earlier surrouds clung with ghostly hint. Sabastian removed the crowing of well worn chapeau, resting it to balance on knee then shifted upon leather seating. Darkness fell with a molassas pace, a mimic of time progress of norm bearing in tropical clime. But for the soft nicker of equine company and the steady to and fro of salt liquid lap on shoreline, the clearing in which the Faithful had gathered, was otherwise still. Just beyond the strangle of native flora, upon a rise barely glimpsed, the evidence of shuttered lamp broke the dim with pendulum movement. Chapeau was replaced, its' brim tugged downward in front to parrallel dark sight focus towards inlet mouth.
As her own adornments fell to flooring below, she stepped out of pooled borders, moving backwards to hearth proximity. Water was tested in copper confine, and more added from large kettle suspended over flame touch. Satisfied, she motioned for him to enter liquid comfort, then followed.
Carefully removed to prevent aggrivation to injuries, shirt was discarded without further thought. Nimble fingers moved to waist band bindings, making quick work of their release. Any evidence of refined carriage dissipated rapidly as carnal fires stoked and an untamed quality overroad careful polish that was given to the outside world. Aurore focused once more on the shadows that danced with hearth glow over his face and a smile of more predatory nature gained hold upon her expression.
"Oui..." she whispered as her hands found shirt hem and disapeared beneath to trace the contours of his back."Perhaps you would benefit without the burden of adornments...."
Her brow furrowed in smallish way, "Non...Ne mari impropre. Je t'amime, Sucre'." Reaching up, she traced the line of his cheek with gentle caress; leaning into his form and the comfort found there.
"Pour quoi?" Agile fingers moved to waistband, gently tugging shirt legnth from velvet boundry and the beginnings of secretive smile played her lips.
She reached out, taking one of his hands in her own and leading to the fourth door of chamber alignment. Barrier was opened to reveal the comforting glow of hearth welcome reflecting off the curvature of deep copper tub. The doorway was secured and Aurore turned to face him, small hands undoing the lace at his neck then moving downward the facings of weskit.
She moved to where he stood, confusion tugging at the edges of her expression, "Non, Sucre'...I will take care of what needs be done and do so without hesitation. Wait up for you? I have waited my life time for you and have no desire to let you slip so easily from my person when I can attend."
She read the disapointment in his body language, watched after as he departed chamber then followed into the outer hallway. "Jean...There is no need for that. Water has been kept heated for the past hour or so in anticipation of your return. The copper basin was brought here earlier this day and awaits in the next room...."
She searched his expression once more, dropping her voice," But Jean, I was only thinking that you might be worn from the days events. Pardon moi...Perhaps I am wrong in mine thinkings." Glass was obtained and filled by near decanter, "Ne Calvados....Cognac." She returned proffering stemmed crystal.
She pressed two fingers to his lips, "Shhhh...Sucre'." Two paces were taken backwards and she searched his expression briefly before carefully removing soot and ash besotted coat. "I think it best you relax. Une verra de Calvados?"
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Nestled within his encompasment, she gave smallish nod of statement dismissal, "Non...Do not worry yourself over such matters. That you are safe and near are of my main concerns and now those may be put to rest." Aurore drew back slightly to gaze upon his ash smeared face, " Sabastian is safe? The others? Has the fire been laid low?"