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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. The Frenchman's eyes narrowed at Sterling's bravado, "You, Monsuier, are not in your right mind at all. You would risk her life with foolhardiness....Even Sabastian would not standby for such ill made actions. You would tell me that her safety is assured in the middle of where this is coming from instead of on higher ground in the securities offered by the foothills inland? To the mercy of the Sea? You are mad, Monsieur!"
  2. Christophe had ridden at break neck pace back to the Port after leaving the cove. With arrival at warehouse, he found that all was in the end doings of securities against the danger looming closer. Andre' had come and gone, leaving word that all were to meet in the safety of the old Maroon's encampment, nestled in the foothills. Turning mount, speed was regained, leaving the lane and onto High Street, but speed was checked as a carriage appeared, travelling in direction of the quays. The chaise could have been mistaken for any number of its' kind, but the matched team drawing it were unmistakable. Bay was goaded to motion again, then drawn alongside. Stephen brought carriage to halt, keeping silent in response to the glare cast on Frenchman's expression. Bay shifted footing, disconcerted to the coming gale, then was manuvered to where Sterling sat. In a low voice that offered little, if any, friendly exchange, Christophe addressed the other, "You would be wise to inform me that the carriage is vacant of anything other than possessions..."
  3. Abbey Road ~ Beatles
  4. It will be grand to meet you in person, my dear. And don't worry about the bells...I have that covered. How much longer?.....Oh right, three months...er, two months and change!!!
  5. Standing in stirrup support, Sabastian cupped right ear in effort to decipher what was being carried away on the wind's passing. Scraps were heard, just enough to puzzle together as the anchor made slow progress upward and broke liquid turmoil below. He gave exagerated nod in reply then, offering short bow before regaining seat. Noir was turned, and without much persuassion needed, the merge of terra and wooden support was regained. Beggar Prince reined in briefly, casting gaze to vessel's slow turnabout progress, then spurred companion to domocile proximity. Three wagons were loaded, two more were near capacity....
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