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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. Madame McDonough, though rather jumbled, I believe what Monsieur is trying to say is thus... He is taking flight to France to view the Eiffel Tower and therfore, will be away for a legnthy amount of time. **cringe**
  2. I have the book that you speak of, as well as Fighting Sail, The Pacific Navigators and The Clipper Ships of the same series. Very nice for quick reference and well illustrated.
  3. Maslow's Hierarchy ( theory of life priorities)
  4. Bravo, Blackjohn! As always, I am impressed with your knowledge. Red Cat Jenny, you will find that thru the analogs of history, those millitary leaders followed with the highest loyalties did the same as the gentleman in question. It is a well known fact that Napoleon was quite steadfast in said mannerism and conduct.
  5. I have participated in traditional Lakota Medicine ceremonies.
  6. It was a simple structure by most counts, low slung and somewhat narrow. Utilitarian in visage, it would never inspire comment of awe as would others in the area for beauty. But beauty did not ensure safety and the thick stone construction gave fortitude against elemental wolves howling and clawing without. Nestled in the foothills, well away from angered seas, these walls were laid clever as any redoubt, cumbersome roof acting as undaunted shield to the prying rain which shoaled constant looking for a way within. Low droan of hushed conversation gave accompaniment to rain's steady battering as families and aquaints huddled together in warm lamp glow; waiting for Tempest passing. At farthest end, representitives of the Animal Kingdom did likewise, stirring restless in paddock confine while instinct called for flee. Small girl child melded despreratly within Sabastian's embrace, her tiny face streaked with trickle of fearful tears; eyes red rimmed and fighting the want for closure at exhaustion's whim. His was a portrait of continence, features carefully set to elude perfect calm as charge was rocked gently in soothing manner. Dark sights scanned surrounds now and again, keeping watchful vigil over those in his care as compasionate Noble. But this was not the only reasoning for surveys, some could be attributted to desperate search for younger kindred's arrival; which knawed constant at the core of his soul. Others were to track Elder's progress within the long structure's common room. Thus far, the first variety had produced nothing of success; the second brought Quary ever closer....
  7. So much for hibernation.
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