Sabastian sat in deep contemplation of what had been whispered by Basque form. The child, long asleep in cradled embrace, stirred lightly then resumed former pursuit unruffled. Chosen shelter had come to resemble a paddock packed full on market day. Though it had not become unbearable, one would be hard pressed to traverse its' length without careful effort.
Occasionally, Sabastian would break lethargically from inner meditations; dark eyes traveling the surrounds as they had for the endurance of many hours. Oil lamp glow would caress lupin features with lover's touch, daring the deep brown fall of unrestrained tress. Christophe kept steadfast silence after initial announcement to Beggar Prince, his stoic poise now and again being disrupted by the shadows of his thoughts; water pool gathering about his seating as if in primal worship.
Andre' passed close with intermittent timing, his eyes and that of sibling's locking briefly without offer of verbose, before Rye's onward moving. Any confrontation would be stymied until later time and different local.
Wind and rain continued intrepid desire to gain entrance within. Aqua battering ram sure on its' intents and air howling ever encouragement. Youthful Charge stirred again, shifting slightly in the claws of some unknown dreamscape. Sabastian moved carefully, repositioning tender burden, his eyes caught by the sight of remaining Sheas.
The play of light and shadow gave slight start to his mind's eye as focus was drawn to Niahm. It could have been said that swarth tinctured features paled a degree.
On the stage presented, as the Tempest worked hard to show its' rule, illuminations and their darker counterparts, painted ghostly likeness of Molly, now departed, on the canvas of seven and ten year expression.
Eternity passed before he found the ability to exhale.