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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. Five (nuemeric designation of chaos)
  2. Fray (ie. into the...)
  3. I caught this Saturday night, as well, and found it most interesting. It is one thing to read how things were done, being able to watch it with detailed explination is another thing entirely. I was very intregued by the segment detailing the caulking process. Kudos to the History Channel, once again!!
  4. Thank you, Story. I had thought to post this in Captain Twill originally, but did not wish to stir anyone's ire with a subject of Greek nature.
  5. I came across this article and thought it might be of interest. Antilkythera Mechinism
  6. Oui, oui mon Capitaine!! Bonnuit to you all.
  7. Think of Ren Faires as Hollywood's cant on history. Not terribly correct...But they sure can be fun.
  8. Aye, but I thought I only had ONE.... Well, that is true....But just think of what wonderful influence on the children that "one" shall have.
  9. believe me, some of us are more than anxious for him to show up Aurore! Oh...He has been brought to light. Just wait until the storm blows over, another is sure to begin. Making note.. put wife on dry land and sail, quickly to Virginia... **pout** But I thought you loved your new In Laws
  10. aye, he really heated up the town didn't he. I just clicked on to his personally bio under his name. The man is sick! Please tell me that this is just a character. And what the heck is Rat Pucking.?! Maybe somethings are let best unanswered... Rat Pucking....usually found to be played at Ren Faires. Think of it as twisted golf.
  11. believe me, some of us are more than anxious for him to show up Aurore! ye best start reading Lilith, while we're in a lull. It's a good read if I do say so myself. Oh...He has been brought to light. Just wait until the storm blows over, another is sure to begin.
  12. Is he single? Does he check in on the pub a lot? LOL!!! He's a regular, per se. Single? Oui....
  13. Sabastian....I need to go back and figure out which one of your brothers is he. Boy, there is a lot to go over. He's the charmer....You won't find much on Andre' up to this point.
  14. People keep telling me this, but I don't think they understand what they are saying ! Where would I even beging?! Right now you are all in the middle of a Hurricane. How the Hell would... ...never mind... Just don't pet Sabastian....He might pet back..... Wait a sec....nobody has ever complained about that before.
  15. And Skittles will have your head on a pike! I said we didn't bite....much. We collective is not I singular cher Sucre'.
  16. You are most welcome to join us. We do not bite....much.
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