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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux
The horses were reined in at quay's landfall, Sabastian glanced once over shoulder to sibling before gaining the ground below. Gesturing for the other's to remain, he approached the looming visage of Brother-In-Law's vessel. A minute shiver tingled nerve endings as gangplank was neared and full halt of motion commenced. Under different circumstances, he would have sent one of the other's forward, but saw that this would not be of wisest thinkings. Looking upward to the motion on deck, hail was called for acknowledgement and in the time it took for verbose to carry, a cool sheen of sweat broke upon lupine brow.
Or figure out where he parked his "corvette".....LOL
The heavy quality of humidity laden air rushed forth threefold as back stoop was gained. Haze of spirit communion lingered at the edges of his cognitive fortitudes, the low and steady thrum of jaw line sneaking with stealth to recover the square. Formal composure was reset at the opening of rear entrance, female companion allowed crossing into the night and within the Shadow company that held court in alley beyond. Sabastian regarded her with cloaked interest, words were spoken with cordial airs, bow offered....then nothing more. As Ransom's shade melded with those holding reign over thruway confines, small gesture was made in silent command and answered in kind as one of the number broke off to follow at safe but, close distance. Silence overpowered the hierarchy of darkness rule, disrupted briefly by lonely call of mongrel hound and the scrutiny of Beggar Dauphin lit in trade off from one to another of the Faithful gathered; settling longest upon beloved Fox near French companions. The interchange was much as the solemn hue of the alley proximity, features of mirror hues cast on opposite gender played tag; dark eye to dark eye locking then moving away. Stepping down from wooden plateau to sodden earth, Sabastian seemed to taste the air and savory its' facets, intent scrutiny playing the corridor with practiced intent; slow sweep flowing from left to right then pausing with sudden halt and returning to focus just offside of the stoop. The dimness of night's cloak did well to conceal the unsettled jerk of movement as simple post was picked apart visually; the slight clench of jaw and narrow of sights. Tentative step was taken, head cocked in bemused manner; the Gathered shifted in footing and the sound was as autumn leaves stirred by smallish breeze. Pivoting, Sabastian struggled to pull his attention away from empty space that was not always so, one slender hand moving unconsciously to rub traumatized jaw line. When query was issued, the verbose was delivered just above whisper to any that would hear. "Ou est mon chavel.....?"* The shift of leaves occurred again. *where is my horse?
Sabastian nodded ascent, but as the chamber door loomed his step faltered slightly. Turning, he scrutinized her expression then reached forward and around petit waist. Palm resting on the small of her back, he moved closer to disperse the air boundry. Leaning forward, Sabastian searched Ransom's eyes, then gathered her closer. Hovering there for the fleet of momment, he waited for her protest and receiving none, dared to brush her lips with his own.
Sabastian's breathing paused at her touch, and inner confusion hieghtened. Dark eyes locked with her own and held stance as he called back to waiting comrade, "Monsuier Lambert, wait for me below s'il vous plait." Beggar Prince said nothing as the door swung back to securing; his attention rapt upon her face. " I would prefer that you do not return alone, it is not safe....At least allow me to send someone in your company."
plate fleet
Dull throb of jaw line had finally given in to elixir rule, but its' absence had been replaced by other matters. Recent phantoms tugged at the edges of thought like needy children not so easily bribed into retreat. Echoes of mannerism, echoes of body language and assuredness that could not be denied even as he worked to banish them. Sabastian tried to blame it on crystal decanter haze, a disruption of clear thinking brought on by the Spirit in the Bottle; but deep in his innermost being, he knew this to be a lie. Conversation remained fairly light and he had become thankful that it had not turned to paths which might encourage deeper delving. He had played the gentleman, assuring that Ransom's requests were fulfilled; neither pewter nor crystal fell to want. The world felt a little off kilt, as if spinning a degree further to the left then normal, once again it was put off to the effects of refined liquid... But then a cadence of identifying rhythm sounded on chamber door, producing involuntary start. Dark eyes fleeted to Ransom's face then away just a quickly. The hailing resounded and he seemed to freeze, brow furrowing with displeasure. Regaining composure, Sabastian rose from seating and offered apology before crossing to portal and revealing insistent caller. Dim hall lighting fought with chamber glow for threshold possession. Christophe offered short bow to chamber companion, then spoke in low tones that which was to be said. Beggar Prince exhaled heavily, shoulders drooping slightly in some mimic of defeat and he nodded acknowledgment. Christophe waited patiently for verbose, as Sabastian crossed to where companion had paused in meal partake. His expression, so normally held at full command, bled with lost facets and without thinking, he squatted to balance on the forward area of soft boot sole. Looking up to her, he deeply wished to capture the hand which rested on near chair arm, but did not dare such actions. "Mademoiselle, it is with much regret, that I must part your company. If I were offered choice, this would not be so...." The dark eyes focused on the thick plush of carpeting below, "You are welcome to stay here or not. If you wish to leave, I shall escort you to the destination you desire." The wieght of the world suddenly become more cumbersome....
precious metal
Careful now, Lilith....'Bastian can be a real handful. ( That is whom I am refering to.) Or was it that you were speaking of Le Capitaine?
Her query fell to almost deaf ears, the sensation of palm bequeath over riding his focus. As released hand drifted back to hang near hip, it was unconsciously flexed to close and a moment passed before his thoughts cleared and answer delivered. The dark eyes moved from her hesitantly to glance over what could be had in wake of tempest. Tally was taken before report' and though what was had could not be said of meager selection, Sabastian's brow knit briefly at the desire that it could have been more. "You must forgive, Mademoiselle. I cannot say that I think this meal worthy of your appetite, but I fear it shall have to do...." Empty platter was procured and he choose decisively from the selection to ensure Ransom receiving the choice bits. Fruit was checked carefully with scrutinizing eye; no bruising would due. Breast meat was obtained from duck sacrifice, accompanied by rye bread and pale cheese. When all balanced upon pewter surface, he motioned for Ransom to retake seating then placed burden before her. Elixir vessel was replaced with another of different content, then he retreated to opposite end. There were many things that crossed Sabastian's mind. Most of which he wouldn't dare voice… At least not at the current moment.
**raises a brow** Perfect angel.... with no halo, and one wing in the fire......**smirk**
^Cocked hat....or just wide brim will do. <Also almost ready for RF2. Duex Peignoirs down and a gown...One more gown to go....**cringe** V Favorite event in history or favorite Circa?
The Best of Three Dog Night
Aurore was vexed....Vexed, confused and pained. They had traced and retraced the area to no avail, continuing on to the Port. Thus far nothing could be revealed as to where wayward Spouse had ventured. With the storm's workings, the normal rhythm of Le Cour had been interrupted and priorities lay more in securing holdings then in the acts of surveillance. Crossing the byways and mainways of lanes, tavern and hostile inspected gave no news. Livery was visited and it was there that Dubois waited as inquery was made. The Chestnut gazed with sleepy eyes cast in her direction as lantern was raised. Nobel head was extended to snuffle upturned palm which was followed by whicker. Apology and coin were delivered to proprietor for information and compensation of late hour. Search continued, and as chance would play hidden card, the next lane brought them to cross paths with Bay and Frenchman. Equine greetings floated night air as the Two neared Third and Christophe turned from mount's care to observe newly arrived. He was quick to stand forward, aiding Aurore's dismount of Barb, but his manner carried an underlying facet of ill-ease. Haltingly, he explained all that had occurred in Aurore’s absence, finally coming to the theft of the Noir. Christophe offered no judgments as to the affaires that had rolled one after another; his slate hued eyes averted from where she stood through most. She, in turn, made effort not to probe or prod too deeply…Some things were a given, others would show full plumage eventually. Nothing Aurore heard offered peace of mind and she began to question inwardly, if Fate was not playing a malicious coup d’etat….
Sabastian enclosed Ransom's hand with his, drawing her gently forward to standing. The dark eyes studied her own; meticulously searching for the slightest nuance which might counter his intention. Again he gave gentle drawing forward, testing for resistance, and finding none, a pace was taken to narrow the distance between. Primal wants screamed for fulfillment, but such were given deaf ear with act of will. Half pace forward again, and it was a narrow bit of air that acted as invisible boundary. Sabastian leaned in, hesitating briefly to search her eyes once more, savoring the scent of sea and salt that clung to her being. Primal wants screamed with louder demand and will counter parried with smallish stagger. Small waist was encircled, but held loose to allow retreat, as his lips brushed the highest point of her cheek line, near the soft curve of right ear and there he lingered, breathing deeply again saline perfume, before withdrawing...
Ransom's words paused his movement to intended destination. Turning about face, another sample was procured from tiny vessel then set aside to table's plane. With slow and fluid movement one hand was extended to her and Sabastian waited to see if she would acknowledge or accept.
Sabastian had been mid draught of current crystal capture as she spoke her thoughts. A small crease appeared betwixt brows as glass was set aside and he watched her expression intently. Rising from recently acquired seating, Sabastian obtained a decanter that rested upon hearth mantle and two petit vessel's that kept its' company. Balancing the two within one hand, decanter was set down; stopper removed; then glasses filled. Setting one before her as offering, sidelong glance was given. There lay a casual aloofness to his manner, an unconscious defense mechanism that had been triggered. Taking possession of the second of two, he turned center to scrutinize her body language which had betrayed her words many times over in the having lapsed since chamber arrival. Once again verbose gained smokey nuances as he spoke in low tone, "I believe that you will find what therein lies a delight to the senses. It is a rare thing that I doubt few will have the plaisir of encountering in a lifetime. Easy with it, do not let its' subtle nature of smooth conceal the bite it possesses." He moved parallel to chair side, unwavering eyes trapping her own, "I live for the now, ma Petit...Time is a fleeting and agile creature which plays tricks on those that try contain it. The Past is dead to me...and the Future is always an uncertain gamble." Reaching forward, he dared caress the angle of Ransom's cheek with soft touch of fingers then withdrew. "The Now is the only thing which is constant....." Contents of smallish vessel were raised to lips, its' sweetness savored briefly before he moved once more to round the back border of her chair; intent of resecuring former seating in near distance...