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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. Second boot joined fallen compadres; lost children in crumpled heaps, scattered afore the wind. Tender skin of stomach domain was nuzzled briefly as quick glance was given to her expression. Raising from knee support, Sabastian balanced on balls of feet, bringing her close, arms wrapped around her waist as her own found his neck. With dancers grace he rose, bringing her aloft. Once more, he drank deep the succulence of her lips and without truly needing to obtain visual bearing, edge of table was found and what lay near upon it, joined the land of the lost.
  2. Her want was answered with vigor and as their lips joined, it was as if oxygen had been given to one deprived. Slipping under now unhindered linen, left hand ventured the gentle curves of mid-back then pulled her tighter still. Right hand dropped from skull cradle, venturing slowly lower and kiss was broken off. As if trying to ponder the mysteries of the universe, Sabastian trapped her eyes with his own then backed away just enough to free linen hindrance.
  3. One brow raised a fraction, feral smile widened and gained more carnal hues. He waited as elixir was deserted then gently plyed vessel from her grasp. It was then, in turn, emptied and cast aside to bounce the flooring. "As you wish, Mademoiselle..." Practiced fingers deftly found the boundaries of outer coat and made quick work to render it useless; the second castaway exiled to Persian terra. Moving forward, one hand travelled to the base of her skull, intertwining the ruddy tress, while the other encircled slim waist and pulled insistantly until cloth lay as only fortitude to flesh concealed. Leaning in, the hollow of her neck was found and sampled for flavor.
  4. His eyes narrowed slightly to elaboration on proposal, joined by the merest hint of feral smile in response to her query. Sabastian moved to decanter's repose, realizing that vessel remained in Ransom's possession. Snatching carved glass tower, he returned and refilled concave want. Decanter was placed on planking underfoot; long fingers surrounding her own and the object they clasped. Brought up for savored draught, her hands were kept in his capture... "There are may things that I am well versed in, Mademoiselle...."
  5. Her statement caught him far more off guard than her initial addressing on stairwell. Veiled glance fleeted to her then to the decanter as he worked to remain composed. Inwardly his confusion soared as to why it should even be an issue....But, it was nevertheless. On some sub terrain level, he was most unsettled by announcement. Casually he finished second round of Oriental fire and refilled again. Not thinking, Sabastian crossed the room's length and proffered his own vessel to her. The word "marriage" formed on his lips, but was never given voice.
  6. Twin tallow were brought to life, one left in placement upon mantle, the other accompanied by rare elixir decanter, to table surface. Stunted vessels were retrieved and filled, both balanced in one palm as Sabastian returned to where she had held ground. He came near, but not over so...Much as a wolf longing to gain proximity, but wary of doing what it desired. He said nothing at first, dark eyes attracted to the play of golden glow and shadow upon her face. Another step forward was taken and elixir proffered, his tone mimic of smoke tendrils drifting upward of flame dance behind. "Perhaps this might ease your soul...." One of two was taken, and he continued to watch briefly before stepping away to armoire’s stately form. Steel hounds were removed from woolen dens and placed upon small chest, coat was the next to go followed by riding boots. There was pause in motion, as though some secondary thought had come to the forefront; finalized by the casting off of stockings and the release of shirttail from britches claim. Vessel's content was drained as he returned to main table's reign of the chamber; another filling followed. Sabastian stood with eloquated carriage, a contardiction to current state of loose adornment, and glanced to where she remained. "Perhaps you would wish for chair's comfort?...."
  7. The sound of her foot fall had lost some of its' angry tone, and in spite of what currently harried his inner thinking, a hint of smile tugged at his expression. Once again the keys to hallowed hall were produced, the locks' yielding to proper applications, and portal was opened. Chamber beyond lay in slumber, no low lamp or tallow burn breaking its' inky encompassment. Sabastian stood to one side, allowing her access, then followed behind with swift securing of heavy door; shutting away annoyances that lay outside. His senses reached out, finding her waiting just to the left of where he stood and he drew near, voice dropping low as if not wishing to disturb spirits dwelling there. "Mademoiselle, stay where you are and I shall conjure light to vanquish the darkness..." He lingered long enough to breath deep her nearness, then stepped softly away to hunt down elusive luminations.
  8. Her manner of address harkened back to Kingston and it caught him slightly off guard. Not offering outward revelation to title, Sabastian looked away with aloof posturing, casually disarming steel hounds and replacing them in pocket lairs. Glance was given through brown tress bang curtain, "Pardon, Mademoiselle? I fear I have no understanding to your term of this night and its' intrigues....I have been riding for plaisir." He dared the incline, stopping when level to where eye met eye was found, "It may be wondered upon what finds you here at such late hour..." Mental gears turned rapidly as he judged her mindset, there was something in the windows of soul that placed him instinctually to caution. Backing a pace, he stepped around, pausing on landing plateau with fleet sidelong glance. "I am having cheese and bread sent to my room, would you care to join me? Perhaps I might offer you something to drink...." Sabastian moved on, unsure if she would follow or not.
  9. It was a haunting, chill wind that rattled the corridors of mind and soul. The constant onslaught of wave on wave progressing well beyond classification of simple mental exhaustion. The still and emptiness of night lands traversed were but mirror and further validation to current manner of existence. Dunn's semi uneven gait did nothing to inspire him further, it rather gave added verve to the rest; blatantly giving reminder that desired mount was missing in action...One more demon to whisper maliciously to amplify brethren chorus. Beginnings of The Port's outer laying proximity was achieved and Bookstore was passed without so much as sidelong acknowledgement. Mount trod its' odd cadence closer into what could be labeled as civilization and bearing changed as noise levels increased; traffic following suit. Said mixture of impediment was forsaken for more empty venues of back street. Location of desired destination rose as familiar silhouette, diligent sentinel rising slightly taller than flanking kindred, and mount was deserted for grime surface underfoot. Mooring point was approached then ignored in favor of another; perhaps such detour would nullify Fate's temptation of encore. Wearily, back portal was passed through, the sounds and scents of Common drifting back to assault his senses. As if cued by off stage direction, small rumbling in stomacher’s region gave insistent reminder that no meal had been partaken since early the eve before. Body's need did well to cause another log to be thrown on irritation pyre and he moved closer to kitchen entrance to absolve issue. Serving girl appeared, her expression suddenly given into wheels of calculation. Banter of flirtation was proffered to Beggar Prince with aspirations that perhaps such would allow for delights with meal's delivery. But she soon found that such energy was wasted; his responses came with flat manner...if any at all. Realization set in rapidly that no place would be found in Four Poster's deep ticking and with a hint of regret, she gave curtsy, moving on to secure what was requested. Sabastian lingered briefly in corridors mockery of lighting then moved to stairwell to gain Sanctuary above. The eruption of glass shatter and door's slam paused him momentum and hesitant step was taken upon the rise. Near mid-point was achieved when flesh to hard surface impact resounded the hollows and trained hands dove into pocket depths to find wood smoothed grips. The thought of returning to Dunn company and retreating to the peace of foothill encampments were entertained in brief then cast away. What he wanted was closure to this night and he wanted it within private holdings above not in the exposure of the wild lands beyond Port chaos. Cautiously, he proceeded uphill climb. Angry strike of boot heel clamored the upper hall and twined maws of steel render bore on unseen maker, waiting with hunger to roar fury upon possible foe. Said choice of action wavered when familiar face appeared at landing's edged, pistol's lost proper angle, bowing in respect to steps below. Dark eyes locked with those of lighter hue and the travel of inhale, exhale came to screeching halt....
  10. They waited one and twenty minutes more, the sound of burdened wagons now but a recollection of another profitable venture. The beach head resembled any other of choice in the more untamed areas of Jamaica's sandy parameter; all evidence swept away but a few areas of flattened flora. When time felt right, Bay and Dunn were urged forward, those at the helms conversing on varying subject matter....some choices carefully avoided. Within smattering miles to the Sterling household, Beggar Prince broke away heading further inland, while Frenchman continued on, hedging the roadway.
  11. Mental gears went into motion as tale was told and options were contemplated with thorough fashion. Calculating direction and bearing, plantation in question was pinned down and options rolled forth again. Half glance was given to Mari, then attention returned to Reiley. A tincture of sympathy washed her expression briefly, then was vanquished by harder guise. Aurore's voice had hollowed ambiance when she addressed him again. "It is best that you allow me to handle this matter, Monsieur Reiley. There is nothing more that you can do than take care of my Husband." Aurore moved to the chamber door, opening it slowly and motioned to the one she knew stood beyond it. Her request was specific, her directions clear. Dubois gave smallish bow, turning on heel to depart domicile on appointed errand. As he mounted waiting horse, he could not help but wonder if such a summoning would be for the best.
  12. One delicate brow arched slightly, a reflective mimic of Brother's expression. Another sip was procured and she responded softly in contrast to his barely contained fervor. "Monsuier Reiley, you will be kind enough to tell me what this issue is and belay the dancing about its' foundations..." Emptied goblet was refilled than returned to the Other. In near distance, John Sterling shifted in restless sleep.
  13. The Medicine Man's flighty manner was quite unsettling to her. Too many years Aurore had been conditioned to the calm precession of Brothers and Le Cour. It would be a hard pressed thing to acquire memory of when it was not so and to be subjected to Reiley's near panic mode disturbed the rhythms of her soul. Another sip was taken of pungent rouge, while a glint of wild intermingled cool resolve in visual pools.
  14. The confusion at his words was kept veiled, buried deep as not to show on angled features. She sat lightly on bed's support, gently brushing back tow tinctured hair that clung with insistance to fevered brow. "Hush now, Sucre'....You are home and safe." His features relaxed a fraction, good eye searching her own. Small hand captured larger one, caress given to more weathered surface. His words rattled within the corridors of her mind, things that were disjointed offering little resolve and Aurore was discomforted by the enigmas. Squeeze of comfort was given and she spoke soft sooth, urging him to relax.
  15. Aurore did not care for the observance of another's orders, it tended to raise a defiant streak in her that was near impossible to budge, but there was much in Reiley's manner that did well to belay what came naturally. The browning stain of aging crimson against sun touched skin distracted her attention briefly before action of compliance was brought to. Concoction mixed, she hovered near Sterling's side, gently aiding the intake. The mystery of the hour would be defused soon enough. Until the time for telling arose, she would work with diligence to ensure no further upsets.
  16. Aurore's main focus lay upon Husband's current state, so much so that Reiley's announcements were almost an echo in the distance...An echo that quickly rounded and fell to bear on instincts. She recentered on Medicine Man, judging his posture and urgency of verbose. Others had come into view with front lawn disturbance, horses were quickly handled as newly arrived were ushered inside. As Aurore followed in wake, a light touch to shoulder paused progression and she turned. Dubois had followed earlier carriage transport, keeping eye on the area while many had gone on to cargo's demand. There was suspicion floating his expression and one hand hovered near man made thunder grip. They spoke in hushed tones briefly, then she continued inside; following steadfast to the upper floor.
  17. Unclad feet met the dampness of stone expanse giving access to main entrance. Aurore hesitated momentarily, breath following suit, as riders drew closer then turned to be framed by fortitude gate arching. Her expression clouded with concern as eyes observed what lay before on path leading to domicile. Stay of motion was released as she rushed forward to meet Mari and Medicine man, reaching forward to Chestnut bridle. Her voicing was as whisper on the wind when she rounded to mount's side, one hand reaching to where his gave half effort hold on reins and she called his name; eyes drawn to his own with mounting concern, taking in the slight sway of posture on leather wrought throne. Hurried footsteps sounded from behind, slowing uncertainly as Stephen came into proximity. Aurore's words were steady, no shakiness would be allowed to show as she stepped back. "Stephen...aid my Husband to the bedroom, s'il vous plait." The deep olive eyes fell to Reiley, silently demanding answer to current quandary and concerns....
  18. Merchant Captain and Baro Rom finalized payment for services rendered and laden wagons began forward trudge to varying destinations. No word was spoken in regard to ship's company that would not accompany their Brethren with anchor's weigh, and although vessel's Master was not an unfeeling sot, he knew it better to keep tongue in check regarding recent doings. A suspicion played inner thoughts, tickling gut instinct that though he was unsure of Le Cour's reach, it would be foolish to test the boundaries and find out. Greed could overshadow conscience, and the heft of coin in possession did well to clear guilt. Sabastian remained in Christophe's company, older sibling always in some form of peripheral view. Nothing had been breached this eve's duration involving former run in...And Younger knew that it would not. It would be kept in check until more proper surround could be acquired. What happened within the general workings of Le Cour was known to its' members, but what transpired between the Trio was viewed by few. As last wagon drew away with escort, Andre' urged mount to proximity of kindred and long standing confidant. Sabastian forced focus on transport's departure, well aware of arrival. Elder reined when aligned, eyes tracking same quarry, words relayed in native voicing... "In the course of night, day than night's midpoint, I expect to see you in my presence..." Younger proffered no acknowledgement, jaw set tight. Companion gave veiled sidelong glance then recentered to where wagon's form had dissipated into darkness shroud. Further words were not needed, request was anything but, and Beggar Roi nudged mount to follow where transport had disappeared.
  19. Thank you for your unselfish offer of wisdom. Very kind of you and most appreciated, Sir.
  20. ^Oh yes...and a new yard to plant in....I am thinking "Blue Moon" roses. <I have always prided myself on thinking and living outside of "the box"...And right now my whole world is in a box. I hate moving... V Any big plans with the weather becoming more friendly?
  21. Cargo approved, the Machine began steadfast rhythm of hoist and lower; block and tackle adding instrumental accompaniment to the percussion of labors grunt and call. Boom swayed its' back and forth travel as rope clutched greedily oaken wards. Longboat regatta played baton relay under tropical night skies; large sweeps dipping deep aqueous medium to propel awaiting hoist mimic on land. Wagon parade moved in steady stream of horseshoe curvature and somewhere hidden within local flora and night bird serenaded the hint of Luna shrouded in gossamer culimus. Eldest removed himself from Captain's company, focus intent on the progress of sea to land. Further down beach head length, Christophe and Beggar Dauphin observed transfer of livelihood from launch to wagon in stoic vigil. Familiar companion blunderbuss render rested in comfortable repose over Frenchman's thighs, slate hued eyes watching on with raptor's scrutiny. In reflective poise, likened thunder lay near at hand slung in leather support, nudging Rom kneecap with mount's shift of footing. Somewhere betwixt and between Le Cour's Royalty, a scuffle erupted involving man of the Sea and boy of the Land. Weathered Jack Tar, impatient with negotiating foot space with young Jason, offered harsh words and even harsher cuffing....The Machine screeched to halt as flash of powder and ball roar tore the tranquil proximity. Hibernating muzzle smoked in bark's aftermath, still leveled in Beggar Prince's support. Acrid waft intertwined with moisture laden air as Offender and one of his brethren crumpled to the sand's water hardened surface. Captain strode to where Andre' remained mounted, opening mouth to protest only to be met with single unseeing 'lock eye. Elder said nothing, armament spoke in his stead. Seaman brought hands up slowly, eyes flicking between pistol and possessor; unconscious step in reverse taken. Hinted smile played Andre's lips as horse was eased forward and another step was taken in retreat by acquired target. "You have something you wish to impart, Capitaine?" Verbose was a mixture of challenge and amusement. Again the eyes traded off between muzzle and mounted man, response riddled with nervous facets, "No, Mister Devareaux..." "Tres bien, Capitaine. It would be most unfortunate if you were to make decisions as poorly as those who follow you..." The Other swallowed hard, "Yes, Mister Devareaux." "I knew you were a reasonable man if such were the order of the day." Mount was turned, former placement was taken and the Machine resumed its' pace.
  22. The lading site in Kingston had suffered greatly with the storm's game of jacks; demanding alternate local to be selected. Far in the opposite direction, past the household now held in possession by he known as Sterling, wagons and horses waited in hushed diligence for sweep driven comrades. The evening air was pregnant with earthy scents and balmy weight; liquid salt kissed the shoreline and retreated like bashful lover. Mounted cluster chose higher ground to observe with calculated scrutiny, so much as generals judging the field of battle in some far off valley. Words were few at best, to be exchanged by male Devareauxs, not uncommon under the present situation; though there lay an added tension humming just below surface. In near distance, a shuttered lamp flashed briefly then dissipated, signaling Captain's crossing with example of hold's offering. Andre' shifted in seating, dark eyes intent on the area ahead where vessel lay offshore. Gentleman in high circles champed with heightened anticipation to what would be proffered at this night's work. Modyford, himself, had sent secretive query regarding French Brandy arrival...And the Governor was always first to receive the best Le Cour had to offer. These were the shrewd workings of business; the payoffs, the alias', the alibis, the iron clad protection of the Crown...The things nobody saw. Mount was spurred forward as craft was drawn to the sediments of landfall. Elder's expression almost hinted secretive smile with knowledge that brandy was not the only thing contained on yon ship delighting Jamaica's local ruler. Before the demise of this night, Modyford's hushed desires would be answered. Devon Burke caught hinted smile as Andre' passed, and on some deep inner level, it brought winter to his soul.
  23. Looks to me like all are in the same time sequence...except Lilith. **Sabastian looks around bemused and considers how much was imbided the night before** I do not recall the cock's crow.....I only had two....Merde'. **scratches head** That must have been some quick manner of late night cargo negotiations....Ran so smooth and fast that I cannot recall it occuring.....**shrugs then scowls** Now where is it that I parked my horse.....
  24. He was unsure of how much time had transpired since chamber had been regained. A faint finger of fading Soliel eeked through cumbersome window dressing, daring to sneak into sanctuary like uninvited guest. The plush of alpaca bed throw gave hint of soft stroke upon bare back as Sabastian rolled to right side, sleep bleared eyes focusing on interloper of light. Fatigue haunted every inch of lithe frame, and the easiest of choices would be to edge back into the slipstream of the Dreamtime. Easiest was not always for the best. Crawling to four-poster’s overstuffed border, body was forced from prone to sitting posture; cobwebs of the Netherworlds clinging stubbornly to mental process. Bed was deserted for glazier portal, its' adornments parted minutely to view the outer realm and its' goings on. Time of day was judged and drapery was allowed to fall back into proper placement; near table was gained, its' surface now bare of evidence from former evening. Exotic elixir proffered to absent companion was obtained and protocol of formalities were forfeited with the lower presentation of direct swig. Sitting heavily in Ransom's once claimed throne, left leg was dangled over ornate carved arm and Beggar Prince contemplated recent Past, Present, near future and beyond...Punctuated by second sampling of decanter. This night's proffering would entail business, though more sleep or pleasure would be more to preference. Heavy sigh was emitted with tinge of disgruntled expression fleeting swarth features. With reluctant heave, chair was abandoned and armoire achieved. Reaching past velvet dandiments, adornments of coarser textures were taken from hanging depths; fanciful chapeaus passed up for wide brim of plainer designs. The turn of well-hidden lock gave access to man -made thunder and selections were made. This was ritual of fine tuned machine; repeated with such consistency that it was as symphony of motions. All was laid to exacted placement, then everything secured once again. Finale survey was taken with aloof manner, though appearances oft times lay deception to the unknowing. As fini, traveling pistols returned to coat hibernation and chamber was abandoned to the sound of intricate locks falling home. Sean Roberts waited ever patient in alley below with equine companions; ears pricking forward as Dauphine emerged into daylights fading clutch on the world.
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