The chaise stopping added further fuel to the fears barely contained within her person. Shade was raised and eyes captured long time companion just forward of where she sat. With the windows secured and the wind whipping with fevor, words could not be picked by hearing, but Christophe's posture and facial expression gave away much. Sterling remained out of view for what seemed the majority of interchange, then leaned outward carriage perch.
Aurore drew deep breath and held it captured in lung confines, as Christophe's posture gained hints of threatning manner; a body verbose that she had witnessed in the past....a kindred thing likened to serpent coiling just before strike. Door was quickly wrestled open, "Non, Tristan....Please!"
The slate sights quickly cut to the direction of her voice, dismissing Sterling's existance. Frenchman directed Bay close to where Aurore balanced half in and out of chaise sanctuary. He dismounted, keeping hold of Bay reins and moved close. Reaching forward, one small hand was taken into his own, gentle brush of lips laid to its' back then released. Nothing was said as Aurore noted the haunting visage that floated his eyes, which the Frenchman quickly directed elsewhere.
Hailing was ignored and he moved away regaining Bay's seat. Rain's force gained renewed stregnth as horse and rider departed.