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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. Aurore slyed a glance to where Meagan had sat silent thruout all and gave a wink causing youthful laughter to ring compartment. Chaise slowed then came to halt, rain's pace regained former stregnth to the accompaniment of wind's banshee howl.
  2. Aurore brought his captured hand to the fullness of her lips and laid kiss upon fingers. "J'ai besoin de tu maintenant plus que jamais, Sucre'.
  3. She digested his clarification, breathing slowly in effort to remain calm to revealings. The quays drew closer and minutes passed with nothing but the cadance of nature's angered symphony rolling land and sea as sound. Aurore reached for Sterling's near hand, cradling it with both of her own. "Je t'aime, Sucre'...."
  4. The carriage stuttered in motion as rear wheel caught wash out and hung briefly before moving forward again. The rains backed off a fraction in steadfast assult upon wooden shell and Aurore took a deep shuddering breath. "This cannot be a truth...and.....and it matters not for it is the past and not the future."
  5. "What makes you say such? In Paris he saved me from...." She shook her head rapidly. "Non....it is just the affection felt beween dear companions...I...." Aurore sat a little straighter and centered full attention on Sterling's face, " I do not understand what you are saying...."
  6. She allowed the comfort of Sterling's warmth as the carriage jerked back to life. When she finally spoke it was in almost ghostly qualities, "I do not understand what you mean by your acuisation. My old lover is many years dead..."
  7. Tear ravaged eyes looked to where his hesitant hand lay then to the skies, a sudden jolt of lightning gave smallish start to huddled posturing. Slowly, Aurore regained standing, focus cast to the mire below.
  8. Aurore sat limp to the ground below, huddled against structure wall and uncaring to the filth that gathered there. A numbness of psychological defense crept over her being as tears washed her face; salt and pure intermingling on toffee tinctured plains.
  9. She twisted trying to break free to no avail, tragic rabbit caught in human snare. Free arm raised instinctually to protect face as she made another attempt at release. "Non..." she pleaded.
  10. The sound of shod hoof battery on sodden ground loomed near to Aurore's sense of hearing and she deftly dodged down near alleyway by instinct. Memories of another life flooded her mind, causing adrenalin to drive flight faster but, alley gave no reprive comming to dead end.
  11. Aurore's eyes grew wide to the cruelties voiced and she took a step backwards involuntarily. A smallish burn developed in sinus cavities and another step was taken in reverse as she shook her head not understanding. Then quickly, she pivoted direction, running blind away from where the carriage held ground.
  12. Sterling's words stung and she was further confused by his abruptness. The fear of his seperation outweighed all else; cloak and skirts were gathered in a flurry. Carriage door was pulled from Aurore's grasp at wind's intent, and she gained the puddled ground in small hop, without thought of drawing hood protection.
  13. Aurore nodded, drawing the cloak even tighter, "Oui..." Her response was just above whisper.
  14. Hesitant glance was cast up the lane, Aurore's mind whirling with questions that harkened asking. The olive pools refocused on Sterling and she withdrew to the dry cabin interior. She swallowed hard and drew cloak close about small frame; trying to quell fear and confussion battering mental fortitudes.
  15. The chaise stopping added further fuel to the fears barely contained within her person. Shade was raised and eyes captured long time companion just forward of where she sat. With the windows secured and the wind whipping with fevor, words could not be picked by hearing, but Christophe's posture and facial expression gave away much. Sterling remained out of view for what seemed the majority of interchange, then leaned outward carriage perch. Aurore drew deep breath and held it captured in lung confines, as Christophe's posture gained hints of threatning manner; a body verbose that she had witnessed in the past....a kindred thing likened to serpent coiling just before strike. Door was quickly wrestled open, "Non, Tristan....Please!" The slate sights quickly cut to the direction of her voice, dismissing Sterling's existance. Frenchman directed Bay close to where Aurore balanced half in and out of chaise sanctuary. He dismounted, keeping hold of Bay reins and moved close. Reaching forward, one small hand was taken into his own, gentle brush of lips laid to its' back then released. Nothing was said as Aurore noted the haunting visage that floated his eyes, which the Frenchman quickly directed elsewhere. "Tristan...?" Hailing was ignored and he moved away regaining Bay's seat. Rain's force gained renewed stregnth as horse and rider departed.
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