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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. ^ Funny, I interpeted 'good surprises' differently. Aye, some bad surprises.

    < Glad the CAt is gettin' her garb fer the upcomin' events. (Grumble... kass... grumble)

    V Pass on the last question, again.

  2. ^ That's a big depends... on the friend... and the wrong. Sometimes it can take a serious amount o' time.

    < Some friends are friends in name only, or yer friend, if ye hav somethin' they want.

    V Ever learn the hard way who yer real friends are?

  3. ^ Wind!

    < Technology can be unplugged, Chole. Fly a glider, ride a bike, sail a boat... Lots o' technology there, and thankfully no extension cord required!

    V Wot's yer favorite bit o' unplugged technology?

  4. are you going blind Mr. Tar? I've been sitting here since 12 central. It's just that there's nothing going on.

    Funny thing 'bout this site, names appear an disappear, an folks don't logoff.

    Truth, I thought ye was gone. Me apologies t' ye Chole.

  5. Aye, I thought, the sea calls t' each o' us in different ways. Once hearin' the call, who can resist?

    I turned t' Silkie, "Our natures are not so different. We are both called by the sea, an we came. But yer callin' is stronger than mine." I looked 'bout the ship, fer wit' out her, I would not heed the seas' callin'.

    "Best get some rest, will make landfall soon." I turned t' walk back t' me cabin.

  6. ^ Nope, technology likes me just fine.

    < Would like t' master more basic technology. Ready t' dig up part o' the landscape, an plant an herb an vegetable garden.

    V Willin' t' embrace some basic technology? (That requires no electricity or a computer.)

  7. B) I has returned my invite with regrets. I has not the computin' power to open the attachment.

    Morgan, say it ain't so! Anyone ye know who is goin' can print a copy fer ye.

    Any pub member goin' t' the Phoenix show?

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