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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. ^ Scares me, the bits o' me parents in me sometimes.

    < Me father would never be up this late, ponderin' these things.

    V Wot good traits did ye get from yer parent(s)?

  2. ^ Aye, sick o' the mornin' routine. Sometimes I feel like Bill Murray in, 'Groundhog Day.' (I've said this before... Did I mention I've said this before?)

    < But then special moments, with me children, make it worth while. Hope they grow up an don't dis dad on Oprah.

    V Ever hav a 'Groundhog Day' week?

  3. ^ No. Agreed, fightin' in public just makes ye look like an a**.

    < Lost me temper at home a couple o' times. Always feel bad afterwards.

    V Do ye manage yer temper?

  4. ^ Why Chole no huggin' but yer ready t' make out! (I've got t' get t' Wisconsin.)

    < I'm always glad if the person I'm wit' will hold my hand, give me hug or a modest kiss. No gropin' in public by this pirate.

    V How do ye show others affection?

  5. ^ Depends on the sugar or caffine content o' the snack. Usually sleepy after lunch.

    < Some folks very particular 'bout their space; me son violates peoples' space all the time, an isn't conscious o' their space at all. He is me hugger.

    V So outside o' cyber space, do ye hug people ye like?

  6. ^ Happy where I'm at. Seems everyone is on a diet.

    < People always comment on me bein' thin. If everyone wants t' be thin, why do they tell us who are thin, were thin? There is no pleasin' some folks.

    V Do folks comment on somethin' 'bout ye, an ye wish they wouldn't?

  7. ^ Aye, rock climbin'. Me hands gave out crossin' a gorge, hung on a cable fer a half hour; me younger brother had t' pull me across the cable.

    ^ See the stars most nights.

    ^ See an hear coyotes (critters) almost all the time. One thirty feet from me back door!

    < Up an down the face of cliffs, until everything else looked out o' tilt.

    V Ever lose yer frame o' reference wit' out booze or chemicals?

  8. ^ The dog shreds balls... tennis balls, soccer balls, an the odd stuffed animal.

    < The dog is a beagle, an a great family pet. Was drivin' us nuts let 'em in an out at night.

    V Non-pirate skills?

  9. ^ Got a piece o' blue ribbon, I be addin'.

    < Some days just aren't productive. Took the better part o' the day t' install the a doggie door, fer the ships' dog. Who knew the stucco was over an inch thick!

    V Hav some projects take twice the amount o' time ye thought they would?

  10. Jacky looked Roberts in the eye, "Ye know mate Havana is a Spanish port, an we best be on our best behavior there. The Spanish hav run this part o' the world fer the last four hundred years. Their time is almost up, but they believe their best years are still ahead. When facin' the guns o' Spanish Galleon, I'm willin' t' give 'em the benefit o' the doubt."

    "Aye, on wot we trade, we'll pay their taxes. But fer wot we pull up from their sunken ships, I don't intend t' give nothin' back."

  11. ^ Nope! Maybe Margaritas!

    < I've decided t' start stockin' a few liquors. Me friends and family, seem t' be wine an beer drinkers too. So will see how long this stuff sits around. Wit' the new BevMo, and Pub friends, I've been inspired t' explore.

    V Wot constitutes a well stocked bar?

  12. ^ New favorites: Chocolate Martini and Disaronno on the rocks. Old favorites: Mexican Coffee and Corona wit lime

    < I'm usually a red wine or beer drinker. Tryin' new things.

    V Do ye hav a stocked liquor cabinet or just a six pack?

  13. ^ A little pirate action figure wit' a cutlass an sea pistol.

    < Funny, I didn't save any toys from me childhood. I gave me N guage train set an Matchbox cars t' me nephew, when he was little.

    V Saved any toys from yer childhood?

  14. ^ Nope. Gumby first showed up in 1956, ye think that's new? Like t' get yer take on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles then.

    < My son is into Avatar, an has been tracin' Ang's picture fer days.

    V Wot's yer favorite cartoon?

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