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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. ^ Me 'Dad' hat (No, I don't hav one that says dad.).

    < Whoa! Did someone get in touch wit' their shoppin' side this weekend? Glad ye had a fruitful weekend there, blackjohn.

    V Love t' shop or Loath t' shop?

  2. ^ (t' blackjohn) "Get er done!" ~ Larry the Cable Guy

    ^ (t' Chole) freecycler? Never heard that 'fore now. Active at recycling.

    < Poop in yer box, an tell me there's no box! I'm no tree hugger, but seriously we have not been good stewards lately.

    V Everything matters or nothin' matters?

  3. ^ Average backyard, by SoCal standards, wit' too much lawn (by my standards).

    < Chole, me tree hugger, has a fire pit! (Burns only trees that died o' natural causes, right?)

    V Environmentally insensitive or tryin' t' pitch in?

  4. I'd use this dinner t' dispel any doubts me dinner companions had 'bout me intentions. I also hoped t' quell any fears Roberts had 'bout Silkie. Sailors were a superstitious lot, an Roberts seemed t' hav more than his share.

    Silkie's abilities in the water weren't all she was aboard fer. I hadn't yet mentioned the fate that befell the dutch raiders when they found one o' the wrecks. Aye, sometimes the dead don't give up the ghost, an welcome others t' share their fate. Mayhaps just another sailors tale, but best be prepared, says I.

  5. ^ Tour like a mad person (further north ye go durin' the summer, more hours o' day light..) and nap when I get home.

    < Silly CAt ye can't have ten thousand friends, an even if I did, I'd trade 'em all fer a handful o' close ones.

    Macy's has those awesome balloons; Aye, the floats are fun t' watch bein' built.

    V Sad 'bout wot ye don't have or Happy 'bout wot ye do have?

  6. ^ Resorts can be nice, but if ye mean me an ten thousand o' me friends, I'll take the small unique spot.

    < I don't need a huge crowd t' feel connected. Don't get me wrong some events worth the crowd; like parades and pirates faires.

    V Rose parade or Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade?

  7. ^ Many out here are big on outdoor kitchens and fireplaces. Yep only in the southwest.

    < Cover yer ears Chole, considerin' addin' the outdoor fireplace.

    V Backyard paradise or trip t' paradise?

  8. ^ Wood furniture mostly. Love cherry, rosewood, and other dark hardwoods.

    < Not skilled enough t' make good furniture. But I do appreciate good craftsmanship.

    V Is there a skill ye wish ye had?

  9. ^ Can fall asleep anywhere. In the kids bed, readin' t' 'em. On the couch.

    < Short change me self on sleep all the time; been playin' wit' the insomniacs here, an those like Chole wit' out early mornin' schedules.

    V Do we hav any early risers?

  10. JAcky..*bounce* I ..*bounce* have no idea *bounce bounce* what you 're referring *bounce* to...

    heehee ...I know ye likes it..I know ye do... :lol:

    That I do CAt, that I do.

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