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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. How the bloody 'ell does ye get the ticket attachment to open?  :lol:

    Did ye get a ticket mate?

    It's one o' them PDF files. Ye need t' download Acrobat Reader!

    Follow this here link: http://www.adobe.com/

    Click on the 'Get Adobe Reader' button.

    Wit' that app installed ye will be able t' open the attachment an print it out.

  2. I'm goin', if fer no other reason than t' listen t' Port of New Providence moan... er I mean sing!

    I did LORE at Corona, an Cutthroats last year. The attendance were a bit light, but the company was grand!

  3. Hmmph, Insomniacs indeed! Change their schedules a wee bit an they drop like flys.

    (Sees Red CAt curled up on a sea blanket. MerryDeath sleepin' an snugglin' her grand baby. Chole dreamin' 'bout modern sanitation an the decline o' the American health care system.)

  4. I received an email from Jack Sparrow!

    Not the Jack Sparrow... (Note: all me re-enactor pirates who don't care 'bout POTC, read no further. Ye been warned... )

    Yep, the folks at Disney hav added ol' Jacky Tar t' the list, fer the Ultimate Fan Event, at the El Capitan Theatre. I hope those who applied are seein' their emails from Jack Sparrow, too!

    The ticket says those in garb will receive preferred seatin' and swag! Aye, an the ticket even allows me t' bring a guest. The ticket says the event will take 'bout three an a half hours, too.

    Well I hope t' see some familiar faces there, on Sunday.

  5. I turned t' face Silkie, "So yer sweet on the big fella, Roberts? Aye, he has his doubts 'bout ye, but it's better he hear the truth from yer lips."

    She looked out at the ocean, an I said, "Does it call t' ye? Must be hard t' walk in both worlds." She smiled an nodded, an I wondered could she ever be happy in either?

  6. ^ Quirks, ticks an falts in the program... Not sure.

    < Back t' people... I like people, each one is a story, an no two stories are alike.

    V Wot's yer story? (Sum yer self up in one sentence)

  7. ^ A whole room! That's ambitious; however, I can seed mirth an get folks smilin'.

    < Sometimes things people say are so funny t' me, I can't resist teasin' 'em.

    V Do ye like people?

  8. ^ I sure hope so. I want t' gather many more good memories.

    < I received a 'Just because gift' yesterday. It came from an unexpected source an I found me self handin' out hugs. It's always special when someone outside o' family an friends, gives a gift that says I thought o' you!

    V Do ye give 'Just because gifts?'

  9. Hmm well maybe he;ll lash together some palm trees an float back

    No, luv. Not the island o' Java, he means the programmin' language o' Java. A long descent into He** fer some programmers.

    We wish him much success an rapid assimilation. We'll leave the pub light on fer 'em, an roast a few Java beans in his honor.

  10. Pyracy Pub Poll Questions

    a. How re-enactment opportunities did you have in 2006 (pirate and non-pirate)?

    b. How many different pirate or pirate-related characters do you portray?

    c. Were your pirate or pirate-related characters based more on historic or movie/fantasy figures?

    d. Do you sail or work in a sea-related field or do you re-enact purely for escapism?

    a. 0, re-enactment opportunities. 5, pirate events.

    b. 1, just Jacky Tar

    c. Makin' it up as I go along! (Some historical an some on popular works o' fiction)

    d. Would be in serious denial, if I didn't say escapism. (Aye, where's me ship?)

  11. ^ Helped organized a group o' dads t' take their daughters t' breakfast in their PJs (The girls were in their PJs, not the dads).

    < Not everyone likes spur o' the moment ideas. I too am victim t' the list (o' stuff ye hav t' do first).

    V Can ye drop wot yer doin' an just go hav fun?

  12. ^ Crash a party!

    < Can't imagine missin' a party Chole was hostin' (course Jacky remembers the late night snacks Chole thinks are yummy.) Mayhaps, we should cater yer fete?

    V Can ye organize a surprise party, or boardin' party, or small friendly kidnappin'?

  13. The dinner had ended an me guests had left wit' out us discussin' wot I expected of 'em in Havana. We hadn't even discussed bringin' any crew from the Rakehell wit' us ashore.

    Roberts seemed t' be up fer wot may come, but Silkie had gone unexpectedly quiet. She seemed unable or unwillin' t' share much 'bout herself around Roberts. Maybe she was rethinkin' her joinin' this adventure; I hoped not, her special talents would be put t' use, soon enough.

    I wondered wot mischief the CAt was up too, aboard the Rakehell; nothin' Ransom couldn't handle.

    I walked up on deck, an saw the Rakehell off our starboard side. Ransom could hav left us in her wake, but ever faithful she once again had our back.

  14. ^ Let's see... We've got green, brown, black, blue, yellow, tan, sea foam, an navy. (That's just solids!)

    < Not sure why their are so many different colors, or clocks!!! Me significant other, has a significant number o' clocks. The time change at our house is amusin'.

    V Do ye collect a lot o' any one thing? (We hav a friend that collects pigs! Don't ask an I won't tell.)

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