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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. "Tradin' says ye, fer wot says I."

    Jacky has received plunder from the CAt. Aye, I wonder wot other trinkets she's got t' trade?

    "Is it a blind trade CAt, wit the drawin' o' names an such?"

    Matters not, if the CAt has anythin' t' do wit it, this will be fun.

    "Where do I leave me mark?"

  2. ^ Do bankin' an bill payin' online. But I don't mind shoppin' fer things, wit' out a keyboard.

    < I still go into the bank t' deposit checks an things.

    V If ye had a personal cabin boy (or cabin girl), wot duties would ye pass t' them?

  3. Spoke wit' CrazyCholeBlack, she called me first (How'd she get me number? CAt...) I left her a message, an caught her near the phone the second time I tried t' reach her.

    She lives in Wisconsin, but has no accent (blames that on bein' raised in Chicago, don't cha know). She has phone presence, almost like a personal assistant. She couldn't pass fer a hippie over the phone, if she tried. The woman uses no conversational slang, that I could detect.

    She sounded upbeat an very friendly. She laughs easily, an is happy t' chat 'bout the little swab (her daughter; who sounds like a mini-Chole). Ye get the impression that Chole is the best multi-tasker ye'll ever meet.

    I was headin' in t' see a client or I would hav talked wit' her much longer; I hope t' chat again wit' her.

  4. Tri-tip, wit' sauteed mushrooms, an a glass of Cabernet

    A fruit arrangement instead of a flower arrangement

    CrazyCholeBlack (don't cha know she had no accent)

    Red CAt's night off (sleep well)

  5. Aye, they want ye in yer pirate glad rags. But ye don't get in, unless ye sign their articles, an hav 'em invite ye aboard!

    Red Handed Jill an Pirates o' the Seven Seas, are performin' at a theatre in San Francisco. Sounds like folks from the movie may be on hand, at some shows.

  6. ^ I don't collect 'em. But I hav a pretty cool one that says, 'Relentless'.

    < I have a client that creates promotional t-shirts fer some o' the Disney films, and they usually save me some fer the kids.

    V Have ye saved other kinds o' mementos from events ye attended?

  7. ^ (PJ answers)

    Walk the dog in PJs, no.

    Pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, t' bed.

    Don't own a robe.

    If it gets cold, long sleeve t-shirt.

    Don't read the paper in my PJs (I get the News online).

    Have been sighted in me PJ's taken down the garbage cans.

    Love slidin' around in socks, on the wood floors.

    < Inquirin' men want t' know... Do ye own a teddy (night wear)? Do ye snore (truthfully)? Do ye wear socks t' bed? Do ye eat in bed?

    V (See the questions above.)

  8. ^ This is fun.

    ^ Household chores: least favorite is laundry (re-evaluatin' Chole's use o' the hamper!), close second is bathrooms, is cookin' a chore? (I like that), Swifters! I like usin' 'em on floors.

    < Wot Chole's not bored tonight? Then this has been a good night! Solar powered anythin' would be grand; would love t' run the computers on solar.

    V Wot electric device would ye miss most?

  9. ^ Neither. (I was goin' t' say I let the dog chew on the cat... But Ransom loves cats.)

    ^ Boxers (Chole do hippie girls wear boxers?)

    < It is amazin' how polarized animal lovers are 'bout their pets. I love our dog... as fer the cat... I love our dog.

    V Is there a pet ye'd hate t' hav?

  10. ^ I could ask ye the same question...

    ^ Some what private..

    ^ I like mystery.

    < Cut Throats of Corona is next month, if I get any good pictures, I'll post a picture in me garb.

    V Does appearance matter t' ye?

  11. ^ Tryin' not t' look like Clay Aiken. I fergot an attorney said I looked like Clay Aiken! I didn't even know who he was.

    ^ Yippy Skippy? (Does that mean Chick Flick?) Films have given me a second childhood lately... Spiderman, POTC I, Fantastic Four...

    < I believe the CAt looks like Hillary Duff. Chole, ye don't look like a dirty hippie; ye look quite strikin' in yer bio.

    V Do ye favor yer mother or yer father? (in looks)

  12. ^ Under construction right now. Had me hair trimmed tonight, an it looks like a hair style from that '70s show. (Aye, I went t' high school durin' the '70s).

    < I don't look like anyone famous, an never been told I did. (Wonderin' which teen celeb the CAt looks like?)

    V Do ye wear cloths 'cause a celebrity wears 'em?

  13. ^ Fer the most part even keel, but I do lapse in t' sentimental silliness.

    < Seems these posts make ye remember things ye just don't think 'bout, very often; most are good.

    V Remember things ye thought ye fergot?

  14. ^ Nothing o' the kind.

    < Me whole family smokes, except fer me. I did work wit' an engineer who smoked a pipe; he looked like Sir Walter Ralegh. His pipe smokin' didn't smell bad.

    V Do ye tolerate smokers?

  15. I looked at Silkie, who now seem t' be enjoyin' her meal, "Wit' the right conditions, we'll be in Havana in five days time." I smiled as Spoons entered again, with shrimp cocktails.

    "The trip t' the Dry Tortugas will take 'bout twelve days. If all goes well, we spend the rest o' the month explorin' the Florida coast." I pause t' eat some shrimp, "No short voyage this one, despite the distances."

    Me thoughts turned t' Havana, "The Spanish want trade an hav goods fer market. We play by their rules an pay their bloody taxes, and we should receive no troubles."

  16. ^ Remember some things very well, an others are startin' t' fade.

    < Memories are like friends, we need t' revisit them, lest they fade away.

    V Anyone or anything ye gladly let fade away?

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