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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. The chin whiskers are comin' back and the hair is growin' over the ears... Almost caused a mutiny at the dinner table last night, and the beatnik jokes are startin' at work.

    I can only say that sometimes ye can't please any o' the people any o' the time, so hopefully yer happy wit' yer self.

  2. Dillard came back t' the quarter deck, an I said, "Handsomely done, Mister Dillard."

    He smiled, an I asked him t' take the helm, "Aye, sir." He replied. "Please join me in me quarters fer dinner this evenin', Mister Dillard. I wish t' discuss our destination, an course o' action when we get there."

    I didn't want t' leave Dillard in the dark, an yet I knew better than t' put out too much information. Some news could fly around a ship faster than ye could put on yer pants. I needed t' watch wot the crew knew 'bout this voyage. Too many new crew an guests. I decided mayhaps, I should invite Silkie an Roberts t' dinner as well, an see how fast I could change fer dinner.

  3. ^ Aye, swordplay; as many as I tease here, I may need it! Readin'; need more time fer that, just t' follow everyone's posts.

    < Pirate events are upon us... Need time t' prepare fer them too.

    V Wot's yer next pirate event? (and Wot would ye like t' learn, if ye had the time?)

  4. Yes, Jacky, I'm a pirate but I don't like pirates.

    My wife is a belly dancer, but I don't like belly dancers.

    And the pirates magazine is exactly like a casino brochure.

    Please tell me you're kidding.

    Sir William, I knew ye was a pirate, yer wife was a belly dancer and ye could read the word 'pirate'. Aye, I like t' kid.

    But good sir, the rags' cover is fer the newstand. An attractive woman gets yer attention (Even kass's attention, apparently.). Wit' limited subscriptions, an this bein' issue three, they need t' get noticed. I believe they've gotten noticed.

    Now, how 'bout that road trip?

  5. I'm not part of the target audience either. I can't be the only one who sees this publication as a brochure for Treasure Island Casino.

    Let me understand this Sir William... Ye don't like pirates or belly dancers now?

    Are ye also suggestin' we take a road trip t' Treasure Island, in Las Vegas, an compare this here Pirates magazine against their brochures?

  6. I always figured Jack had a secret stash of hot pirate chick mags!!!  Jack... you dog you!


    Blackjohn yer a funny pirate! Yer feelin' the magazine? Maybe we should revisit that hot naked pirate chick thing!

    Mad Jack, if yer listenin'... Ye can't leave, who will we hav t' blame things on, if ye do?

  7. You think so?  I figured I was the antithesis of their target audience.  I guess I could be wrong.  Do their hot pirate chicks ever get naked?


    Blackjohn, I believe we both hav small children an wives, so I'm afraid we'll hav t' leave the hot naked pirate chicks thing, alone. (But I've been told by Mad Jack, that they do get naked!)

  8. Blackjohn, yer male, an ye like pirates; theoretically yer very much in their target audience. The fact that ye read, or at least viewed issues 1 & 2, is a plus on their side.

    Blackjohn, do ye realize ye used the word 'cool' three times in one sentence! I do believe yer a closet hippie! Welcome, t' the club mate.

  9. Ah, a conundrum.

    Up close and personal - no facial hair. My skin is too sensitive! 

    If I'm not going to be touched (ah, I am sure this is going to go downhill later in the thread...  :D ) - beard and mustache definitely complete the look, without a doubt.

    Oi! Mary Diamond, ye do know now that every pirate wit' any bit o' facial hair, will be stalkin' ye!

  10. ^ Hawaiian Pizza! Aye, pineapple on pizza!

    < We are lucky, fer the bill o' fare here, is so varied. In Korea it was fish an rice, even at breakfast; finally got them t' fix oatmeal fer me breakfast.

    V Wot's yer least favorite food?

  11. the smell of cinnabons... I could stand there in front of the cinnabon shop for hours just taking in that wonderful smell...

    (Jacky turns blackjohn away from the Cinnabons store, and points t' a Bowflex store in the mall.)

    Cinnamon does smell great. I like the smell o' hot cider wit' a cinnamon stick in it.

  12. ^ Everytime the time changes (Spring an Fall)

    < Faced a couple o' fires now, each was arson set, in the hills around us.

    Believe it or not, faced a freak tornado in California! It snapped a couple power poles, an twisted a neighbors steel shed.

    V Let events panic ye or just ride 'em out?

  13. Now yer just given ol' Jacky a hard time (don't read into it).

    Sides if Chole caught me ooglin' her, she might drop the foam cudgel, an hit Jacky wit' some period weapon; which I couldn't Google fast enough, t' find a defense against.

  14. ^ Never had t' deal wit' snow, or much rain.

    < Always live on high ground, seen wot floodin' can do.

    V Pick yer disaster... Flood, fire, hurricane, or earthquake... Ever face one?

  15. (Yep, the goddess o' cool, has sent Jacky Googlin', again.)


    You'd better watch who you say that around Jacky. It could be taken completely wrong!


    Jacky has a thing for goddesses. :huh: Er, he used to, anyways. :)

    Alright, let me reword that...

    Chole is the goddess o' cool period gadgets (i.e., Betty Lamps, lucets, etc...) All ye hav t' do is read Chole when she's speakin' Chole speak, an it can send ye Googlin' fer hours.

  16. ^ Get out o' the cabin, even if it's just a trip t' the grocery store.

    < The weekend is over already! Watched the Oscars; not sure why, hadn't seen any o' the movies up fer awards.

    V Do ye do things (social, entertainment, or educational) fer others in which ye have no interest?

  17. ^ I can talk t' just 'bout anyone. I don't try t' put folks at ease, by bein' someone different than who I am. But I don't try t' make anyone uncomfortable, either.

    < I'm not sure I want t' see me self through others eyes. I'm me own worst critic, sometimes.

    V Go along t' get along or not?

  18. ^ Polar opposite o' cool! But I did hav friends.

    < Chole is cool despite her protests t' the contrary (I had t' google a Betty Lamp... yer coolness!)

    V Can ye see yer self through others' eyes?

  19. ^ Like all kinds o' music... varies wit' me moods.

    ^ Creature o' habit, make the bed everyday.

    ^ Usually, can sleep anywhere dark.

    ^ Average rooms in the house.

    < Prefer t' let the dry cleaners iron shirts. We are each a study in contradictions; aye, Chole is cool.

    V Do ye hav contradictions?

  20. ^ Prefer real friends, hav enough acquaintances.

    < I have friends here, I have never met, and may not ever meet. (Real... Aye!)

    V Would ye let Chole nit pick ye? (I would!)

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