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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. ^ Don't stay in me persona, well yet. (Answers either o' the last two posts.)

    < Hav a few friends that hav been doin' this fer awhile. Hope they rub off on me a bit.

    V Could ye captain a ship or crew one?

  2. "The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails." -William Arthur Ward

    Tis also, the signature of our very own Black Hearted Pearl.

    I've always liked the valediction, "Fair winds an followin' seas." ~ Unknown

  3. Smithe was a short fella, an he'd probably be taller if he had a neck. He had one, but at first glance ye might miss it; he looked like his head sat on his shoulders. His baldin' pate, an happy demeanor made him look jolly. He was surprisingly quick on his feet, an a fast climber. Well liked, he made friends wit' the new shipmates quickly.

    Smithe was tying off the bow o' the jolly, when Roberts came on deck. Dillard was receivin' orders from Mister Tar, who had also come on deck, an was pointin' in Smithe's direction.

  4. Well at least ye didn't say "she gets around" B)

    "Wit' access t' flyin' machines, she gets where she wants! Wit' her charmin' ways, she gets wot she wants. Wit' all she does, yer just glad she gets around t' ye, when she can."

  5. ^ Put her crew in the long boats, an take the whole ship.

    < Back t' DIY. I'm not wit' skills; I just can't see usin' hand tools, when I hav power tools available.

    V Sewin' by hand or usin' a non-period Singer sewin' machine?

  6. ^ Why Chole, are ye a contract seamstress or tailor? Did kass put the bug in yer ear?

    < I think 'bout those here at the pub, that can DIY an am awed.

    V Wot bit o' kit are ye pinin' fer?

  7. Aye, Roberts seem t' be eager t' help, an liason would allow him time wit' Red Cat. I wondered how Ransom would deal wit' me usin' a messenger? Only one way t' find out.

    "Roberts, I need t' know how soon the Rakehell will be ready t' sail. I'll clear it wit' Dillard, but ye can take Smithe t' help sail the jolly boat. He can keep watch, while ye meet wit' the captain o' the Rakehell. Wot say ye?"

  8. ^ Some groups they have temporary kit t' help newbies. Most can pull together somethin' in the first year.

    < But creatin' an collectin' kit, looks like it can go on fer ever! Especially fer those of us who can't sew.

    V Wot is yer favorite bit o' kit?

  9. ^ Nerf gun wars!

    < Me crew went at it the other night, an it was a blast! The kids always gang up against me, an the long shot I was usin', jams all the time.

    V Card games or video games?

  10. Well, since my own weapon is my wit, Mr. hand, I think I can safely fly with it on me :lol:

    "I knew Chole was flyin' defenseless, didn't think she were silly enough t' advertise it!"

    (Just teasin', luv. Anyone who thinks she is defenseless, is likely t' get themselves beat wit' a foam cudgel.)

  11. ^ Like windows, sunlight, an no dark rooms. Let the light in, except when I'm sleepin'.

    < I like mountain air. We stayed in a friends condo in Mammoth last summer. It's a little commercial now; things change, but it was still beautiful.

    V Cabin campin' or tent campin'?

  12. ^ Not a yurt! Ranch style home wit' 'bout thirty-five hundred square feet o' livin' space.

    < Home prices make livin' somewhere else very attractive.

    V Off the grid or More power?

  13. ^ No resorts lately. Wit' children, it's find a destination an nearby hotel.

    <Go native; I was thinkin' eat an sleep, like the locals. Yurt, definition: A circular, domed, portable tent used by nomadic peoples of central Asia.

    V OK... Mexican resort... Night life or explore the ruins?

  14. ^ I'm a native Californian, does that count? No, never slept in a yurt or a grass hut.

    < Slept out in the open a few times. Don't recommend it, wit' out nettin' or tentage.

    V Where would it be the most fun t' go native?

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