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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. I hav a table? Ye flatter me, Sir William. The table near the hearth would be grand, sir.

    Could I add two cappuccinos t' that order, one wit' cinnamon an two sweet an lows fer Red Cat?

  2. We did a fund raiser fer Make-A-Wish in our garb, tryin' t' get folks t' make a donation.

    We used our pirate ways, t' get them t' line up fer free ice cream (fer a donation).

    It was the most fun I've had as a pirate. The pub's own Iron Bess an Red Maria, were there too!

  3. I wanted to change my name and chickned out at the last minute.

    I witnessed a strange green flash one summer night

    I was almost plowed over by a rock star

    1) Is the lie, can't imagin' ye changin' yer name, or ever bein' chicken.

    Yer work at an airport, ye could o' seen strange lights an gotten plowed over by a rock star, several times.

  4. ^ Members o' me crew not emptyin' the trash can when it's beyond full. (Balancin' one more piece o' trash on top...)

    < Sometimes, everyone waits fer dad t' take care o' everything.

    V Do people leave things for you to do, that they could do?

  5. As Mister Dillard approached, I noticed he were scowlin', an he appeared eager t' leave.

    "Mister Dillard, did ye leave any o' the letters wit' the captain o' the Rakehell?" He pulled the bundle from his coat, an replied, "No, sir. The captain declined to accept the letters, Mister Tar." I took the letters from his out stretched hand, an said, "Thank ye, fer yer efforts." I knew there was more to it, but decide t' discuss it later.

    Dillard an the two sailors, pulled the boat closer t' the incomin' tide.

    "Mister Dillard, a few more minutes t' wait fer Roberts." I thought Silkie would be here by now, too. Perhaps she had decided not t' join us.

  6. ^ Deja Vu everyday... pick up your towel... pick up your towel... Did I just say that?

    < Parenting, the best job, with the worst pay... but good benefits most days.

    V Wot was yer worst job?

  7. I thought I saw Roberts give Red Cat the bums rush out o' the Pub, while I was talkin' t' Silkie. They hadn't come back inside.

    I walked outside, an saw Roberts was physically restrainin' Red Cat, so I said, "Red Cat are ye alright, luv?" My hand slid t' the handle o' my pistol.

  8. I had never met a selkie 'fore, oh sure the odd mermaid an sea hag, but not a selkie folk. Wondered wot Roberts will think of the lass, when she dons her flippers.

    Damn, not sure the jolly will beat her t' the Relentless. Best gather the others an head back t' the boat.

    I hope Dillard is on his way back from the Rakehell.

  9. "Alright luv, if it's true wot folks says 'bout ye, than it should be no trouble fer ye t' swim t' the Relentless." I paused, an said, "Aye, ye can leave yer things by the jolly boat, an we'll meet ye aboard the Relentless. Then ye come aboard as a member o' me crew. Wot say ye?" If she weren't a selkie, she'd back down. If she were, I better hav clothes waitin' fer her, I thought.

  10. Red Cat seemed less ruffled, as she sipped her coffee. I glanced over at Silkie an Roberts, whom both were tryin' t' out charm the other.

    "Red Cat, did you speak wit' Silkie yet?" She started t' tense, an shook her head, no. "I suppose ye were waitin' fer the right moment. Mayhaps when we had sailed wit' out her?" She pouted, an I thought, never send the Cat t' deliver bad news.

    I walked over t' Silkie an Roberts, an said, "Pardon me, Roberts will ye excuse Silkie an me fer a moment?" Roberts grudgingly left us.

    Silkie smiled one o' her charmin' smiles, an I said, "We're 'bout t' sail into a rough venture. I know ye thought ye'd be part o' it. Havin' had time t' reflect, I'm goin' t' request ye sit this one out." I waited fer her response.

  11. "Aye, Scottish pirate! Welcome, Mister Wages. Ye'd be the point man t' discuss Scottish folklore wit'. Did ye bring any single malt whisky, wit' ye?"

    "Scottish story tellin' always, requires a bit o' whisky."

  12. I stopped t' hold open the door o' the pub, seemed it were a bit loose on it's hinges. Red Cat trooped through the door, an as Silkie passed through I said, "Yer lookin' a little dusty luv."

    As Roberts started t' pass I barred his way, an said, "Make sure ye know wot yer 'bout mate. The Cat is probably just as sore at ye, as ye are at her, fer leavin' wit' out a word, yesterday." I smiled, an dropped my arm.

  13. I couldn't believe it, we make landfall an Roberts is already t' flirt wit' Silkie. Even Red Cat, shook her head, at the man's actions.

    So I said, "Good mornin' ladies! Why Red Cat ye don't look like ye slept, luv." She stared at me, an replied, "An ye looked like ye slept too well." I smiled, "Aye, nothin' like a night out on the water, t' restore a man's spirits. Ye should try it." I did my best not t' smirk, an risk her ire.

  14. I climbed out of the boat, an said, "Thank ye, lads." Roberts and I helped pull the boat up on the beach, "Dillard shall we rendezvous in 'bout two hours?" He nodded an posted one man t' stay wit' the boat. "Aye, Mister Tar," he replied. I watched him set out fer the Rakehell, an I and Roberts walked towards the pub.

  15. "Mornin' already?" I leisurely stretched an wondered wot the new day would bring. The jolly boat was no longer ridin' the stern, Dillard must be readyin' her t' leave.

    I wondered if I should sail in wit' Dillard, an see wot transpired the night before?

    I decided t' walk the main deck, an check the activities o' the mornin'. Sure enough the jolly boat was tied t' the port side o' the ship, Dillard was preparin' t' sail her in t' port.

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