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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Pleasant exchange, wit' Roberts, yet he hadn't asked 'bout Red Cat. So I looked him square in the eyes, an said, "Roberts the crew addresses me as, Mister Tar. Please, do the same. Ye hav no official duties, while aboard, but ye may be asked t' lend a hand."

    I paused an looked toward the docks, "Mister Dillard will be takin' a trip t' deliver some papers t' Captain Ransom, in the mornin'. Yer welcome t' accompany him, but see yer ready t' leave when he does." He smiled a broad grin, saluted, an left me wit' my thoughts.

  2. The crew had performed well, an our anchorage was in site o' land; so, another captain wit' a little schooner, an a large temper, won't think we left wit' out her.

    I had Spoons double the ration o' ale wit' dinner. Good lads, an a surprisingly good first effort by Dillard. I smiled at Dillard, "Well done today, Mister Dillard." He smiled an replied, "Good crew, sir." We were a bit light on experienced seamen, but they had heart, an followed orders well.

    "Mister Dillard, I need ye t' take the jollyboat in t' port in the mornin', an deliver a letter o' credit t' Captain Ransom. She'll need provisions an water, the letter will give her a good start on procuring wot she needs." The young man nodded, an requested permission t' turn in. I nodded, "Take a well deserved rest Mister Dillard."

  3. I left the galley, an went topside. The wind was light, an the tides favored us leavin' the dock.

    "Mister Dillard!" I said, "are all crew presently aboard?" He replied, "Aye, sir." Good, then I said, "Lower the starboard long boat, send out a light anchor, an prepare t' kedge." We'll start our warp now, I thought. "Mister Dillard, assign yer topsail man, an let's prepare t' cast off"

    The boat crew were loadin' the light anchor, wit' the kedge line attached. Topman was climbin' t' the top-gallant yard, all hands were on deck.

    The boat crew manned the oars, an rowed out t' set the light anchor. I watched the kedge line stretch out across the water. The air was charged, an the men performed well, under Dillard's watchful eye.

    After settin' the anchor, castin' off the dock lines, the lads pulled us out into the channel. Once over the anchor, we then struck the topsail t' keep us in place, an hoisted the light anchor.

    The evenin' breezes favored us, an we sailed t' better anchorage.

  4. ^ National Socialist German Workers' Party members here?

    < I like me own posts t' be free o' foul language. My crew can read, an I'm sure others hav young ones. I'd like t' think they could read me posts.

    V In yer work a day world, how PC are ye? (On a scale o' 1 to 10; 1 bein' yer a pirate 24 - 7, an 10 bein' yer someone Mother Theresa could relate too.)

  5. We board the Relentless, Roberts an I, where we were met by Stones. Roberts tried t' stand a little taller, but t' no avail, fer Stones were a head taller than either o' us.

    Dillard was on deck, an I asked him t' show Roberts, below. I turned t' Roberts, "Acquaint yer self wit' the ship Roberts, it'll be yer home fer a while."

    I went down t' the galley, t' see Spoons, an inquire about provisions.

  6. Roberts followed me, but I could see out o' the corner of me eye, he was glancin' back t' see if Red Cat were followin'. I said to him, "Not t' worry Ransom's fury will be at me, not Red Cat." I turned an looked him in the eye, "Do I hav t' order ye t' quit lookin' fer her?" He shook his head, no. "Good! Then on t' the Relentless."

    Aye, Ransom had obeyed my orders (I might hav t' replace the pub front door), would Red Cat?

  7. Aye, first order given wit' aplomb, now fer the second, I turned t' Red Cat, "I would like ye t' go back into the pub an tell Silkie, I'd like her t' remain here until we return from our voyage. Then advise Ransom that I've revised the crew assignments, an wit' her approval Jane will be assigned t' the Rakehell." I paused, an said, "Aye, that's an order!"

    I turned t' Roberts, "Sir ye are wit' me, let's find ye a birth aboard the Relentless."

  8. I could see Roberts look o' concern on his face, an I said, "Don't worry man, ye bunk wit' the rest o' me crew, Jane bunks wit' me." Now Jane looked concerned, so I said, "I hav two bunks in me quarters, an I hav an extra sea chest, let me know where t' have Dillard gather yer belongings."

  9. Ransom had already thought I'd lost me mind, so I wondered if she'd really take an order from me, she never had in the past. I grinned at Ransom, "Mister Tar will do, luv." Wouldn't take the Rakehell, if she gave it t' me, so I said, "Yer ship is safe from me, but ye might not get the same quarter from the Spanish."

    As fer hats, I said, "My hat is fine, thank ye."

    First order, establishin' crew assignments. "Jane an Roberts will sail aboard the Relentless. Red Cat an Silkie, if present company accepts her, sail aboard the Rakehell. That ways berths won't be an issue." I watched as Ransom bit her tongue.

  10. Everyone offered somethin', an some gave all they had. Wit' ships, crew an some money we could soon get underway. I explained I could make this a workin' voyage, too. I had rum t' run. I even had the jolly boat.

    We still needed t' elect a leader, an I thought everyone had forgotten 'bout Silkie, whom was still sittin' in the pub. "I offer me services t' captain this leg o' the journey." I looked round me t' see, if I had any challengers.

  11. "I believe the map is genuine, an bears the signature o' one Gaspar De Vargas. I paid enough in Havana fer it, so it better be." I paused took the bottle o' rum from Roberts, t' wet me whistle.

    A little history be in order I thought, 'though I didn't think it would help, "The 1622 Tierra Firme fleet left Havana bound fer Spain, they headed north t' catch the Gulf Stream, an headed straight fer a hurricane. Five ships were sunk south o' Florida, which include the Atocha. The Spanish later found the Santa Margarita, sister ship t' the Atocha, an spent four years salvagin' her."

    "The Dutchman was part o' a Dutch raidin' party sent t' attack Melian's group that was tryin' t' recover the cargo o' the Santa Margarita. That raid took place in 1626, an the Dutchman's ship was attacked by the Spanish, an later sunk off the coast o' Florida in a storm."

    "I later found the Dutchman adrift, off the coast o' Florida, in 1702! Ye can see where this tale gets a bit thin." I took another swig o' the rum, t' see if it would help, sadly it didn't. "The Dutchman looked t' be in his late forties when I found him! But his story and dates o' the events surroundin' the wreck, were correct."

  12. Jane's words rang in me ears, "... yer tha one holdin all tha cards ‘ere." Aye, lass an most o' the decks, I thought. But t' answer, "I served 'fore the mast, under the Union flag, an followed orders that I didn't always agree wit'. Mayhaps that could be the case here as well."

    I reached into a pocket o' me coat an pulled out an old leather parchment, an held it out t' the group. "This is a map of where the ships may lie, time an currents, may hav changed their exact locations. But I'll wager this be close." All eyes focused on the parchment, an I said, "Wher I'm chosen captain, or not, I offer this map t' this crew an quest."

  13. I turned an asked Silkie t' remain in the pub, an turned t' join the others outside.

    I thought I'd been a bit harsh t' the Cat, an Roberts. The caper from the night 'fore this, had left me wit' more questions than answers. I knew if I let Ransom grill her, we might hav open warfare, an I could not side wit' either; fer taken sides would only lose me one side or the other.

    Once outside, I said, "Fore this friendly discussion, becomes intractable an a bitter feud, I wish t' withdraw me earlier remark 'bout Roberts loyalty t' Red Cat. Ye hav history. Roberts as much said he'd sailed under Red Cat's command." I saw Roberts relax a bit.

    I turned t' Red Cat, "The issue is this, can ye serve under some else's command?" I hoped she could, but she'd been doin' things her own way, fer so long. "I would rather part ways now, than hav yer actions put anyone here in peril, if we make this journey." I turned t' Roberts, "The same question t' ye sir, after Red Cat has had a chance t' answer."

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