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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Roberts knocked at me door, an I bid him t' enter. He had a bottle o' brandy, in his hands. "It's a bit early fer brandy, mayhaps after supper." I didn't want t' insult the man, but I required a clear head fer a bit o' plannin'.

    I looked 'em straight in the eyes, an said, "I need someone t' be liaison tween the Rakehell an the Relentless, an I think yer our man. Wot say ye?" I hoped he would, fer Dillard didn't seem too keen, t' the task.

  2. Dillard came t' me cabin, an inquired 'bout the ladies belongings we'd left in the boat. "Mister Dillard, she'll need them there when she arrives." He looked puzzled, changed the subject, an asked 'bout our next voyage. I pulled out my charts o' the Dry Tortugas. His eyes lit up, an he said, "Aye, Mister Tar then we are goin' in search of the lost treasure fleet!" I nodded, an more lad.

    "Mister Dillard please hav a forward berth readied, fer our lady guest." He knuckled his forehead, an left me cabin.

    I needed t' send word t' the Rakehell, an coordinate our departure, an the route t' be taken.

  3. ^(Favorite way t' warm up) A lap blanket an someone t' share it wit'!

    < Usually, it's the kids or the dog, who want t' share the blanket.

    V Can ye cuddle or hug more than a minute? (wit' the right pirate o' course)

  4. ^ Currently, 'Lady Washington'.

    < Going back t' BHP's comments, fer a minute. Does she tempt them wit' her baby blues, or her foredeck? Her playful spunk, or her prowess as a pirate?

    V Do ye bait a pirate wit' a carrot or stick?

  5. Back aboard the Relentless, I turned t' Dillard an asked that he leave the jolly in the water.

    Spoons would be servin' the mid-day dinner soon. I said t' Dillard, "Mister Dillard after ye secure the boat, please come t' me quarters." I wanted t' know more 'bout his visit t' the Rakehell.

    Roberts, went below deck t' store his belongings, an I retired t' me cabin.

  6. Roberts returned t' the boat, an his expression said, she hadn't told him she were a selkie. I wondered wot she had told him, in light of wot she hadn't.

    The lads put the boat in the water an we boarded. The last oars man got in the boat, an we were headed back t' the Relentless.

    With Silkie's belongings aboard, it begged the question, were we t' hav a woman aboard after all. I saw Dillard glance at her things, but he didn't say a word. The crew would hav t' deal wit another distraction, a female guest.

    I looked accross the water, an spied the Relentless. I reflected on the last few days events wit these newly added crew mates, an our tenuous alliance wit' the Rakehell. I thought I knew wot lie ahead, an that our lots had been cast, fer the best I hoped.

  7. As Roberts approached, I could hear the clink o' bottles from his sack, "So, Roberts ye bring enough fer the whole crew?" Under his breath he said, "Going to need a larger sack."

    I smiled, an said, "Ye know we restrict when the crew can imbibe, an no smokin' below decks." I knew he liked his pipe, but rules were rules, fer crew an guests alike. He smiled, an said, "Aye, rules are rules, I shall abide by them Mister Tar." I was beginnin' t' take a likin' t' Roberts.

    Mister Dillard an the lads had turned the boat, an were ready t' shove off. It was time t' return t' the Relentless.

  8. "Thank ye, lady snow." I turn t' William, "Not a surprise party, but it were grand. Me wench, caved an bought pirate plates an accessories, fit fer a five year old!"

    "My brother in law, bless him, showed up dressed like a pirate; so, I ran upstairs an donned me garb. We went t' pick up dinner fer everyone. Improved my mood. Our party guests thought I'd lost me mind!"

    "No pirate gifts, except from my daughter."

  9. ^ Flyin' a glider in Reno, cliff climbing, an back packin' in the Sierra's.

    < I was the oldest of four, not a dare devil like Red Cat's bro.

    V Ever past up a chance at adventure, an wish ye hadn't?

  10. ^ Our trip t' Canada when my daughter was 'bout two. The folks in Canada were very friendly.

    < Didn't need a passport then. Things have changed, sadly.

    V When it comes t' vacations are ye a detailed planner, or do ye just grab yer kit an go?

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