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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. "And just just what do you intend to tell the authorities in Havana our busines is? Two English ships in Spanish waters are going to look a bit...odd."

    I chuckled softly, "The Relentless, has been t' Havana so often, it must seem odd when she is not there." This did not sit well wit' Ransom, so I said, "Ye may take an wait outside the harbor, if ye like. I have sugar an rum t' deliver, an I suspect some there are more then a little curious 'bout me whereabouts."

    Ransom's ship I didn't think was known, in Havana. Sailin' in t' Havana wit' out cargo, could arouse suspicions. I had those wit' whom I dealt, an they could be relied on, as long as there were profit in it for them. How could I barter safe passage fer the Rakehell, wit' out angerin' the woman 'fore me now, or drawin' undesirable attention t' her ship in Havana?

    I gave her a sideways glance, an said, "Would ye consider a ploy in Havana, where we state yer business there is t' pickup wool and dyes, t' be traded t' the British colonies?"

  2. "If it goes badly sail back through the Windward Passage, an head back t' Jamaica. It's best t' cut yer loses."

    I looked in t' her blue eyes, "The real risks will be in Havana, the Spanish are under attack from French, Dutch an English privateers throughout the caribbean. The Spanish could mistake us as privateers, an then we'd be facin' Spanish galleons."

  3. "No, the Spanish tax everythin' in those ports, an yer papers better be Spanish."

    "The British sunk the San Jose, off Cartagena, Colombia. So findin' friends an papers there is out o' the question."

    "The treasure fleets still assemble in Havana, an from there we can ride the gulf stream t' the Dry Tortugas."

  4. Did she always hav t' be so direct, I took a breath, "Aye, good mornin' t' ye too! Our first port o' call is San Cristóbal de La Habana. We need information 'bout the Spanish fleet which is sailin' those waters. I need some papers that says we are doin' legal business wit' merchants there." She knew the game, the Spanish had seized ships in these waters.

  5. The mornin' bells had sounded, the crew was comin' an goin' from the galley, I was anxious t' get to it. Swung my legs out of the bunk to pull on me boots.

    Spoons had left a pitcher an bowl fer me t' wash up. Despite the man's years he was sprier than a most young men. I washed me face an hands, glancin' in a mirror, I wondered how does one wash away the years at sea?

    I left the cabin t' find Smithe, t' sail the jolly boat t' the Rakehell.

  6. ^ Laid ceramic tile in the kitchen, an bathrooms, o' me last home. Installed a brick patio, an created retainin' walls out o' railroad ties. Landscaped both homes. Ye do wot ye hav, t' do.

    < Me brother in laws are in the buildin' trades. They've helped me do electrical work, I'd never do on me own.

    V Ever hav t' call in someone t' finish somethin' ye started?

  7. ^ The livin' room wit' high ceilings, no TV, an two big chairs just fer readin'. Lately, found upstairs in front o' the computer, doin' this ^ < V.

    < Our weather is warmin' up again, wish we had one o' those porches ye can live on.

    V Wot room in yer house do like the least?

  8. ^ Medium, until everyone comes over, then it seems large.

    < Two porches! That sounds great. We have one small porch in front, an the back is a patio.

    V Add on to yer existin' residence or move an find somethin' bigger (or smaller)? Why?

  9. I retired t' me cabin, an pondered this latest turn o' events. Granted Silkie could swim, but could she dive on a wreck. Mayhaps position a grapnel, or retrieve some lost treasure, while in her other form? We'd find out soon enough, if she could.

    Did I see Silkie kiss Roberts on the cheek? I must speak t' her in the mornin', can't hav one o' the crew kissin' another. Her bein' a selkie would cause enough problems, let alone her bein' a woman. I tried t' weigh the positives, against the negatives, it were too close t' call. Roberts certainly looked distracted in her presence.

    I picked up the bottle o' brandy, an poured another drink, an laid down on the bunk. In the days ahead, Havana. I hoped we were ready.

  10. (OK... )

    Happy Birthday, HUH!

    Happy Birthday, HUH!

    Didn't know this were a game,

    Should of listened t' the dames.

    Happy Birthday, HUH!

    Happy Birthday, HUH!

    Ye say I am not pretty,

    And ye didn't like me ditty.

    Happy Birthday, HUH!

    Happy Birthday, HUH!

    Billy Bones is a riot,

    Likes t' think he is pirate.

    Happy Birthday, HUH!

    Happy Birthday, HUH!

    Sorry that I got it wrong,

    Didn't know it were a song!

    Happy Birthday, HUH!

    Happy Birthday, HUH!

    Hope this were a little better,

    Maybe you would like a letter.

    Happy Birthday, HUH!

    Happy Birthday, HUH!

  11. Aw, ye'd think by now we'd be use t' top heavy lasses in yer position, offerin' bottomless refills.

    Better than the opposite don't you think: Bottom heavy and topless? I've been told it's much more enjoyable to refill the bottomless..... ;) especially if its top heavy. Food for thought?

    Ye do know that the bottomless reference, were t' me tankard, luv? Yer state o' dress was not in question, but I see it has already garnered ye a few admirers.

  12. As were me custom, I decided t' stretch me legs 'fore turnin' in. When I spied Roberts standin' next t' a lady, on deck.

    Aye, under the cover o' darkness, an no boats 'bout. There she stood, side a nervous lookin' Roberts, wit' a concerned look upon his brow. I announced me presence, so not t' further spook Roberts. "Good evenin', Silkie. Welcome aboard, lass!"

    I waved off Stones who had also taken notice, of the unusual arrival.

    I turned t' Roberts, "Mister Roberts, ye look a bit slack in the sails." Brandy an a woman boardin' a ship at sea, wit' out transport, will do that t' ye. He mumbled somethin'.

    "Mister Roberts, if ye'd be so kind, take Silkie below." I turn t' Silkie, "If ye need a bit o' privacy, we can hang a few sea blankets as curtains, fer ye." She declined, an followed the befuddled Roberts, below decks.

  13. "Fore we sail, t' the Dry Tortugas, we'll sail t' San Cristóbal de La Habana (Havana). We can trade some contrabando an information. Don't want t' be in Spanish waters wit' out business, lest the Spanish sink ye on principal." I scanned Roberts' face, "Ye did tell Ransom we was sailin' t' Havana?" His expression told me, he had left out that little detail.

  14. We settled in t' me cabin at a table, which had two empty crystal glasses an the bottle of brandy. I poured a bit o' the amber liquid in t' each, an handed one t' Roberts. I warmed my glass in my palm, swirled it, an sniffed it.

    I knew Ransom had raked Dillard over the coals. I suspected Roberts charms were lost on her, too. "So, are they ready t' make sail?" I sipped the brandy, an waited fer Roberts reply.

  15. The sun was beginnin' t' set, an the jolly boat was tackin' her way back.

    When Smithe brought the small boat along side, a scowlin' Roberts climbed back aboard the Relentless.

    "Mister Roberts, I trust the Rakehell will soon join us in open water," I said t' him. His countenance did not improve, an he nodded. So I said, "Ye look like ye could use that brandy, now! Join me fer a drink in me quarters?"

  16. ^ Romantic (many say it's bein' naive.)

    < Adaptable, cause I realize others motivations can run counter t' mine.

    V How do ye temper yer romanticism wit' out surrenderin' t' cynicism?

  17. ^ In between.

    < Quite willin' t' lead, an able t' follow (plays well wit' others); too often the loner lately, when there's no one t' lead, an none worth followin'.

    V Do people take ye seriously or not?

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