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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. ^ Touchin' my face, where me mustache, an goatee is comin' back in fer the pirate season.

    < Just thinkin' 'bout all the amazin' folk here... BlackJohn the warrior monk, Chole the hippie camper, Ransom the fiery redhead, an Jenny the CAt, wit' more than nine lives.

    V Ever meet someone really amazin'? (Not a family member or neighbor)

  2. ^ A good friend is someone I know, have affection fer an trust.

    < Real friends are rare an precious, take care o' them. (I know that sounds trite but it's true.)

    V Can we ever know someone?

  3. ^ (t' Chole...) Too consevative t' be a hippie, an a little too hippie t' be accepted by the conservatives.

    ^ (t' Red CAt...) They collect me hopefully, fer I'm havin' a devil o' a time collectin' them. (Is there a hole in me friend sack?) When yer married ye have couple friends and family friends...

    < Lived near Cotati once, the town streets formed a peace symbol. Vegetarian restaurants, and interestin' people. I miss them...

    V Wot makes a friend?

  4. ^ Bare minimum, but t' be fair me brother-in-law brings two o' everythin' lately, when we go campin'.

    < I would love t' try period tents, too. Wool blankets instead o' sleepin' bags. I just think if I did here, I'd be campin' alone.

    V Rough it or bring the kitchen sink?

  5. ^ (t' Chole... ) Done both. But wit some o' the blood suckin', flyin' bugs, tentage wit' screens are best.

    ^ (t' Red CAt...) Casual friends in a heart beat. Long term friends, long time in the makin', and hard t' hold on too. Folks keep movin' an sometimes move on... (sigh)

    < Chole, t' most gals, tents are not eye candy; ye are one o' a kind, luv.

    V Candle lamps or oil lamps? (Just watchin' Chole drool... more period campin' eye candy.)

  6. ^ (t' answer Chole... ) I thank anyone, who does anythin' fer me.

    ^ (t' answer Red CAt...) I need t' know that someone, I only know through this pub, is really O.K..

    < Sometimes my mind works out answers to things, 'fore I have all the information. Sometimes this is good, and allows me t' prevent problems. Sometimes this can cause problems.

    V Jump t' conclusions or wait fer all the information?

  7. ^ The children's schedules dominated this week. Still got a few things done.

    < Somethings just take longer than they should.

    V Have anything that is takin' a lot longer than it should?

  8. Here's one:

    I was in the store yesterday,rolling my eyes as I walked through the lingerie section,and the thought occured:what is the deal with men and the whole garter belt thing? Wouldn't they prefer bare legs and feet with something pretty and skimpy(some effme heels for effect are nice)? I refuse to wear them,they always seem to be in the way. Guys,enlighten us. Girls,any share my feelings on this?

    Never known a woman who wore a garter belt! A teddy works... Heck, flannel pj's work, on the right woman!

  9. Smithe dropped the lag sail, an we glided next t' the Relentless. I didn't wait on ceremony, an climbed aboard our ship.

    Jonesy caught a moorin' line, an tied it off. Dillard step up t' greet me, wit' a welcome salute. I said t' him, "Raise a signal flag that were makin' sail. Let's weigh anchor Mister Dillard."

  10. ^ Computers, ye don't hav t' water 'em.

    < Not ready fer Chole t' take over the world. But willin' t' let her take over the school system!

    V Midnight snacker or Snack all the time?

  11. I leaned forward and placed a hand on his knee, my voice gentler than before.  "Truely, Jacky, I hope you know what you're getting us all into. I don't want anything to happen to any of us, and I don't want to loose my ship," I smiled, "Or my very good friend."

    It weren't often enough that she touched me in a friendly manner, an I placed my hand on hers, an said, "Then we hav an accord. We two merchant ship captains, wit' business in Havana."

    At that moment, Smithe came t' the railin' above us, t' inquire if we would be comin' aboard. I smiled an told him, "I think our business here is done, we best get back t' the Relentless, an make ready t' get underway."

  12. ^ No where t' go but up. I believe most things will reach stasis, sooner than later.

    < Ye can get numb, after a while. But don't lose yer capacity t' care. Apathy is a real killer.

    V Laugh or cry?

  13. ^ Go, an hope it's contagious, says I.

    < Just kiddin', usually offer up our house fer the get togethers. Glutton fer punishment or hopeless romantic. Yes Virginia, Jacky does believe peace in the middle east will happen, one day; also, believes certain family members will have somethin' nice t' say 'bout one another, one day.

    V Hope fer the best or plan fer the worst?

  14. ^ Still waitin' fer the DNA evidence t' prove were not related.

    < Family tree... it's the roots that bind.

    V Yer family... Ozzie and Harriet or Ozzy (Osbourne) an Sharon?

  15. ^ Sand is good, been t' few beachs wit' out it; rocky is bad wit' small children. Get salty, sandy, an usual burnt. Best beaches hav clear water. SoCal beaches despite the hype, not all are great.

    < Some river beaches are amazing! Jumped off some twenty foot rocks last summer, wot a rush.

    V White water or drift along?

  16. ^ Any outdoor activity wit' the kids.

    < Today went t' the park, an tossed around a baseball. When the weather gets warmer, swimmin' in the ocean, hikes, wot ever... Aye, Jacky uses hats an non-period sunscreen. Thankfully, the crew all tans better than dad.

    V Lay in the sun or under an umbrella?

  17. ^ Me employment and complexion, keep me indoors a lot.

    < Me brother wanted me t' go t' the boat show tomorrow; drat, I'm workin'.

    V Sailboat or motorboat? (Alternatively: Get there in a hurry or go where the wind takes ye?)

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