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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. ^ Did the little swab get a hold o' the keyboard, again?

    < This place is never borin'. Ninner, ninner, ninner... Fer fun I'd send me favorite hippie fer a make-over, an watch her try t' walk in heels! (She wore combat boots fer six years, an wore 'em out!)

    V Wot devilish make-over would ye do t' someone at the pub?

  2. ^Aye, Japanese furniture an clothin' is interestin'.

    < Slept on a Japanese bed fer a few years on tatami mats. Bedroom had Shoji screens and lamps, too.

    V Ever wish t' live in an Asian country?

  3. Spoke wit' Ransom. Hope I didn't bend her ear too long.

    No Ransom yer voice is not deep. Very pleasant talk, she seems a bit shy, but it is easy t' make her laugh.

    I was drivin' fer much o' the conversation, I worried 'bout losin' her call, an she had t' listen t' the background road noise.

    We spoke 'bout other pirates o' course. Talked 'bout weather, garb, an where TPHSB is goin' (Why is it taken us so bloody long t' get t' Cuba?)

    Well, we both burned some minutes on this one. Well worth it!

  4. ^ Aye, I've seen man made gem stones, an jewelry which out shines the real stuff.

    < Some ladies wear things t' impress others or t' put on the dog.

    V Dress t' impress or dress fer yerself?

  5. ^ Aye, some like bling, an wear it well.

    < It's funny the values we assign t' some things. People 'fore things fer me.

    V Wot's yer favorite gem stone or gem color?

  6. I turned t' Silkie, "Ye both are not just crew, Silkie. Ye will be part o' the landin' parties in Havana an the Dry Tortugas. Yer puttin' yerselves in harms way, an I mean t' discuss wot I think those risks may be."

    Dillard had been delayed, and now enters the cabin. He didn't look surprised by me dinner guests, an took a seat. I poured him a glass o' wine, an said, "Our first stop is Havana, an Silkie an Roberts will be goin' ashore wit' me." He nodded, an sipped his wine.

    "We are goin' into Havana t' trade rum an sugar. I want Spanish letters o' credit and goods which give us a reason t' be sailin' t' the Spanish colonies, in Florida."

  7. ^ Subtle; I wear just a weddin' ring. Sorry, no bling!

    < I suppose a watch is jewelry, too. Not a bling kinda guy.

    V Is it better t' receive or give bling?

  8. ^ Ye kiddin', I live me life in the dark. No broken bones but missed the bottom stair a few times!

    < I go along on the things that don't matter t' me that much, an seem t' make others happy.

    V Do ye like makin' others happy or is makin' yerself happy more important?

  9. ^ Darn they hav a hole; time fer new ones.

    ^ Me wife does the swappin' an waits fer me t' notice.

    < Went t' pick out a leather sofa, an I saw this red one... Me wife an daughter liked a brown one... we went home wit' a brown one, o' course.

    V Go along t' get along?

  10. ^ Red CAt bein' so surprised I had a phone.

    < A very short conversation, wit' the CAt. Aye, she has a Queens accent, an a very pleasant speakin' voice.

    V Wot's yer favorite accent?

  11. ^ (t' the CAt) CAt could ye tranlate that last one!

    ^ (t' Bess) Feathers? Are we talkin' Indians or Pirates? Did Bess just toss CAt outdoors???

    ^ (t' Ransom) Fall, it's usually cooler and we get a few trees wit' fall color. (Must be really spectacular back east)

    < So, we hav t' snow in the CAt, t' keep her out o' trouble.

    V Does weather or season affect yer ability t' get hav fun?

  12. ^ Little surprises delight the most (Cards, letters, an other intangibles).

    < Ye didn't scare me CAt. Yer little surprises decorate me computer table. Let's just say I've opened a couple doors an been greeted by a few whopper surprises!

    V Favorite flower?

  13. ^ Little thoughtful surprises are fun. Big surprises hav been know t' backfire.

    < It's me experience that big surprises, aren't always received in the same spirit in which they were intended (Know who yer surprisin' an get references!).

    V Ever been surprised and not like it?

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