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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. ^ Lunch! Just teasin', I enjoyed History, Math and Science.

    < Seems teachers made the classes enjoyable or not fer most o' us.

    V Ever hav a crush on a teacher?

  2. ^ Aye, wearin' facial hair. It's been funny how folks react.

    < Shaved it all off t' day, fer a weddin' this weekend.

    V Can ye change yer appearance where folks don't recognize ye?

  3. Sorry, luv. We had the celebrity and give aways. They handed out raffle tickets on the way in, an called out numbers durin' the program. Didn't hear anyone yell I got it, an prizes were t' be claimed after the program, so no one came up on stage t' stake their claim.

    Aye, the pistol looked like the prize o' the night! Or bein' immortized by havin' yer name hidden on the future DVD release... Nay, the pistol fer sure.

    I will say the ladies next me loved Orlando Bloom. One said, "Don't ye just want t' kiss him again and again." To which I replied, "No, not really!" She laughed and went on gushin' 'bout 'em.

    Cheers went up everytime Captain Jack Sparrow's picture went up on the screen. Barbossa received his share o' cheers too. So, I must say POTC Fans were happy t' be there, and showed it!

  4. ^ This is SoCal luv, we don't dress up fer much. 'Cept mayhaps a night at the theatre. Went t' the Pantages, t' see, "The Phantom of the Opera." Folks were dressed fer that!

    < It's sad really, often don't see folks dress fer weddin's or funerals, unless they're in 'em!

    V Do ye like t' dress up?

  5. Aye, attended wit' me youngest the event in Hollywood. There were pirates everywhere, an a troop dancin' an singin', in front o' the theatre.

    Orlando Bloom was present, an thanked the fans fer their support. They ran the trailer twice at the end o' our feature. We also, had guest appearances from the monkey (Jack) an the dog, wit' their trainers.

    The swag bags were odd, almost like an after thought. Contents same as those in San Francisco. Thought the bags could have had POTC on 'em, an mayhaps movie related mini-posters or such.

    The trailer was good, an I'm sure the movie will be a big hit in May.

  6. (Jacky spits out the lemon wedge...)

    Ye know Silkie, luv. Ye had me wit' the shoulder rub. Aye, I was putty in yer hands, an then ye went an wedged the lemon wedge in me mouth!

    Timin' is everythin' luv. Better luck next time.

  7. ^ Go see a movie I've seen a bajillion times, wit' me youngest.

    < The AWE trailer looks good! Aye, POTC III is goin' t' be a big summer movie.

    V Hav a movie ye've seen a bajillion times?

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