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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. The Rakehell should hav caught up wit' us by now. Why was she laggin' so far behind?

    The Relentless was a rigged like a snow, we can tack south east an come back on the Rakehell's position.

    "Gentlemen, we're headin' back t' the Rakehell's position, brace yer self lads." I turned t' Smithe, who was at the helm, an bellowed, "Hard a port!"

  2. Sometimes we have bad days, weeks, or longer. Mayhaps we celebrate or suffer things alone. I call many here friend, and would like to think I can offer them some solace or support.

    So, I humbly offer this thread as a place to post dedications to those who may need it. Despite the bravado, posturing and brave faces shown here, life can be taxing.

    I dedicate this first post to everyone here...

    "Life is Beautiful" by Vega4

  3. ^ Me father ruled wit' a iron fist an I was the oldest o' three brothers. Me teen years allowed little back talk.

    < Me daughter (a tween) has been a dream, an her friends are just as polite. So far it's been grand.

    V Which are worst in their teen years boys or girls?

  4. ^ Aye, sometimes they laugh wit' me an sometimes they laugh at me (by design).

    < Some people just say things, that are ripe fer a humorous response. I don't try t' embarrass or put down anyone, an I think I know those I can joke wit' an those I can't.

    V Can ye joke 'bout yer self at work? Or is that frowned upon?

  5. Mornin' is dawnin', but ye wouldn't know it by the sky over head. The waters are black as pitch, an thank providence the waves hav quit crashin' so hard on the foredeck. Turnin' t' look fer the Rakehell, I spy her position.

    A lightin' strike reveals just how far a part the ships hav gotten.

  6. ^ Aye, done work fer some folks I didn't care fer. Alas, business is business!

    < As responsible adults we often do things we don't want to do and don't complain 'bout those we do it fer.

    V The bad boss or the bad client, ever daydreamed 'bout goin' postal? (Don't mean killin' anyone! Just mayhaps bustin' somethin' or someone up.)

  7. ^ Nothin'! Really hav not lost anythin' I'd miss. Except mayhaps friends; but they're not things.

    < Miss a few things I've gotten rid of too soon.

    V Anything ye regret ye disposed of or gave away?

  8. ^ Are ye kiddin'? Kids hav a way o' findin' places fer things.

    < Need t' run shotgun on the youngest, his room is often the one needin' organizin'.

    V Are ye overly particular 'bout the order of things?

  9. ^ Would like t' make or grow more things.

    < I like fresh herbs t' cook wit'. (^Wonders why Morgan has so many aloes?)

    < Do ye hav fruit trees or a vegetable garden?

  10. ^ Addin' hardscape. (We're in a drought, time t' wack some lawn.)

    < The home, the money pit an constant project.

    V Home projects... Does it feel like they never end?

  11. If ye are indeed our new resident expert in chapbooks an broadsheets, ye should post in twill. Kass an a few other merchants are resellin' reprints of period papers.

    Ye could inspire some lively discussions, an shed more light on yer merchantile perspective. Many merchants (Pirates) o' their time hav used the printed word t' further their own ends.

    Welcome, 'The Chapman!'

  12. Another? Are you talking about Tattoo the rum, or tattoo, ink on your bod? Didn't think you were sportin' any ink. Or is this virtual ink? B) **ice is beginning to melt**

    Ransom would ye stand back luv, yer meltin' me ice!

    O' course it be rum wit' champagne (a Ransom, Ray calls it); no ink on this bod.

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