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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. As we passed out the door o' me cabin, we had t' step ov'r Smithe's body. I turned t' Roberts, "Yer handiwork?" Did he take on the whole crew why I was out?

    "I want t' check on somethin' fore we go topside," cautiously we approached the forward berths. Sadly, we found Stones out cold in his hammock; no doubt drugged. The mute Jonesy, was sittin' in his hammock below. "Jonesy do ye know who did this t' Stones?" He nodded, reached fer a soup bowl an pulled out a spoon.

  2. If it were a mutiny, then we would not be welcome on deck. I would not hide in me cabin. I stood on wobble legs, and turned t' Roberts, "I'm goin' top side, are ye wit' me?" Before leavin' me cabin, I grabbed a small bag and stuffed it in me coat pocket; I hoped I wouldn't need the contents o' the bag.

  3. I winced, the Rakehell an the blow t' the back o' the head, were related. Did Dillard think I'd lost me mind, 'cause o' some illness? How did he know I'd suffered wit' bouts o' fever in the past? Why question me judgement? Who the bloody hell hit me?

    I wanted t' return fer the Rakehell, her captain an crew. "Roberts, I know we both hav good reason t' go back fer the Rakehell." I paused, "Wot were ye told when they took ye below?"

  4. ^ I can make a fool o' me self wit' out alcohol!

    < Willin' t' try period dance. Mayhaps that would make an interestin' activity at Ojai?

    V How 'bout period singin'! Would ye sing period songs?

  5. I looked at the man facin' me wit' his cutlass in his hand, an said, "Seems there's been somethin' afoot, if ye be so kind as t' lower yer cutlass, I'll happily uncock me pistol!"

    Roberts hesitated, but I did not, an uncocked me pistol. I slide it in back into me belt, an poured me self an Mister Roberts a drink. "I accept that yer not part o' any mutiny, even though ye did barge into me cabin wit' yer cutlass drawn." The man was beginnin' t' look a bit sheepish, an I said, "I apologize for any mistreatment ye may hav received at the hands o' me crew, in me absence."

  6. I had t' add me pirate name t' the PO Box, t' receive plunder. The postal clerk wanted t' know who Jacky Tar was, an I said it were me. She asked wot kind o' alias is Jacky Tar, I said it's me pirate name... she just looked at me blankly, and said, "Yes, but what kind of alias is it?" I replied, "It' me pirate name, like Pirates of the Carribbean. Arrrr! ye ready t' walk the plank?" She still gave me a blank stare and said OK.

  7. ... When they are predicting a snow storm... and all you can think about is doing a photo shoot in the snow wearing your pirate outfit to co-inside with PotC 3. :huh:

    ... When you watch over and over again the trailer for AWE and have a sudden craving for chinese and sushi.

    ... When you walk into your bathroom and suddenly a song from a pirate movie pops into your head - specifically the erie background music in "the Goonies" when Mikey opened the hatch and entered slowly into One Eyed Willie's quarters.

    ... When you watched last nights Dancing With The Stars and thought Joey and his partner were cheesy pirates cause of the way they dressed.

    ... When others talk about Glocks and other guns you start talking about your flintlocks and have no interest in their weapons cause your weapon is just WAY TOO COOL!!!

    ~Lady B


    If yer thinkin' all that, I'd say yer startin' t' get back t' yer good ol' self, Lady 'B'.

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